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Cia Headquarters facts

While investigating facts about Cia Headquarters Address and Cia Headquarters Phone Number, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Starbucks at the CIA headquarters is not allowed to take names for orders

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The CIA headquarters has its own Starbucks, but baristas don’t write names on the cups, its receipts say “Store Number 1” instead of “Starbucks,” and its workers need an escort to leave their work posts.

What is the address of the cia headquarters?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the cia headquarters called. Here are 17 of the best facts about Cia Headquarters Tour and Cia Headquarters Location I managed to collect.

where is the cia headquarters at?

  1. There has been an encrypted sculpture called "Kryptos" that is located on the grounds of the CIA headquarters since 1990 and has yet to be fully decrypted.

  2. There is a Starbucks where they don't write your name on your cup: the one at the CIA's headquarters. Baristas are escorted to and from work, and the receipts identify the establishment as simply "Store Number 1."

  3. The Central Intelligence Agency has a memorial wall at headquarters for employees who are killed while working for the US spy agency. Each year the CIA adds stars for deaths; some with names, some without. There are 125 stars as of 2017, eight more than in 2016 and 46 more than in 2002.

  4. The CIA has so far declassified only a single sentence of Donald Wilber's 339-page history of the Iran coup, written in 1954. The sentence reads, "Headquarters spent a day featured by depression and despair."

  5. A Top-Secret KH-11 Spy Satellite Manual was stolen from the CIA Headquarters in Langley by a low-ranking clerk. They only found out after the clerk flew back from a Soviet Embassy in Greece and petitioned the CIA to work for them as a double agent. They refused and he was sentenced to 40 years.

  6. There is a sculpture at the CIA headquarters with a coded message that has never been solved

  7. The Bojinka plot. A 1995 plan to assassinate Pope John Paul II, blow up 11 airlines killing 4000 people, and crash a small plane full of explosives into the CIA headquarters. The plot was only discovered after an accidental fire in the planners apartment drew the attention of the police.

  8. James Bond's CIA liaison, Felix Leiter, was based off of a friend of Ian Fleming's whose family coincidentally owned the land upon which CIA headquarters was later built.

cia headquarters facts
What city is the cia headquarters in?

Why is cia headquarters in langley?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

There is an encrypted sculpture located in the CIA headquarters made by artist Jim Sanburn. After 25 years only 3/4 of the code has been solved.

There is a sculpture in front of the CIA Headquarters that was built in 1990 and has 4 encrypted messages, only 3 of which have been decoded. - source

When the CIA decided to build its headquarters in Langley, Virginia, a fake aircraft carrier was created on paper, and the money going to its “construction” went to the CIA. - source

Lee Harvey Oswald has a CIA memorial star in the lobby of CIA headquarters - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cia Headquarters. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cia Headquarters so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor