Craft Beer facts
While investigating facts about Craft Beer Market and Craft Beer Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Home-brewing beer or wine with an ABV greater than 0.5% was illegal until 1978 when President Jimmy Carter deregulated home-brewing. This led to the craft beer industry we know today.
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President Jimmy Carter signed a bill that created an exemption from taxation of beer brewed at home for personal or family use. Opening the door for today's craft beer brewers.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what craft beer is light. Here are 30 of the best facts about Craft Beer Delivery and Craft Beer Cellar I managed to collect.
what's craft beer?
During the global hop shortage of 2008, the Samuel Adams Beer Company sold 20,000 pounds of their excess hops to over 200 craft breweries, at cost. This helped prevent the breweries from going out of business.
Some of the U.S.'s favorite craft breweries no longer technically brew "craft beer" - Founders, Ballast Point, Goose Island, Redhook, Elysian, Lagunitas and tons more kicked out of the craft beer category after acquisitions by big beer (aka Anheuser-Busch, Moslon, etc.)
Jimmy Carter de-regulated the beer market in 1979, opening back up to craft brewers in USA.
The wide variety of craft beer found in the US would not have been possible without president Carter signing H.R.1337, the "Homebrew act," into law.
The Hanson brothers make a craft beer named Mmmhops.
Portland Airport's (PDX) CARPET is so beloved, residents have created merchandise, a craft beer, and even tattoos based on the design.
The "German Beer Purity Law" first adopted in Bavaria in 1517 has lead to both foreign beers and craft beers in modern Germany being largely unavailable as until the 1990s imported beer was not allowed to be sold.
The defintion of craft beer is brewing 6 million barrels or less a year
Wine is the alcoholic drink choice of Millennials. They drank 42% of the wine drunk in the US in 2015, which was almost 160 million cases of wine. Additionally, if they do drink beer, they are gravitating towards craft beers instead of big name beers.
Craft Beer data charts
For your convenience take a look at Craft Beer figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why craft beer in cans?
You can easily fact check why is sam adams a craft beer by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Hanson brothers make a craft beer named Mmmhops
Jim Koch, brewer of Sam Adams and often described as the "Willy Wonka" of craft beer, holds a Juris Doctor and an MBA from Harvard University. - source
The popular American craft beer "Blue Moon" is actually owned by a giant brewer and they use "deceptive" marketing to make people think it's a small brewery that made it big, including a fictitious origin story about it being it created in garage. - source
Samuel Adams (Boston Beer) supports its competitors to make the craft brewing industry stronger.
The band Hanson owns a craft brewery where they make a beer called "Mmmhops" - source
When is craft beer week?
The Cuyahoga River in Cleveland caught fire 13 times, inspiring the song "Burn on Big River" and the craft beer "Burning River Pale Ale"
How to make craft beer?
March 8th is also "Int'l Women's Collaboration Brew Day" - where women brewers come together to raise awareness of women in the brewing industry by crafting an annual beer.
The Beer Crowler, an innovative and cost effective alternative to the standard glass Growler. Typically 32oz and fillable and sealable on-site, these aluminum “oversized” cans offer easier portability and longevity for craft and draft beers.
Hanson run their own craft beer company. Their flagship brew is called “Mmmhops”
The craft beer equivalent of Sake is known as "Jizake" in Japanese
Craft Beer is typically viewed as masculine item and if consumers knew it was made by a woman the beer’s value will decline according to a study by Stanford university. Cupcakes are considered feminine while Coffee is considered neutral gender item.
Craft beer infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Craft Beer numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.