Cold Temperatures facts
While investigating facts about Cold Temperatures Across The Us and Cold Temperatures In Usa, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Cats have a distinct temperature preference for their food, preferring food at around 38 °C which is similar to that of a fresh kill and routinely rejecting food presented cold (which would signal to the cat that the "prey" is long dead and therefore possibly toxic or decomposing).
how cold temperatures affect the body?
Bacteria will feed on a decaying body underwater and create gas, which causes the body to float to the surface. However, Lake Superior's cold temperatures inhibit bacterial growth and the bodies tend to sink and never resurfaced.
What is bottom fermented at cold temperatures?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering why is fermentation slow at cold temperatures. Here are 50 of the best facts about Cold Temperatures In America and Cold Temperatures In Midwest I managed to collect.
what happens to enzymes at cold temperatures?
There was a Japanese man who survived 24 days of cold weather by inadvertently falling into a state of hibernation. When he was found, his temperature had dropped to 71°F.
A cave goat that went extinct approx. 5,000 years ago is the first known mammal to have become cold-blooded. Their bone growth rate is unlike any other mammal, and more similar to crocodiles in showing slow and adaptive rates to environmental temperature.
Penguins need their feet to be bare despite walking on ice. Their bodies are so well insulated that they need the freezing cold to help regulate their body temperature and keep it from overheating.
15 minutes of shivering from cold temperatures can be the metabolic equivalent of 1 hour of exercise.
The reason that men’s testicles are not internal organs like female ovaries is because sperm cannot survive at our internal body temperature. They require a lower temperature which is why they hang down, but also why the scrotum shrivels up when it is too cold.
Alexis Soyer, a French celebrity chef (born 1810) who invented cooking with gas, refrigerators cooled by cold water, and ovens with adjustable temperatures. His kitchens were so famous that they were opened for conducted tours.
The Yaghan people adapted to their very cold climate by having significantly higher metabolisms than other humans (average body temperatures 1 degree warmer than Europeans). They routinely went bare naked in the frigid cold of the far southern region of Tierra del Fuego.
The first living creature to orbit the earth was Laika, a stray Russian dog. Russian scientists figured a stray dog already learned to endure harsh conditions of cold temperature and hunger making it an ideal astronaut.
There is no link between sudden changes in temperatures and catching a cold. Even though indirect results of cold weather, such as low humidity, can increase your chances of getting a cold, walking out into the cold with wet hair does not seem to have any effect on this likelyhood.
The vacuum of space is cold" is a myth. If you're in total darkness at the coldest spot in the known universe, the vacuum of space can get down to -454 ºF. But in sunlight near Earth, temperatures can swing to a boiling 250 ºF. That's why astronauts wear reflective white spacesuits.
Cold Temperatures data charts
For your convenience take a look at Cold Temperatures figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why does heart rate decrease in cold temperatures?
You can easily fact check why can some fossils form in cold temperatures by examining the linked well-known sources.
2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), a potent weight loss drug that raises body temperature to burn more calories, was used by Russian soldiers in WWII to very effectively survive extreme cold. They could also use it as an explosive.
It's possible to have an "ice cold" soda because the added sugar lowers the temperature at which it will freeze - source
The International Hair Freezing Contest, a sculpted hair competition held at a resort in the Takhini Hot Springs, Canada. The annual competition involves participants sitting in a hot spring and sculpting their wet hair in cold temperatures. The first place prize is $700 dollars. - source
The US military developed special cold weather boots called Bunny Boots which feature a full inch of wool lining. Each boot weighs 1.5kg and they can be used in -58C temperatures.
Mint tastes cold due to the presence of the chemical menthol which binds to cold-sensitive receptors on the skin and tricks the brain into thinking that the area is cold, even though it remains the same temperature as before. - source
Working in cold temperatures when pregnant?
Mauna Loa's summit is characterized by cold temperatures, with most precipitation being snow.
How cold temperatures can pansies tolerate?
Golf balls travel farther in hot temperatures than in cold temperatures.
Theoretical physicist Richard Feynman demonstrated that the O-rings which were responsible for the 1986 Challenger Space Shuttle explosion were unable to withstand cold temperatures by simply and famously immersing them in a glass of ice water.
Winter in Plitvice Lakes National Park can be extremely cold with temperature dropping low enough that the water freezes over, including the waterfalls, for as long as 30 days in some years.
Grey seal has two layers of dense fur and thick layer of blubber which keep body temperature stable in the cold waters.
Sprites "are major electrical discharges, but they are not lightning in the usual sense. Instead, they are a cold plasma phenomenon without the extremely hot temperatures of lightning that we see underneath thunderstorms." A "sprite's tendrils" can reach "100 kilometers above Earth's surface."