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Bar Soap facts

While investigating facts about Bar Soap Vs Body Wash and Bar Soap Vs Liquid Soap, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The avarage human body has enough iron in it to forge a metal nail that is 3-inches long, enough sulfur to kill all fleas on a dog, enough carbon to make 900 pencils, enough potassium to fire a toy cannon, enough fat to make 7 bars of soap, and enough phosphorous to make 2,200 match heads.

how bar soap is made?

A female Italian serial killer disposed of bodies by making them in to bars of soap

What bar soap is good for your face?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what bar soap is best for acne. Here are 19 of the best facts about Bar Soap Holder and Bar Soap Brands I managed to collect.

what bar soaps are antibacterial?

  1. Touching stainless steel will remove the odor of garlic and onion from your hands. They even sell bars of stainless steel "soap", which is just a bar of stainless steel to rub on your hands.

  2. Actor Brian Cox is diabetic and that in the film Super Troopers he was required to eat a prop that looked like a bar of soap but was in fact made of white chocolate. He spat it out and instead of waiting around for a sugar-free replacement, he ate a real bar of soap instead.

  3. Bar soap is better for the environment than liquid body wash and poses no health risk to the general population

  4. An organisation is helping fight sex trafficking using bars of soap by placing a hotline on the back of packaged soap in hotels or prominent sex trafficking areas/events

  5. Millenials are responsible for the decline in the bar soap industry. They prefer liquid soap because bar soap is deemed "dirty" and for old people.

  6. Derreck Kayongo collected barely-used bars of soap from hotels, melted them together, and distributed them to poor countries. He's the founder of the Global Soap Project, which improves access to basic sanitation and reduces disease and child mortality.

  7. In 1851, Benjamin T. Babbitt became the first manufacturer to put soap bars in wrappers. Soap was previously sliced and weighed, much like cheese.

  8. More than 2 million bars of soap per day are thrown away in the US. Poor hygiene and sanitation are culprits for 90% of diarrhea cases, resulting in 1.5 million deaths each year. Clean the World recycles partially used hotel soap and sends the much-needed hygiene products to developing nations.

  9. Regular bar soap will not work in salt water or seawater, because the salt prevents it from dissolving and forming a lather. Special potassium-based "saltwater soaps" are designed for this purpose, used by navies

  10. Crime boss Soapy Smith, who in the 1800's started his empire by running a scam "golden ticket lottery" selling bars of soap.

bar soap facts
What bar soap is best for face?

Why bar soap is bad?

You can easily fact check why bar soap is bad for your face by examining the linked well-known sources.

Other minor uses of pumice are included abrasives in conditioning in stone-washed denim, in some bar and liquid soaps, in pencil erasers, in skin exfoliating products, and in polishing substances.

There are two organizations called Clean The World & The Global Soap Project that together have recycled and distributed over 25 million bars of soap to 99 countries. - source

The average human body has enough fat to create seven bars of soap. - source

Soapy Smith used a dishonest $100 in a bar of soap raffle to get rich

Concentration camps prisoners were given soap bars before being executed in the gas chambers. Until it wasn't water to come out, they thought they were having a normal shower. - source

Does bar soap count as a liquid when flying?

A scheme is underway to recycle millions of bars of hotel soap

How to make bar soap?

Rubbing your bathroom mirrors with a bar soap will keep them fog-free.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Bar Soap. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Bar Soap so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor