College Students facts
While investigating facts about College Students Cares Act and College Students And Depression, I found out little known, but curios details like:
High priced college textbooks bundled with "access codes" that expire at the end of the semester largely force students to buy books at retail prices at campus bookstores and render the texts worthless in the resale market. Nearly four in 10 college courses bundle their texts with access codes.
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Rapper J. Cole graduated high school with a 4.2 GPA, accepted a scholarship to St. Johns University, was the president of a pan-African student coalition in college, and graduated with a magna cum laude in communication and business.
What percent of college students graduate with honors?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the cares act for college students. Here are 50 of the best facts about College Students Jobs and College Students Amazon Prime I managed to collect.
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Korean college students once protested against the amount of air in potato chip packets by building a raft out of them and sailing across a river.
There is a long-term care facility in the Netherlands that allows college students to stay for free in exchange for 30 hours of volunteer per month. When students come home from a class, concert, or party, they share those experiences with their elderly neighbors, some of whom are over 90
Bill Gates predicts that the growth of instructional software will replace textbooks. However, in a 2018 survey of college students, the trade publication Library Journal found that 75 percent say that reading print books is easier than e-books
If college students work while going to college their employers can count up to $5200 of their pay as tuition reimbursement and make that amount tax deductible for the student. Only a few percent of employers utilize this.
When Elizabeth Blackwell, the first female recipient of a medical degree in the U.S., applied to Hobart College, the dean decided to hold a vote in the class she was applying to. If just one of the 150 male students objected, she would be rejected. All the 150 young men voted to accept her
Pornhub has a branch of their network called “Pornhub Cares” where they focus on humanitarian efforts. Some of their causes are breast and testicular cancer research, planting trees, and funding student college scholarships.
International students can attend for free all public colleges in Germany, Iceland, Norway and Finland; many have programs taught 100% in English; and the average tuition at colleges throughout Europe is $2,225/year.
A college student aligned his teeth successfully by 3D printing his own clear braces for less than $60; he'd built his own 3D home printer but fixed his teeth over months with 12 trays he made on his college's more precise 3D printer.
In 1971, Nike paid a college student $35 for the "swoosh" logo she designed.
Conan OBrien and friends dressed like construction workers and started tearing up a street. Conan then called city police to report his crime, and then called state police saying college students dressed as policemen were harassing construction workers. Both forces arrived to arrest each other.
College Students data charts
For your convenience take a look at College Students figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why college students stress by examining the linked well-known sources.
Students at Oberlin College can rent original paintings by Picasso, Monet, and Dalí (among others) to hang in their dorm rooms for $5 per semester
A college student aligned his teeth successfully by 3D printing his own clear braces for less than $60; he'd built his own 3D home printer but fixed his teeth over months with 12 trays he made on his college's more precise 3D printer. - source
Hampshire college students spend the morning of Easter Sunday hunting for (and drinking) kegs of beer hidden in woods near the campus. It's called the Easter Keg Hunt. - source
Berea College in Kentucky has a $1B endowment and doesn't charge students for tuition.
College students in Cleveland are living rent free in a retirement home. This unique living arrangement has benefits for both parties. Studies show that contact with younger people helps beat dementia, while the students save on housing costs. - source
When is spring break for college students?
When college football teams traveled by train, Auburn students would literally grease the local stations tracks before Georgia Tech games, causing the train to overshoot the station and forcing the Tech players to carry their luggage for miles.
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When he was a student at Trinity College, Lord Byron was so infuriated that pet dogs were banned that he acquired a tame bear. He argued that as bears weren’t specifically mentioned in their rules, there were no legal grounds for complaint. Lord Byron eventually won the argument.
In 2007, a group of college students drove the speed limit (55MPH) on I-285 and backed up traffic for miles.
In 2007, a group of college students drove the speed limit (55MPH) on I-285 and backed up traffic for miles.
Skyrocketing college tuition prices began in 2005, when Congress passed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, that made it essentially impossible to discharge or declare bankruptcy on federal or private student loans.
James Franco launched a college course entitled "Master Class: Editing James Franco...with James Franco," in which student editors are to compile a 30 minute documentary on Franco, using behind the scenes footage of Franco supplied by Franco, to "create a cinematic image of James Franco."
College students infographics
Beautiful visual representation of College Students numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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