Cell Phone facts
While investigating facts about Cell Phone Repair and Cell Phone Repair Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A Florida man used a cell phone jammer everyday while travelling to work because he didn't want drivers around him to be distracted on their phones. As a result, he was fined $48,000 by the FCC.
how cell phones cause cancer?
A service dog bit 911 into a cellphone after her owner collapsed from a seizure. She became the first canine recipient of the VITA Wireless Samaritan Award, given to someone who used a cell phone to save a life.
What cell phone service is the best?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cell phone carrier is the best. Here are 50 of the best facts about Cell Phone Deals and Cell Phone Signal Booster I managed to collect.
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During the 1st live iPhone demo, Steve Jobs was secretly switching phones because they couldn't even play a song without crashing. Their displays were rigged to show 5 bars of signal strength and he had to use a portable cell tower just so they would seem reliable enough to make calls.
About the residents of a neighborhood complaining of mysterious ailments from a new cell phone tower. During a meeting the owner revealed that the tower had been off for over a month. Residents didn't show up to the followup meeting
Nikola Tesla predicted the modern cell phone in 1926: “We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but...we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face... a man will be able to carry one in his pocket”
An NCAA football coach was fired after a co worker found porngraphic videos of children on his cell phone. He fought the charges vigorously after being charged with 2 felonies. He was finally reinstated after 18 months after it was revealed it was his kids taking a bath.
A Florida man was stranded on a sandbar with sharks circling around him. He kept them at bay with a fishing pole for an hour and a half, after which he remembered he had a cell phone and called for help.
A UFC fan happened to get fighter Rory MacDonald's old cell phone number and was selecting Rory's walk out music via text messages without Rory or the UFC finding out for years.
The name for the show "Black Mirror" was created after the shows creator (Charlie Brooker) noticed how being able to see your own reflection in turned off technology (iPads, televison, cell phones, etc) is essentially a "black mirror".
In 1994, IBM released a cell phone with touch screen and e-mail. It could also send and receive faxes, work as a pager, and was considered the world's first smart phone due to its features and capabilities.
A Florida man was fined $48,000 for using a cell phone jammer everyday for 2 years while going to work
Cell Phone data charts
For your convenience take a look at Cell Phone figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why cell phones should be allowed in school facts?
You can easily fact check why cell phones should not be allowed in school by examining the linked well-known sources.
More Africans have access to cell phone service than piped water and electricity.
Kids In Cars 12 Times More Distracting For Drivers Than Talking On Cell Phones - source
James Cameron would use a nail gun to nail the film crew's cell phones to a wall in retaliation for unwanted ringing during the production of Avatar. - source
The first call ever made on a cell phone, was from an engineer named Martin Cooper calling a rival engineer to brag about his accomplishment.
TV show Scrubs, used a real phone number on an episode, that went to a prepaid cell phone the cast would hand around to each other, and would answer - source
When cell phone invented?
There is a "Quiet Zone" in the United States where radio transmissions are restricted, and microwave ovens, wifi routers, and cell phones are prohibited.
How cell phone radiation effects the brain?
Illusionist David Copperfield was robbed at gunpoint and used sleight-of-hand to hide his wallet, passport, and cell phone.
Stingrays, or fake cell towers used by law enforcement that trick cell phones into giving gps and identifying info. When used to track a suspect, it also gathers information of all cellphones nearby.
There is cell phone service on mount everest, with 4G being available at that height.
In 2012 law student Jonathan Nichols got a new cell phone, he didn't expect to get the number once used by Sir Mix-A-Lot. Since then he has been overloaded with pictures of women in bikinis.
A 13-year-old girl dove through the window of a moving car and fought the passenger and driver so she can get her stolen cell phone back.