Incredible and fun facts to explore

Breast Milk facts

While investigating facts about Breast Milk Storage and Breast Milk Jewelry, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Fragrances are allowed to withhold chemical ingredients, which include those that disrupt sperm production, accumulate in breast milk, and effect everyone around the user, among other effects

how breast milk is produced?

Breast milk contains sugars which aren't digestible by human infants, but which serve as food for desirable gut bacteria

What breast milk taste?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what breast milk is good for. Here are 50 of the best facts about Breast Milk Jaundice and Breast Milk Storage Bags I managed to collect.

what breast milk contains?

  1. Milky" Way comes from goddess Hera's breast milk. When Hercales was born, Zeus wanted him to have godlike qualities so he let him suck Hera's milk (his wife) when she was sleeping. When she woke, she pushed him off, and spilled milk all over the sky.

  2. Breast milk saved 16 people lost at sea. 2 days after their food ran out a woman told her sister to try her milk. She felt better and offered it to everyone else. The 8 men and 7 women took turns sucking her breasts and were able to survive for 7 more days until currents pushed the boat to shore

  3. Breast milk contains tons of complex sugars that we can't digest. However, when babies drink it, those sugars can be broken down by beneficial bacteria within their gut. So breast milk promotes a healthy microbiome, a crucial health factor.

  4. One reason for a mother's impulse to kiss her newborn baby: the mother ingests the bacteria/viruses on baby's skin, then her immune cells create antibodies that go into her breast milk, thus protecting the baby from imminent infection.

  5. Breast milk contains substances which aren't digestible by human infants, but which serve as food for desirable gut bacteria

  6. Females on average have lighter skin than males so they can absorb more vitamin D and calcium used for breast milk

  7. Brazil distributes women's breast milk around the country to babies whose mothers can't provide it for them.

  8. Nestle was accused of getting third world mothers hooked on formula, which is less healthy and more expensive than breast milk.

  9. Mothers produce different breast milk recipes depending on whether they have had a son or a daughter

  10. In the 80s Nestle tricked African villagers by giving them free baby formula thus causing their bodies to stop producing breast milk in order to sell their product for entire infancy, they even had sales people wear "nurse" coats to advise that formula was safer than their breastmilk.

breast milk facts
What breast milk made of?

Breast Milk data charts

For your convenience take a look at Breast Milk figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

breast milk fact data chart about Breast milk produced over 6 months - exclusively pumping. Th
Breast milk produced over 6 months - exclusively pumping. The 4 peaks are where I took Reglan 4 times

Why breast milk supply is low?

You can easily fact check why breast milk decrease by examining the linked well-known sources.

One popular account of the origin of the phrase "Milky Way" arises from the Ancient Greek myth of Hera (wife of Zeus) breastfeeding Heracles (AKA Hercules). Hercules fed so strongly Hera recoiled, spraying milk from her breast. Creating the Milky Way.

Melatonin levels secreted in breast milk vary depending on the time of day, helping a baby know when to sleep/wake up and thus regulate its sleep cycle. Babies who are fed formula have a harder time regulating their sleep cycle and are more prone to colic - source

Henri Nestle invented his breast milk substitute to help Europe's high infant mortality rates. Today, Nestle abuse their market power to get African mothers hooked on their products. - source

In Japan they have lactation bars offering human breast milk. 2,000 (18$ USD) yen gets you a shot and 5,000 (46$ USD) yen gets you the nipple.

Nestlé promoted breast milk subsitutes in developing countries which lead to the death of infants - source

When breast milk comes?

Science knows more about coffee, wine and tomatoes than it does about breast milk

How breast milk is formed?

In Greek mythology the Milky Way was formed when when the trickster god Hermes secretly suckled the baby Heracles from the breast of the sleeping queen of gods Hera. When she awoke she tore Heracles away and her breast milk sprayed into the heavens creating the galaxy.

A woman in my suburb was charged with "assaulting a police officer" after she squirted her own breast milk on said officer.

Scientists are working on creating cows that produce milk identical to human breast milk.

Men can produce breast milk: during recovery from starvation, men's glands produce hormones that trigger lactation faster than the weakened liver can regulate them

Some bodybuilders believe breast milk will help them gain muscle and buy it from moms for $10/ounce ($1,280/gallon). An average mom produces around 30 ounces of milk per day. Some cancer patients drink it as well. More info in comments.

When breast milk stop producing?

When a woman has just had a baby, during the first few weeks after the birth the Breasts will leak Milk, not just by physical touch of the baby, but by the sound of ANY baby's crying.

For years doctors made little attempt to save premature babies but a sideshow exhibit at Coney Island saved thousands of lives. The exhibit, run by a man named Martin Couney, used techniques advanced for the time, including incubators, emphasis on breast milk and strictness about hygiene.

the Milky Way (mythology) is the breast milk of Greek Goddess Hera

Women who have recently given birth can leak breast milk upon hearing or thinking about a baby, even if it isn't their own

Milk contains calcium and vitamin D which are known to protect against breast cancer specifically.

How breast milk taste?

A woman can provoke the symptoms of being pregnant by her mere thoughts. Thinking, she's pregnant which in return makes her body react as such, by providing breast milk etc. This is called Pseudocyesis.

AGG01, a peptide found in the breast milk of the Tammar wallaby that's 100 times more effective than penicillin in killing antibiotic resistant 'superbugs' such as MRSA.

Men can get breast cancer even though they do not have milk-producing breasts. It is quite rare, with less than 1% of breast cancer cases affecting men. Around one in a thousand men will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Human Breast milk is the only naturally occurring food with a 1:2 Fat to Carbohydrate ratio- the same as in comfort foods such as Pizza, Ice Cream and Chocolate

Some protection is provided to babies from HPIVs if their mothers breastfeed during their first few months of life. Breast milk contains colostrum which contains antibodies which are believed to offer some protection against HPIVs in early life.

Essential oils or tea made of anise seed can be used to facilitate digestion, relieve symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, cough, and menstrual pain, and to stimulate milk production in breast-feeding women.

Breast milk in rats contain stem cells, which are given to the baby upon feeding and integrate themselves as various functional cells

Newborns are are instinctively attracted to the breast milk of women who have recently given birth

Children are most commonly infected through breast milk or through mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy and childbirth.

Women can produce breast milk without being pregnant or recently having been pregnant.

A New York chef made cheese from his wife's breast milk.

People Make Cheese From Breast Milk and also Bellybutton Bacteria

Many women who are able to nurse their babies are unable to produce milk with a mechanical breast pump. Stress and a lack of oxytocin are thought to be major causes.

Donkey milk is similar to human breast milk, and was used as a substitute until the beginning of the 20th century

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Breast Milk. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Breast Milk so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor