Charles Lyell facts
While investigating facts about Charles Lyell Theory and Charles Lyell Principles Of Geology, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In the 1840s, Lyell travelled to the United States and Canada, and wrote two popular travel-and-geology books: Travels in North America and A Second Visit to the United States. After the Great Chicago Fire, Lyell was one of the first to donate books to help the Chicago Public Library.
how did charles lyell die?
Lyell married Mary Horner, who was 12 years younger than him, in 1832.
What is charles lyell known for?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is charles lyell best known for. Here are 17 of the best facts about Charles Lyell Evolution and Charles Lyell Contribution I managed to collect.
what did charles lyell discover?
In 1866, he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Lyell was given many awards because of his contributions to geology and ecology.
Lyell's father was a lawyer and a botanist a he was the one that first exposed his son to the study of nature.
He was knighted in 1848 and was made a baronet in 1875.
Lyell was a believer of uniformitarianism, which is the belief that all features on the Earth's surface are created by physical, chemical, and biological processes over a period of time.
Lyell's wife died in 1873, and two years later Lyell himself died as he was revising the twelfth edition of Principles.
He was the eldest of ten children.
The highest point in Yosemite National Park is named after him, and there is a crater on the moon and a crater on Mars named after Lyell.
Lyell went to Exeter College, Oxford in 1816. He graduated BA second class in classics.
In 1827 he quit law to study geology.
Why is charles lyell famous?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Lyell's family's second home was a very open space with lots of wildlife that he could explore.
He wrote many works about his studies and theories and they were very important to the field of geology. Some of his works became less popular as time went on, but they were still very important in his time.
After he graduated, he took up law as a profession, and entered Lincoln's Inn in 1820. He completed a circuit through rural England and observed geological phenomena.
Mary died very unexpectedly after a short illness.
Polymath William Whewell coined the terms "ion," "anode," and "cathode." He also coined "scientist" in response to a challenge from poet ST Coleridge in 1833. Whewell mentored and greatly influenced fellow legendary researchers John Herschel, Charles Darwin, Michael Faraday, and Charles Lyell. - source