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Chemical Processes facts

While investigating facts about Chemical Processes In The Body Crossword and Chemical Processes In The Body, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Wax worms can eat and break down one of the most common plastics, polyethylene. Their digestive process breaks the plastic's chemical bond, producing an organic compound.

how are sedimentary rocks formed through chemical processes?

Radiosynthesis, a process like photosynthesis that uses the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth. Radiotrophic fungi were discovered in 1991 in and around Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

What chemical processes are used to make plastic bottles?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what chemical processes are used to make disposable diapers. Here are 44 of the best facts about Chemical Processes In The Body Crossword Clue and Chemical Processes Examples I managed to collect.

what chemical processes are used to make plastic bags?

  1. Plants produce capsaicin to discourage rodents from eating the fruit (and grinding the seeds in the process) but birds can't detect the chemical and don't destroy the seeds

  2. Gold can actually grow on Trees, deep root growth can "strike gold" and absorb it through a bio-chemical process and in turn deposit the mineral into the tree's bark and leaves.

  3. PFOA or C8, better known as Teflon. Teflon(PFOA) is considered a "forever chemical" in that there is no naturally occurring process that can break it down. It's now found in the blood of 98% of humans in the U.S. And is specifically linked to 6 cancers/health aliments.

  4. Old person smell' is actually a scientific phenomenon whereby the aging process changes the chemicals produced by the skin. With 2-Nonenal being the most likely cause of the smell. Present in body odour and on the things they touch.

  5. Schools in LeRoy, NY have gas wells on campus that use the fracking process of pumping chemicals into the ground. In 2011, tanks leaked fluid onto athletic fields. 3 months later, 16 students developed uncontrollable twitching and verbal tics, most of which was diagnosed as conversion disorder.

  6. Fritz Haber invented the process for modern agricultural fertilizer thus saving millions of lives from starvation. He also pioneered chemical weapons processes which killed and horribly injured hundreds of thousands during WWI. His wife, son, and grand daughter all committed suicide.

  7. Lenin's body has been preserved and displayed publicly in Moscow's Red Square for over 90 years through a process of chemical solutions and embalming practices being applied.

  8. Bacteria are able to communicate with each other through a process called quorum sensing. They use a chemical language to coordinate defense and mount attacks as a community rather than individuals. Stopping this process could be the key to a new line of anti-bacterial therapies.

  9. Major industry in Australia includes mining, manufacturing industrial and transportation equipment, chemicals, steel, and food processing.

  10. Major industry in Argentina includes food processing, vehicle manufacturing, textiles, steel, printing, and chemical manufacturing.

chemical processes facts
What chemical processes are used to make artificial sweetener?

Why is photosynthesis and cellular respiration are reverse chemical processes?

You can easily fact check why is digestion considered as both mechanical and chemical processes by examining the linked well-known sources.

Photosynthesis is considered to be the most important chemical process on the planet as it is vital for life.

Germany's culture is also influenced by its major industries such as automobile manufacturing, metal products, electrical appliances, chemicals, plastics, and food processing, as well as coal.

He theorized that disease was a matter of chemical processes in the blood and attack of the organism by external contagion.

Weathering is a process that breaks down rocks and can be caused by rain, ice, wind, and chemicals.

Major industry in Uruguay includes food processing, transportation equipment, electronic machinery, petroleum products, beverages, chemicals and textiles.

When chemical energy discovered?

Seed is covered with hard protective membrane on the surface that needs to be mechanically or chemically treated (process called scarification) to stimulate germination.

What neurological and chemical processes are involved in how we smell?

China stole the color white from chemical company DuPont. The firm’s closely guarded titanium oxide process is used for making cosmetics, plastics, and the chalked lines on tennis courts.

Lyell was a believer of uniformitarianism, which is the belief that all features on the Earth's surface are created by physical, chemical, and biological processes over a period of time.

Colorado industry today includes tourism, scientific instruments, food processing, machinery, transportation equipment, mining, and chemical products.

Because almost all biological molecules are homochiral, homochirality is a signature of life, and the chemical processes that lead to its creation presumably occured in a racemic prebiotic world and involved the making of homochiral products from achiral agents. How this happened is not known.

The reason red velvet cake was originally red was because of a natural chemical in cocoa powder, and that now we have to use dyes because cocoa powder is processed.

When chemical energy released?

In order to make this process economically feasible and industrially useful, Bosch had to develop an entire chemical plant and its necessary equipment dedicated to functioning under intense pressures and temperatures.

Only bacteria or archea can biologically synthesize B12, and despite us learning to produce it via purely chemical processes in 1972, all commercial production of B12 uses bacteria because it is simpler than the chemical process

Groundwater systems extend far out into the oceans. It is like having pools of fresh water in oceans. These low salinity aquifers affect the chemical and biologic process in the waters around them and these in turn regulate nutrient fluxes crucial for global carbon cycling.

Seed contain alkaloids (group of chemicals) that can induce intoxication of people. It needs to be soaked in the water and thermally processed before consumption.

During the process of digestion, chemical energy is released when food is broken down.

How to scale up chemical processes?

Niels Bohr hid the Nobel Prize medals of the Jewish Max von Laue and James Franck from the Nazis, by dissolving the gold medals in acid, and then reversing the chemical process to retrieve the gold after the war

Chemically, the human aging process can also be seen as us burning to death in super slow motion.

All toxic chemicals in the buttercups degrade during the process of drying. Hay made of buttercups can be used in a diet of cattle.

Major industry in South Carolina includes textiles, chemical manufacturing, food processing, machinery and electronics manufacturing and tourism.

You can have your loved one's cremated ashes turned into a diamond. It begins with a chemical process that extracts the carbon from the ashes. This carbon is then heated to convert it into graphite, which is then heated to 2,700 F and subjected to forces as high as 870,000 pounds/square inch.

Smell we so strongly associate with the joys of coloring is actually the smell of stearic acid, or processed beef fat. This chemical is used in crayons because it allows them to have their waxy, solid consistency.

Prior to chemical tests, tasting urine of the patient was part of the diagnostic process for Diabetes Mellitus.

The meat substitute Quorn was launched as a joint venture between a bakery (Rank Hovis) and a heavy chemicals manufacturer (ICI). The process used to produce Quorn is a spin-off from ICI research into the commercial production of high protein animal feed.

More than 15 million liters of toxic chemicals used in the processing of coca and production of coca paste and cocaine are dumped into the Amazon’s rivers every year.

The invention of the chemical process of coating a glass surface with metallic silver is credited to German chemist Justus von Liebig in 1835.

Coal Direct Chemical Looping (CDCL) - a process that captures 99% of the CO2 from a coal plant to produce clean coal

The chemical process of making crack cocaine can be undone using lime juice or vinegar

Quantum biology refers to applications of quantum mechanics and theoretical chemistry to biological objects and problems. Many biological processes involve the conversion of energy into forms that are usable for chemical transformations and are quantum mechanical in nature.

Diaphonization, the art of dyeing the dead. It is clearing and staining of the bones and cartilage of an animal. After a long process of several chemical soakings and coloring, the animal is stored in glycerin. When the process is complete it will look like a floating colored skeleton.

80% of people are alive due to a chemical process called the Haber Process

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Chemical Processes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Chemical Processes so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor