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Cichlid Fish facts

While investigating facts about Cichlid Fish Types and Cichlid Fish Tank, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Natural enemies of cichlids are humans, large fish and birds.

how cichlid fish breed?

Cichlids can adapt to the changes in their environment faster and better than any other species of fish.

What fish can live with red devil cichlid?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a cichlid fish mean. Here are 11 of the best facts about Cichlid Fish Food and Cichlid Fish Price I managed to collect.

what is a cichlid fish?

  1. Diet of cichlid depends on the species. Some cichlids consume algae and small invertebrates, other like to eat insects and small fish, while the greatest number of species consume everything they can found.

  2. The Cuckoo catfish lays its eggs among the eggs of the mouth brooding cichlid fish, which carries its young in its mouth. The catfish eggs hatch first inside the cichlid mother's mouth then proceed to eat the cichlid eggs present before being released by the cichlid.

  3. A species of African fish called daffodil cichlid, which lives in large groups, can distinguish unfamiliar faces from familiar ones.

  4. Cichlids use several tactics to grab their prey. Some are ambush predators, other pretend to be dead while some cichlids mimic color of the body of harmless, herbivorous fish to lure their prey to come closer.

  5. Cichlid fish can observe four fights where fish A beats B, B beats C, C beats D, and D beats E. They will then infer that B is dominant to D. This sort of reasoning appears around age 4 in humans.

  6. Certain animals and insects fake death for varying reasons. The Moorland Hawker Dragonfly does so to avoid sex. The Virginia opossum and Hognose snake do so to avoid predators; the Hognose may even spew blood. The predatory Cichlid fish does so to lure prey; laying still, then attacking.

  7. Cichlid is brightly colored fish, whose body can be in all imaginable colors. Males are more colorful than females.

  8. Red and blue cichlid fish in Lake Victoria are slowly becoming one species because pollution prevents the females from distinguishing males of their own sex.

  9. Males of an East African species of cichlid fish trick female mates into orally sucking up their sperm

cichlid fish facts
What fish can live with blood parrot cichlid?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cichlid Fish. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cichlid Fish so important!

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