Christmas Carol facts
While investigating facts about Christmas Carols and Christmas Carol Songs, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The English lyrics for the classic Christmas carol "Deck the Halls" were originally "fill the meadcup, drain the barrel" and not "don we now our gay apparel".
how many ghosts in a christmas carol?
University of Illinois hosts a phone number you can call 24/7 for a few weeks in December and a live person will sing you Christmas carols. They have been doing this for 55 years.
What christmas carol is this game?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's christmas carol. Here are 50 of the best facts about Christmas Carol 2019 and Christmas Carol Bbc I managed to collect.
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Dickens' A Christmas Carol is largely responsible for modern Christmas Celebrations
Patrick Stewart adapted Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol into a one-man show, where he played over 30 characters in a three hour long performance.
Michael Caine only agreed to be in 'The Muppet Christmas Carol' because his 7-year-old daughter was too young to see his other films, and he wanted her to watch him in something.
When Christmas first began, the celebrations included getting intoxicated, having sex, and singing naked in the streets (the origin of modern Christmas caroling).
Christopher Lee (Saruman in Lord of the Rings, and Count Dooku in Star Wars) played and sung in several heavy metal albums, including a collection of Christmas carol covers.
"God rest you merry" is an archaic way of expressing good wishes, so the Christmas carol is "God rest you merry, gentlemen" not "God rest you, merry gentlemen"
In Sri Lanka bread is delivered fresh starting at 5:30AM, in special TukTuks playing Beethoven's Für Elise loudly. While Für Elise is the song of choice for choon paan sellers, it’s not used exclusively, and some opt for Christmas carols, It’s a Small World, or other equally ubiquitous tunes.
Telling ghost stories was a Victorian Christmas tradition that has largely disappeared but survives in "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" and "A Christmas Carol"
British woman Joyce Carol Vincent, who died alone in her bedsit in 2003 but wasn't discovered until 2006. She was found with the television still on and surrounded with wrapped Christmas presents.
The 1914 Christmas Truce. After months of fighting, German and Allied artillery fell silent, and Christmas carols filled the air instead. Both parties got out of their trenches and exchanged food, and held friendly football matches.
Christmas Carol data charts
For your convenience take a look at Christmas Carol figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is a christmas carol set at christmas?
You can easily fact check why read a christmas carol by examining the linked well-known sources.
Gentlemen should rest merry - not merry gentlemen should rest. There's a comma you don't sing in the Christmas carol "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen"
The song "Christmas Eve (12/24 Sarajevo)", by the Trans Siberian Orchestra, tells the story of an elderly cellist returning to his war-torn home country. He played Christmas carols in the middle of town while the area was bombed by the Serbs. - source
Pulling teeth was a typical way to treat toothaches in Charles Dickens' time and was a fairly common occurrence to members of the upper class (like Scrooge and Marley) due to their easy access to large amounts of sugar. In 'Disney's A Christmas Carol', Marley's ghost is missing a tooth. - source
Joyce Carol Vincent, a British woman who had died in 2003 and went undiscovered until 2006. Her skeletal remains were found surrounded by wrapped Christmas presents and with the television on.
Charles Dickens had the entire text of 'A Christmas Carol' memorized, and would recite it to positive reviews on his lucrative speaking tours of America - source
When christmas carol written?
When Cromwell took control of England, Christmas activities such as caroling, feasting, and other merrymaking were effectively banned, as the Puritanical government saw Christmas as a nonsensical and sinful Roman Catholic creation.
How many ghosts are there in a christmas carol?
Charles Dickens's "A Christmas Carol" is why we say "Merry Christmas" today. The phrase had been around before, but when the book was an instant hit in 1843 it popularized it right at a time when Christmas began to establish as an annual tradition again, so the phrase stuck.
100 years ago British and German soldiers started an unofficial truce by singing Christmas carols. Former enemies played football and exchanged gifts and Christmas greetings. Eventually, 100,000 soldiers joined the truce.
On Christmas 1914, during World War I, British and German soldiers stopped fighting unofficially. The men exchanged presents of cigarettes and plum puddings and sang carols. A match of soccer was also played by the opposing sides.
In 1843 Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol, which would go on to become a classic Christmas story, subsequently turned into several movies.