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Cape Canaveral facts

While investigating facts about Cape Canaveral Launch and Cape Canaveral Launch Schedule, I found out little known, but curios details like:

the area code for Cape Canaveral in Florida is 321 to mimic the countdown sequence of space craft launches.

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Cape Canaveral is part of the Diocese of Orlando, making its Bishop technically Bishop of the Moon, according to the 1917 Code of Canon Law ("any newly discovered territory was placed under the jurisdiction of the diocese from which the expedition which discovered that territory left")

When is the next rocket launch at cape canaveral?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do at cape canaveral. Here are 24 of the best facts about Cape Canaveral Launch Schedule 2019 and Cape Canaveral Weather I managed to collect.

when is the next launch at cape canaveral?

  1. The area surrounding Cape Canaveral was given the area code 321, like a launch countdown, after someone discovered it was not in use.

  2. Cape Canaveral has the area code "3-2-1", to resemble the countdown sequence for rocket launches occurring in the area.

  3. Every major vehicle flown from Cape Canaveral has been wired with a remote explosive destruct system to be used if the vehicle should travel off course and towards populated areas

  4. The area code for Cape Canaveral, Florida, is 321, due to it sounding like the countdown for the liftoff of a rocket.

  5. Cape Canaveral is located in Florida. This is the launching pad for many space flights.

  6. The phone area code for Brevard County FL (including cape canaveral) is 321 in reference to the rockets that are launches that are conducted there

  7. In 2004 the Messenger probe left Cape Canaveral to visit Mercury again.

  8. During the Apollo program, Cape Canaveral was renamed Cape Kennedy

  9. The Bishop of Orlando William Borders once told Pope Paul VI he was "Bishop of the Moon", since Apollo 11 took off from Cape Canaveral located within his Diocese

cape canaveral facts
What time is the launch at cape canaveral?

Why cape canaveral for launch site?

You can easily fact check why was cape canaveral chosen by examining the linked well-known sources.

The wreckage from Space Shuttle Challenger is permanently stored in two abandoned missile silo complexes at Cape Canaveral and debris from Space Shuttle Columbia is stored in NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy, making it available for research purposes.

NASA launches spacecraft from different sites based on direction of orbit; from Cape Canaveral for spacecraft requiring a west-east orbit, from Vandenberg Air Force Base for spacecraft requiring a north-south orbit - source

The Mariner 2 Probe launch from Cape Canaveral on August 27th 1962 almost failed when a loose wire caused the launch vehicle to roll rapidly. Luckily the centrifugal forces pushed the wire back into place and the rolling stopped. Mariner 2 became the first robotic probe to flyby another planet. - source

The area code for Cape Canaveral is 321 (liftoff!) - source

When is the next launch from cape canaveral?

The rocket explosions over the last few days reminded me of the striking (in)famous explosion of the Delta II rocket at Cape Canaveral that resulted in 250 tons of flaming debris raining down on everyone.

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During Coors Field's first decade, the low air density and resultant plethora of home runs earned its reputation as being the most hitter-friendly park in majors, as well as the nickname "Coors Canaveral", a reference to Cape Canaveral, where NASA launches spacecraft from.

Military space missions accounted for part or all of 14 out of 37 Shuttle flights launched from Cape Canaveral between August 1984 and July 1992. Most of the details about these missions remand classified.

On this date in 1963 Cape Canaveral was renamed to Cape Kennedy

When is the next rocket launch from cape canaveral?

In 1969, the Bishop of Orlando (whose jurisdiction also covered Cape Canaveral where Apollo 11 launched) "nonchalantly observed" to Pope Paul VI that he was now the legal Bishop of the Moon, according to Catholic canon law governing new territories.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cape Canaveral. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cape Canaveral so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor