Coca Cola facts
While investigating facts about Coca Cola Tu and Coca Cola Song, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Coca-Cola was sued by a consumer protection agency for misleading health claims regarding VitaminWater, which contains 33 grams of sugar per bottle. Coca-Cola's defense was that "no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking VitaminWater was a healthy beverage.”
how coca cola is made?
During the time of the Great Depression, a banker convinced struggling families in Quincy, Florida to buy Coca-Cola shares which traded at $19. Later, the town became the single richest town per capita in the US with at least 67 millionaires.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's coca cola made of. Here are 50 of the best facts about Coca Cola Tu Shola Shola Tu and Coca Cola Stock I managed to collect.
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When Crystal Pepsi was released, Coca-Cola released a competitor called Tab Clear, however Tab Clear was intentionally marketed poorly in order to hurt Crystal Pepsi's image by product association. The "born to die" strategy was successful and both campaigns were dead 6 months later.
Coca-Cola never patented their "secret formula" because otherwise they would be required to disclose it to the public.
In 2013, Coca-Cola cancelled a promotion that paired randomly generated English and French words inside their caps until a lady received one that said "You Retard"
At the founding of the first McDonalds, Ray Krok and a Coca-Cola executive named Waddy Pratt entered into a "Gentleman's Handshake" agreement that all McDonalds would offer Coca-Cola exclusively. Both companies continue to honor this agreement.
Coca-Cola was accused of hiring hitmen from a prominent paramilitary group between 1990 and 2002 to kill at least 10 trade union leaders.
In 1935, to verify whether Coca-Cola was kosher, Rabbi Tobias Geffen was provided with its formula on the condition that he not disclose it. The Rabbi requested that the non-kosher beef tallow be substituted with a vegetable-based gylcerin, which was done, and the drink was declared kosher.
A banker who convinced local residents to buy Coca Cola Stock during the Depression resulted in a the richest town in America with more millionaires per capita. A single share bought at $19 would be worth $10 Million in 2013.
In 1985, a Coca-Cola employee was fired for being engaged to a Pepsi employee
A Coca-Cola corporate secretary once stole the secret Coca-Cola recipe and attempted to sell it to Pepsi. Instead of acquiring the recipe of their competitor, Pepsi called the FBI and had her arrested.
In 1999 Coca Cola invented a vending machine that could adjust its prices based on the temperature, allowing it to hike up the price of a Coke on a hot summer day. Customers denounced the idea, while even Pepsi accused Coke of exploitation
Coca Cola data charts
For your convenience take a look at Coca Cola figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why coca cola was invented?
You can easily fact check coca cola blak by examining the linked well-known sources.
Coca Cola had tried to sell bottled water at a premium price which happened to be tap water taken from the mains
Coca-Cola made a soda for the dystopian future, called OK Soda, which came with its own manifesto, and the slogan, "Everything is going to be OK." - source
Only one commercial entity in America can import Coco Leaves with approval from the DEA, The Stepan Company, after extracting the Cocaine, the leaves are then shipped to Coca Cola to be used as an ingredient in the secret recipe thus making an imitation recipe near impossible. - source
In 1999 Coca Cola invented a vending machine that could adjust its prices based on the temperature, allowing it to hike up the price of a Coke on a hot summer day. Customers denounced the idea, while even Pepsi accused Coke of exploitation
In a blind test taste Pepsi activated more dopamine receptors than Coca-Cola. However once participants were told they were drinking Coke, it then became the greater dopamine producing beverage over Pepsi -- even when lied to. Most likely it was Coke's marketing that was responsible. - source
When coca cola invented?
While Coca-Cola denies it designed "New Coke" to fail and create demand for "Coca Cola Classic" the period when "old" coke was off the market also helped mask the final transition from real sugar in the original recipe to High Fructose Corn Syrup in Coke Classic.
How coca cola was invented?
Only two employees are privy to the complete Coca-Cola formula at any given time and they are not permitted to travel together. When one dies, the other must choose a successor within the company.
Claud Hatcher bought a large amount of Coca-Cola syrup from a salesman and thought he deserved a reduced rate for the amount. When refused, Hatcher vowed to never purchase Coca-Cola again and was determined to develop his own soft drink. He kept his vow and today we have Royal Crown (RC) Cola.
With the help of Dwight Eisenhower, Coca-Cola produced a secret "White Coke" variant of the popular drink. It was made specifically for a powerful Soviet Military Marshall who loved Coca-Cola but needed to hide the fact he was drinking it as it was seen as an American imperialist product.
In 1964 white business leaders in Atlanta refused to buy tickets to an event honoring recent Nobel Prize winner Martin Luther King. Coca-Cola recognized the potential PR disaster and threatened to leave the city unless people attended. The event sold out the next day.
3 people tried to sell Coca Cola's secret ingredient to Pepsi, but Pepsi reported them to Coca Cola and the FBI