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Coded Message facts

While investigating facts about Coded Messages and Coded Message Generator, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Colombian army once made a song with Morse code in it and aired it in rebel-controlled territory to lift the morale of hostages held there. The message read '19 rescued, you're next. Don't lose hope.'

how a coded message was sent and intercepted crossword clue?

Sweden tries to ward off Russian submarines from violating its maritime borders by lowering a neon sign depicting a thrusting 'gay' sailor underwater. The sign also sends a message in Morse code which says, "this way if you are gay".

What coded message means?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the coded message in spider man. Here are 50 of the best facts about Coded Message Maker and Coded Message Trove I managed to collect.

what's coded message?

  1. A British POW started a hobby of stitching while in captivity. His work was so good it was hung on the wall by the German guards, not realising the secret message stitched on it. The message 'God Save The King' and 'F--- Hitler' was stitched in Morse code.

  2. When the French Navy officially ceased using Morse Code on January 31st, 1997, the final message they transmitted was "Calling all. This is our last cry before our eternal silence."

  3. The Navajo code is the only spoken military code never to have been deciphered. During WWII, since only 30 non-Navajo people could understand Navajo, the US used Navajos as code talkers. They could encode, transmit, and decode a three-line message in 20 seconds, versus 30 minutes for machines.

  4. US POW, Jeremiah Denton, blinked a message in morse code whilst on Vietnamese television, spelling the word "torture." This informed the CIA of conditions in Vietnamese captivity.

  5. In WW2, US codebreakers could not decipher the Japanese code "AF" but suspected it was Midway, so the base there sent an uncoded message about a water supply problem. The US then caught a Japanese message that AF had water problems, allowing the US pacific fleet to immediately prepare for battle

  6. In 1953 a newspaper boy was paid with a coin which he found to be hollow and contain a coded message. He gave it to authorities but the code could not be deciphered. Years later, a Russian spy in the U.S. defected and during his interrogation was shown the coin and code. The message was for him.

  7. Thomas Edison taught his second wife Morse code to tap out messages on his arm so they could communicate in secret in front of her parents.

  8. Johnny Cash had a unique ability for deciphering Morse code and was given top security clearance in the Air Force during the Cold War, intercepting Soviet messages

  9. An Army dentist drilled the message "Remember Pearl Harbor" in Morse code inside Gen. Hideki Tojo's dentures while the general was imprisoned in occupied Japan for war crimes.

coded message facts
What was happy's coded message to nick fury?

Coded Message data charts

For your convenience take a look at Coded Message figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

coded message fact data chart about Words occurring in all the commit messages in our backend co
Words occurring in all the commit messages in our backend code repository

What is true about coded message?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Armed Forces of Colombia commissioned a pop song that included a Morse code message to kidnapped military personnel, "19 people rescued, you're next. Don't lose hope", because the kidnappers would let their captives listen to radio.

The Virgin Hotel in Chicago has no check-in desk; it uses a smartphone system in which you scan a QR code and retrieve your room key from a vending machine. The personal comfort assistant app named Lucy can order more pillows, control room temperature, and coordinate messages with hotel staff. - source

The famous "shave and a haircut" door knock is morse code for "Attention" which is also the greeting used for code messages.

There were over 158,962,555,217,826,360,000 combinations to the Enigma Machine, regarding the codes it could use for messages. Yet, Alan Turing's Bombe machine, through just trial and error, was able to decode messages sent by Germans in 20 minutes. - source

When did the navajo code talkers start?

John Dee, a courtier and spy of Queen Elizabeth I, would sign his name as "007" when sending coded messages back to her.

How to write a coded message?

New knitting patterns were banned in both world wars as a counter-measure to knitted coded messages

The Cryptex, the cylindrical combination vaults that hold secret messages, made famous in The Da Vinci Code, is a neologism completely invented by Dan Brown and has no historical connection to a real device of the sort.

"Better Days" by Natalia Gutierrez Y Angelo, a 2010 Colombian song with a secret hidden message in Morse code meant for the soldiers kidnapped by the FARC (Colombian guerilla). The message was "19 people rescued. You are next. Don’t lose hope."

Isdal Woman Mystery: In November 1970, the badly burnt body of a woman was found in a remote spot in Norway's Isdalen valley. Someone had cut the labels off her clothes, and scraped distinctive marks off her belongings. Police uncovered a trail of coded messages, disguises, and fake identities

Pres. Reagan joked into a hot mic "I've signed legislation that will outlaw the Soviet Union forever. We begin bombing in 5 minutes." 4 days later the Soviet command in Vladivostok sent a coded message stating "We now embark on military action against the U.S. forces." Apparently also a joke.

When were code talkers used?

In 1844 Samuel Morse tapped out his first long distance Morse code message between Baltimore and Washington. His message was, "What hath God wrought!"

Famous SF author Philip K. Dick wrote a novel in which the Germans and Japanese won World War Two and jointly occupied the United States. He also contacted the FBI about a perceived plot, apparently having been asked to put certain code words in his novels meant as a message.

Many Union telegrams were intercepted by Confederate soldiers, although the cipher used to code the messages was never broken. Confederate forces were so desperate to crack the Union code that they used to publish the intercepted messages in Southern newspapers to crowdsource possible solutions.

The first private satellite was launched in 1962 (about 4 years after the launch of Sputnik-1). It was built by an amateur radio club and orbited earth for 22 days transmitting the message "Hi" in morse code.

Galileo sent two coded messages to Kepler. One about the unusual shape of Saturn and another about the phases of Venus. Kepler misinterpreted the messages, respectively, as saying Mars has two moons and that Jupiter has a red spot.

How to make a coded message?

11,000 women were breaking Nazi codes in America during WWII. Among them was Elizebeth Friedman who cracked at least 3 Enigma machines and dozens of different radio circuits to decipher more than 4,000 Nazi messages saving millions of lives. J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI took credit for it.

There is a sculpture at the CIA headquarters with a coded message that has never been solved

Murder victim Ricky McCormick's body was discovered in a field with two encrypted messages in his pockets. His family claimed him to be illiterate, with no way of writing in code. Attempts to decipher the codes by the FBI were unsuccessful.

Kryptos is a sculpture located on the grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia. Bearing four messages, the first three have been solved, while the fourth message remains as one of the most famous unsolved codes in the world.

There is currently a Soviet radio signal message headed towards the Libra constellation, from 1962. The message reads "World Peace, Lenin, SSSR' in Morse Code.

The Victorian Flower code that functions as a means of communication in which various flowers and floral arrangements that are used to send coded messages

The Colombian government embedded a secret Morse Code message hidden in a song so they could communicate with kidnapped police and military officials being held prisoner by Colombian guerrilla forces.

There were spies working for both the British and the Americans, passing secret messages and plans for battles back and forth. Some of these messages were cleverly hidden in coded letters, letters with invisible ink, and even sewn into buttons.

On 9/11, US and Canadian officials believed that a fifth airliner had been hijacked. The pilots of Korean Air Flight 85 had sent out a message with the abbreviation "HJK", a code for hijack, due to a translation error.

Telecom companies successfully rigged the bidding for broadcast licenses by putting coded messages to each other in the trailing digits of their multi-million dollar bids.

French DJ & songwriter Madeon has been hiding secret and cryptic messages in his songs. The true meaning behind these codes remains unclear to this day.

UVB-76: a mysterious Russian shortwave radio station that has been transmitting a monotonous short buzzing tone, rarely interrupted by coded messages, 24 hours a day since 1974

When Edmund Hillary and Tenzig Norgay were the first people to officially reach the summit of Everest, a coded message was sent by a runner from base camp to Namche Bazaar with the news. This was probably the last major news item to be delivered to the world by runner.

The Culper Ring used many modern spy techniques, such as: invisible ink, coded messages, and dead drops.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Coded Message. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Coded Message so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor