Incredible and fun facts to explore

Banana Peels facts

While investigating facts about Banana Peels For Plants and Banana Peels In Garden, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Researchers who measured the slipperiness of banana peels, the ability of pork strips to stop nosebleeds, and the reactions of reindeer to humans in polar bear suits were among the winners of 2014 Ig Nobel prizes.

how banana peels whiten teeth?

The European Assoc. of Urology developed an Erection Hardness Score (EHS) to quantify the level of erection hardness on a scale of one to four. As described by one researcher: Level 1 is like tofu; Level 2 is like a peeled banana; Level 3 is like an unpeeled banana; Level 4 is like a cucumber.

What banana peels are good for?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what banana peels do. Here are 32 of the best facts about Banana Peels For Skin and Banana Peels Uses I managed to collect.

what banana peels can do?

  1. A few decades ago, everyone ate a strain of banana called the Gros Michel. Its skin was more slippery than the Cavendish, the banana that we eat today, which is the reason why banana peels have been such a prominent cartoon gag.

  2. The "slipping on a banana peel" trope originated in the late 1800s, when discarded banana peels were considered a serious public hazard

  3. There are pink bananas, and they peel themselves when ripe!

  4. A hoax propagated since the 1960s claims that a psychoactive substance, bananadine, can be extracted from banana peels.

  5. In 1967, an underground Berkeley newspaper published a satirical story about extracting hallucinogenic chemicals from bananas to raise moral questions about banning drugs. People didn't realize it was a hoax and began smoking banana peels to try to get high.

  6. Banana peels can remove toxic metals from water

  7. In the 1960's, many people believed that smoking banana peels would get you high.

  8. In 1967 an underground Berkeley newspaper published a hoax story about using banana peel scrapings to get high and fooled mainstream media, and the FDA even ran a test on 30 lbs of bananas.

banana peels facts
What banana peels used for?

Banana Peels data charts

For your convenience take a look at Banana Peels figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

banana peels fact data chart about Weight ratio of banana peel to its total weight
Weight ratio of banana peel to its total weight

Why do banana peels split?

You can easily fact check why do banana peels turn brown by examining the linked well-known sources.

On the set of Martin Scorsese's 'Bringing out the dead', Nicolas cage was stalked by a Mime. The Mime would follow Cage and do strange things such as peeling transparent bananas and walking into invisible strong winds.

Orange and banana peels are really good for rose bushes. - source

Most common color of the peel is yellow, but certain species of banana have green, red, brown or purple peel.

The Queen eats bananas with a knife and fork by cutting off the ends and slicing opening the peel to expose the insides - source

What happens when you boil banana peels?

Banana peels make a great fertilizer for rose plants and rubbing the inside of a banana peel on pimples can help them to heal.

How banana peels remove warts?

Dopamine can be found in the peel and fruit pulp of the banana.

Engineers have tried to build a 'Back to the Future'-like flying hoverboard, but that those that look like the movie's don't perform well. One entrepreneur said that the "visuals of the movie, how it looks, held back the hoverboard industry ... It’s like a banana peel".

Primates open bananas completely differently then I've done it my whole life, by pinching the end opposite from the stem and then peeling it.

Most people peel bananas wrong (using the stem), and the actual and best way is from the other side.

I’ve been peeling a banana the wrong way my entire life... How about you?

Interesting facts about banana peels

Some people actually believe they can get high off banana peels.

In 2012 an Austrian-based supermarket chain came up with the idea to sell pre-peeled packaged bananas. I didn't go well.

Have you spent your entire life peeling bananas the WRONG way?

The correct way to peel a banana is upside down. Monkeys use the stem as a popsicle stick and to avoid the black stick thing nobody likes in the end of their banana.

Most people outside of the US eat banana peels

How to eat banana peels?

I have been peeling my bananas the wrong way, just like you.

You can polish a shoe with a banana peel because of the potassium content

Bananas are peeled from the side OPPOSITE to the stem

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Banana Peels. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Banana Peels so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor