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Bbc News facts

While investigating facts about Bc Global Bc News and Bbc News Live, I found out little known, but curios details like:

87 years ago, there was a day that the BBC had no news to report. So they just played piano music.

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An April Fool's Day Joke on the BBC resulted in a number of people contacting them in order to discover how they could grow their own Spaghetti Trees. At the time, Spaghetti was fairly unknown in the UK. It is regarded as one of the biggest hoaxes ever from a reputable news establishment.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is climate change bbc news. Here are 50 of the best facts about Bbc News Uk and Bbc News Headlines I managed to collect.

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  1. In 2003 a BBC news team was bombed by US fighter jets in a "friendly fire" incident, the entire ordeal was caught on camera (warning: some disturbing images)

  2. On April 18, 1930, the BBC announced, “There is no news today,” and played piano music instead.

  3. In 1930 on the news bulletin the BBC reported that "There is no news" and instead played piano music

  4. In 2002, BBC News Accidentally Used The UNSC Logo From The Halo Video Game Series Assuming It Was For The 'United Nations Security Council'

  5. BBC News was broadcast to Nazi occupied Europe, with live Big Ben tolls. German physicists found a way to determine the weather conditions in London based on the bell tone, thus offering invaluable help to the Luftwaffe.

  6. On April 1, 1980, BBC news ervice "reported" that the Big Ben will get a digital readout, and that the clock hands will be given to the first four listeners to call. Later on, BBC received a massive amount of phone calls from angry protestors, and ended up spending several days to apologize.

  7. Than on the 18th of April, 1930, a slow news day, the BBC's 6:30 PM radio announcer said “There is no news” and went off the air.

  8. The News Presenters at BBC News have a specific set of clothes on standby just in case they need to announce the death of the Queen

  9. On April 18 1930 the BBC reported that there was no news. They then played out with piano music

bbc news facts
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You can easily fact check why is bbc news good by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1957, BBC pulled a April Fools prank by including a segment about spaghetti harvest in their news show Panorama, discussing how spaghetti is grown in fields in Switzerland. As a result, people phoned the BBC wanting to know how they could grow their own spaghetti tree.

On Halloween 1992, BBC1 broadcast "Ghostwatch," a mockumentary horror film. Appearing to be a real news show, it caused public panic and outrage. It reportedly caused 3 premature labors, and BBC received 30,000 complaints. Despite having a cult following, it has never since been shown on UK TV. - source

When nothing newsworthy would happen in the 1930's, the BBC would simply announce "There is no news" and play piano music instead. - source

The first BBC newsreader to speak in a regional accent was used to make it harder for Nazi Germany to imitate English news broadcasts

Part of the BBC’s news team in Pyongyang was detained and expelled in 2016 for "disrespectful" reporting of North Korea's leadership - source

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In the 1950s the BBC ran a news story about a spaghetti harvest that took place in Switzerland. This prank is believed to be the best April Fools" Day prank of all time, resulting in many requests for spaghetti trees by viewers.

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On April 18th, 1930, the BBC reported that there wasn't any news for that day. They then played piano music instead.

On April 18, 1930, the BBC decided there was no news worth reporting, so they broadcast piano music instead.

On 18 april 1930, the only thing that was announced on BBC was "There is no news" followed by a piano playing

On April 18, 1930, BBC had nothing to report for their 8:45 evening bulletin, so they said “there is no news” and played piano music for 15 minutes.

A BBC News Anchor picked up a pack of printer paper instead of his iPad to go on air & just rolled with it

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The BBC erased nearly all of its extensive television news coverage of the first moon landing after it was broadcast.

In 1955, when BBC host Leslie Mitchell gave Shakuntala a complex math problem & she solved it in seconds but answers didn't match.After re-checking, host confessed that she was correct & original answer was wrong.This news spread across the world & Shakuntala Devi earned title "Human Computer"

On 18th April 1930 the BBC's news announcer reported: "There is no news" and played piano music for the rest of the programme.

On April 1, 1957 a BBC news program broadcast a segment about the Swiss Spaghetti Tree Harvest. This is considered the most successful April Fools hoax of all time.

There are several Youtube bots out there that go around stealing written text and images off popular news websites (CNN, BBC, etc) and then automatically "mash-up" and upload their own news videos with this stolen (plagiarized) content. Ad revenue can add up to nearly 6 digits per year.

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There was a BBC radio comedy called It's That Man Again. The title refers to a contemporary phrase concerning the ever more frequent news-stories about Hitler in the lead-up to World War II.

The BBC use robotic cameras in their news studios

BBC news has a pidgin version and it's amazing

One in every 16 adults around the world uses BBC News.

During WWII BBC News sent secret messages to Polish resistance fighters using music

The BBC news site translates many stories into Pidgin for people in West Africa. It generally doesn’t have a formal written form and so it is written as it is spoken.

A 1995 BBC mockumentary on paranormal activity called "Ghostwatch" resulted in 20,000 phone calls, an induced labor, and thousands of angry letters by an irate British public audience who felt they were victims of a ruse perpetrated by a trustworthy news source

The New York Times, the Associated Press, Time, all capitalize the word "Internet" while The Economist, the Financial Times, The Times, the Guardian, the Observer, the BBC, Wired News, and CNN don't.

Komla Dumor was a Ghanaian journalist once described as "a leading light of African journalism". He was the only West African newsreader on BBC World News at the time of his sudden death in 2014 at age 41

BBC News had the greatest case of mistaken identity on live TV ever by interviewing the wrong man live on air

BBC Radio had a day with no news in 1930.

Spaghetti grows on trees - BBC news broardcast in 1957

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Bbc News. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Bbc News so important!

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