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Cigarette Filters facts

While investigating facts about Cigarette Filters Coles and Cigarette Filters Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After cigarettes were first linked to lung cancer, cigarette companies attempted to make them healthier by adding asbestos filters.

how cigarette filters are made?

In 1952 claims smoking causes cancer caused Kent cigarettes to come out with an asbestos filter to protect its smokers

What cigarette filters made of?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cigarette filters do. Here are 26 of the best facts about Cigarette Filters Uk and Cigarette Filters Australia I managed to collect.

what cigarette filters are supposed to block?

  1. The filters on cigarettes have no proven health benefits, and are the most common form of litter in the world.

  2. In order to offset some of the environmental damage caused by smoking, Indian Prasadam Industries has embedded seeds into its cigarette filters. Their biodegradable cigarette filters flower into trees when thrown away.

  3. Marlboro cigarettes were originally designed for women. The iconic red stripe was intended to hide lipstick stains, thus making it appealing to women. When it failed to attract women, the company changed the filter color to a muted brown, slapped a cowboy on it and marketed it to men.

  4. In an effort to make smoking "safer" one company decided to add a new, high-tech filter to their cigarettes. The filter was made out of asbestos. This decision did not end well.

  5. In 1952 Kent sold cigarettes with an asbestos filter claiming it was healthier than regular smoking

  6. From 1952 to 1956, billions of Kent Micronite cigarettes were sold with a filter made from asbestos. The new filter was marketed as "the greatest health protection in cigarette history."

  7. Marlboro cigarettes were initially marketed to women and included a red strip around their filters to hide lipstick marks.

  8. Kent released a cigarette in 1952 with a filter made out of asbestos (branded as a "micronite filter"). they sold 13 billion of these cigarettes before being discontinued in 1956 and they are suspected of causing many mesothelioma cases

  9. Cigarette filters are printed to look like cork.

  10. In the 50s cigarette manufacturers used asbestos filters to keep out those harmful tobacco toxins!

cigarette filters facts
What are cigarette filters made out of?

Why are cigarette filters orange?

You can easily fact check why are there holes in cigarette filters by examining the linked well-known sources.

A patent for a cheese filtered cigarette was patented in 1966 (#3234948)

Scissor-tailed flycatchers collect stems, flowers, moss, oat catkins, wool and various artificial items such as strings, paper, pieces of cloths and cigarette filters for the construction of nest. Female builds cup-shaped nest in the bush or trees. Construction of nest can last couple of days or few weeks.

Cigarette filters are a misinformation marketing tool and "that which is harmful in mainstream smoke and that which provides the smoker with ‘satisfaction’ are essentially one and the same" - source

The design of a cigarette filter is meant to imitate a cork. Cork was first used as a cigarette filter when the smoking was found to be harmful.

Some cigarette filters used to be made out of asbestos. - source

When were cigarette filters invented?

Kent manufactured and sold cigarettes with asbestos filters in the 1950's

How cigarette filters work?

Kent cigarette filters was made with asbestos between 1952 and 1956

Cigarette filters(butts) are the most littered debris in the US at 1,684,183 cigarette butts just on US beaches (33.6% of all debris).

The material used in a cigarette filter is the same material used in the original lego bricks and projector transparencies.

Marlboro was originally launched in 1924 as a woman's cigarette using the slogan "Mild As May" and focusing on the ladylike features of its filter. It was only rebranded as men's cigarette in the 1950's.

The recessed filters in Parliament cigarettes weren't intended for cocaine or even for soldiers to bite down on, but to actually "prevent tar from touching the smokers mouth, thus making them lower in tar content as well as enhancing the flavor."

When were cigarette filters introduced?

A lot of cigarettes are made with small holes in the filter, such to produce less (2-20 times) nicotine and tar when tested in laboratories for public health, using the prescribed ISO method, compared to the other available CI method or reality.

Kent cigarettes used to have asbestos in their filters down in the 50's

Cigarette filters do not actually do anything

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cigarette Filters. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cigarette Filters so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor