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Border Collie facts

While investigating facts about Border Collie Puppies For Sale and Border Collie Puppies, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Three border collies have been trained to run around a Chilean forest devastated by wildfire while wearing special backpacks that release native plant seeds.

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About the three border collies trained to run like the wind to bring new life to Chilean forest devastated by wildfires, wearing backpacks releasing native plant seeds

What is the lifespan of a border collie?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what size is a border collie. Here are 38 of the best facts about Border Collie Rescue and Border Collie Mix I managed to collect.

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  1. The tested animal with the best memory, Chaser the border collie knows 1022 toys by name and can gather them all by name or category. She can also understand common nouns and can infer the meaning of new ones based on words she already knows

  2. The Border Collie is the world smartest dog with one individual reported to be able to respond to 1,022 individual words

  3. Herding dogs, like border collies and Australian cattle dogs, are very intelligent. They also have very strong working instincts, which may compel them to “work” at home by herding family members or other animals. This behavior may include chasing, nipping and barking.

  4. Dog breeds differ in intelligence and have been graded according to the trainability aspect of their intelligence. The dogs considered to be the smartest are the 'Border Collies' and the dumbest are the 'Afghan Hounds.'

  5. Border Collie is the best herding dog in the world. It is less vocal and less aggressive than other shepherds. Border Collie keeps its body close to the ground, in a cat-like, crouched position, and herds animals with great precision.

  6. Golden Retriever is the 4th smartest dog on the planet (first three places are reserved for Border Collie, Poodle and German Shepherd).

  7. The most intelligent Border Collie in the world is Chaser. She managed to learn names of her 1000 favorite toys with a help of psychology professor John Pilley. Striker is another famous Border Collie. He can open (non-electric) car window in just 11.34 seconds with a help of his paws and nose.

  8. Border Collie has smooth or slightly rough fur that is usually black and white colored. It has double coat that can be pure white or red, or mix of white, light and dark brown, red and black color.

  9. Border Collie is the most intelligent dog in the world. Training from an early age is advisable to prevent learning of unwanted things and development of bad habits.

  10. Border Collie gives birth to up to 10 puppies.

border collie facts
What is a border collie?

Why do border collies hug?

You can easily fact check why is border collie the smartest dog by examining the linked well-known sources.

Poodle is the second smartest dog (right after Border Collie) on the planet. It can be easily trained. Poodle can quickly learn to perform various tricks, which is why it was very popular in the circuses in the past.

Border Collie is healthy breed, but it can suffer from various types of cancer, hip dysplasia, eye disorders and epilepsy.

There is a dog (Border Collie) named Chaser who knows more than 1000 words and understands proper nouns, verbs, adverbs and prepositions. - source

Border Collie has an average lifespan of 10 to 14 years.

Border Collie can reach 18 to 22 inches in height and 27 to 45 pounds of weight.

When do border collies stop growing?

Chaser the dog, a border collie, has a vocabulary of over 1,022 words and can understand verb-object communication.

How long do border collies live?

Border Collies are the valedictorians of the dog world, these herders took the top spot in in Stanley Coren's intelligence rankings, meaning most can learn a new command in under five seconds and follow it at least 95% of the time

The Cherry Capital Airport in Traverse City, MI employs Piper, an 8 year old Border Collie, to maintain wildlife control on the runways, shooing away various animals so planes can land and take off safely.

Name "Collie" is derived from the old Celtic word "colley" which means "useful". Name refers to the newly-created type of small, agile shepherd that can perform various tasks (including herding of sheep) in the cold areas. Name "Border" refers to the origin of this breed: border of Scotland and England.

Betsy, a border collie, has demonstrated intelligence rivaling that of the great apes. Featured on the March 2008 cover of National Geographic, she has a vocabulary in the hundreds and can retrieve an item after seeing its photo, despite never having seen the depicted object or the photo before.

When do border collies calm down?

Border Collies are so smart that they can herd sheep with such precision as to be able to make art with them.

Van Halen lead singer David Lee Roth trains and competes with his working Border Collies in sheep and cattle dog trials

Border collies give "the eye" as a form of psychological control over sheep.

Border Collie requires plenty of exercise (both mental and physical) each day to prevent boredom and development of neurotic behavior.

Border Collie is honest and loyal animal that likes to be surrounded with people and other dogs. It is suitable for houses with large backyards.

How to train a border collie?

Border Collie also intensely stares at the eyes of the animals in the herd when it wants to force them to move in desired direction.

In 2011 researchers worked with a border collie that comprehended over 1,000 object names as verbal references.

A Border Collie once opened a manual car window in 11.34 seconds and holds the record.

Border Collie is an average shedder that needs to be brushed regularly to keep its coat clean and healthy.

Border Collie has flat skull of moderate width, oval eyes, erect, semi-erect or drooping ears, elongated body and bushy tail of medium length.

Border Collie can be trained and used as search-and-rescue dog, to chase birds and animals from the airport runways and golf terrains and as a therapy dog.

The American Kennel Club lists the Border Collie as the smartest dog breed, followed by Poodle, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Doberman Pinscher, and Shetland Sheepdog.

Afghan hounds are one of the least "intelligent" breeds of dog. Border collies and poodles are at the top of the list.

Three border collies we're trained to run around the Chilean forests that we're devestated by wilfires with backpacks filled with seeds that fly out of as they run

A Border Collie named Chaser holds the record for the largest tested memory of any non-human animal. She can identify 1,022 objects by name and can learn new names after hearing them once by process of elimination. She can even understand sentences with multiple elements of grammar.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Border Collie. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Border Collie so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor