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Avoid Detection facts

While investigating facts about Avoid Detection Crossword and Avoid Detection By Profiling From The Sky, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Mike Tyson was addicted to coke and alcohol, getting high before some of his major fights. He used a fake penis with another person's urine to avoid detection.

how to avoid plagiarism detection?

A small magnet implanted in a finger can allow one to sense magnetic fields. This body mod can be very useful in professions that work with electric currents, allowing the detection of live wires and avoiding electric shock.

What would malware do to avoid sandbox detection?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what type of virus modifies itself to avoid detection. Here are 24 of the best facts about Avoid Detection Crossword Clue and Avoid Detection While Attempting To Escape I managed to collect.

what is a virus that changes to avoid detection by antivirus software?

  1. The green iguana has a 'third-eye' called a parietial eye, in the middle of its forehead. This does not function in the same way as its two side eyes, but enables it to detect movement, especially from above, to help it avoid predators.

  2. Submarines were originally detected by sensing the way they distort the Earth's magnetic field. Now submarines have copper wires (with 4,000 amps running through them) wrapping the hull to demagnetize the ship to avoid detection.

  3. A British soldier spent most of WW1 hiding in a wardrobe. A French family in German occupied France had taken him in, however 16 German soldiers were then billeted at the residence, spending their time in the same room as the wardrobe. Everyday he was silent and still to avoid being detected.

  4. Coyote relies on its ears to avoid danger, also. It can detect hunters that are one mile away.

  5. When the USAF B-2 Spirit stealth bomber detects a nuclear flash it'll "instantly shut down then reboot many of its electronic systems. Shutting down was the only way to avoid a pulse that would fry the components." Lightning is countered by protecting "electrical components" from over-amperage.

  6. Mule is more intelligent and more patient than a donkey. It has very good sense of self-preservation, which means that it easily detects dangerous situations and tries to avoid them.

  7. The green iguana has a 'third-eye' called a parietial eye, in the middle of its forehead. This does not function in the same way as its two side eyes, but enables it to detect movement, especially from above, to help it avoid predators.

  8. Indris have highly developed sense of smell. They can detect urine markings and thus avoid confrontation with animals living on territory toward which they are approaching.

  9. Pilot whales produce clicks and obtain information about their environment based on the echoes of the clicks that bounce off the objects in front of them (echo-location). This technique is used for the navigation in the water, detection of food and avoidance of predators.

  10. Green bee-eaters are monogamous birds (they mate for a lifetime) that nest on the flat ground or on the slightly sloped sandy banks. Pair of birds digs nesting tunnel that can reach more than 5 feet in length. Unlike any other species of bird, green bee-eater is able to predict behavior of humans and predators. When it detects unwanted visitor (usually some bird of prey) near the nesting hole, it avoids to enter the nest to prevent the predator to do the same thing.

avoid detection facts
What does it mean to avoid detection?

What is true about avoid detection?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The radar signature of one United States Air Force F-22A Raptor stealth fighter jet is "approximately the size of a bumblebee, thereby avoiding detection by the most sophisticated enemy air defense systems."

All warships and submarines are demagnetized to avoid being detected - source

The famous red mark of the Black Widow spider is only visible to its predators, but invisible to its prey to avoid detection when hunting - source

The placenta excretes the same chemical parasites use to avoid being detected and attacked by the mother's immune system

During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, practicing Catholic rites was punishable by up to life in prison or even death - practicing Catholic priests would thus hide in 'priest holes' in houses to avoid detection by the Queen's men, sometimes suffocating in the process - source

How to avoid detection when torrenting?

Besides well developed night vision, geckos have excellent sense of hearing which help them detect and avoid predators on time.

How to avoid radar detection?

'Doggo' means 'to be still and quiet to avoid detection', and nothing to do with dogs.

Should an all-out nuclear war broke out, the Queen was to be put onboard the yacht Britannia and moved around remote Scottish lochs to avoid detection.

In 1942 the crew of a Royal Netherlands Navy minesweeper disguised the vessel as a large tropical island to avoid enemy detection, later surviving the entire duration if WWII.

During WWII, a Dutch minesweeper, the HNLMS Abraham Crijnssen, camouflaged itself as a tropical island and snuck around Japanese warships and planes for eight days straight, only moving at night to avoid detection.

A Dutch warship disguised itself as a tropical island to avoid Japanese detection in WWII. It became the only ship of its class to survive.

Interesting facts about avoid detection

After WW2, Nazi war criminal Alois Brunnerwork avoided detection and worked as a driver for the United States Army. He then escaped to Syria where he survived extradition and assassination attempts, until his death in 2010.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Avoid Detection. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Avoid Detection so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor