Merchant Ships facts
While investigating facts about Merchant Ships Band and Merchant Ships 1800s, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Titanic had a much more successful sister ship called the "Olympic". It was the only merchant ship to sink an enemy warship during World War I, after it turned around and rammed a submarine that had tried to torpedo it. The sub sank after it was gashed open by one of the Olympic's propellers
how merchant ships operate?
In the 1400s, China owned the greatest seagoing fleet in the world. But by 1525, all of China's "Treasure Fleet" ships had been destroyed at the urging of the political elite who had become alarmed at the rise of a newly rich merchant class.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are merchant ships. Here are 50 of the best facts about Merchant Ships Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Merchant Ships Sleep Patterns I managed to collect.
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In WWI, the Germans converted liner SMS Cap Trafalgar into an armed merchant cruiser, which they then disguised as the British liner HMS Carmania. Off the coast of Brazil, Trafalgar was attacked and sunk by a British ship. That ship was also an armed merchant cruiser; the real HMS Carmania.
In 16th and 17th Century Denmark, merchant ship captains had to pay a toll based on the value of the goods on the ship. The value was declared by the captain. The Danish authorities could take the value based toll (1-2%) or opt to buy the cargo for the declared value.
The RMS Olympic, sister ship to the Titanic, rammed a U-Boat and sunk it, making it the only merchant ship in World War I to have sunk an enemy vessel.
Shipping is the most important industry in Greece. Greek shipping companies control the world's largest merchant fleet of over 5000 ships including, among others, 1/3 of world's tankers and 1/4 of all bulk carriers by tonnage. Greek flag is the first-most-used internationally for shipping.
There was a Confederate ship that circumnavigated the world attacking Union merchant ships. It did not have a single war causality and eventually surrendered in Liverpool, England after the Civil War ended
On May 19, 1713, two hundred citizens rioted on the Boston Common due to a food shortage in the city. They later attacked the ships and warehouses of wealthy merchant Andrew Belcher, who was exporting grain to the Caribbean for higher profits. The lieutenant governor was shot during the riot.
Before becoming famous for carrying the pilgrims to America; the Mayflower was a merchant ship that transported wine, cognac and vinegar between France and Spain
During WW1 to get around British blockades the German Lloyd company built a merchant submarine to trade with then neutral America. It made 2 trips before America entered the war after which it was converted to a warship and went on to sink 42 ships on 3 patrols.
In 1610 Henry Hudson was provided with a ship called the Discovery by English merchants. During this voyage he reached Hudson Strait and Hudson Bay.
The Black Death of the 1300s was brought to Europe by the Mongols. They were besieging an Italian trading post in the Crimea when it broke out among the Mongols. The besieged Italian merchants fled by ship, carrying the disease westward.
Merchant Ships data charts
For your convenience take a look at Merchant Ships figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why can't merchant ships carry guns?
You can easily fact check why aren't merchant ships armed by examining the linked well-known sources.
The first document anti-Vietnam War protest in America took place in 1945. The protest was done by Merchant Marine sailors who were protesting the government using their ships to transport French soldiers to the Indochina War.
The first telescopes were used by merchants to see upcoming trade ships in order to beat out the competition.
The SMS Cap Trafalgar; a German passenger-liner turned auxiliary cruiser during WW1, which was disguised as the British RMS Carmania to ambush merchants. With a stroke of bad luck, the first ship it came across was the RMS Carmania, which promptly sank it - source
As the single most important factor to the collapse of the Japanese economy during WWII, and one of the least publicized feats in military history, accounting for only 2% of the US Navy, US submarines sank 1/3 of the Japanese Navy and 2/3 of their merchant ships, more than 5M tons of shipping
About the earliest example of insurance fraud. In 300BC, Hegestratos, a Greek sea merchant, took out an insurance policy against his ship and its cargo. He planned to sink his empty ship, sell the corn and keep the loan. He was caught in the act by his own crew, and drowned trying to escape - source
In the olden days when merchant ships usually?
In WW2, the America branch with the highest casualty rate wasn't the Army Air Force, the Navy, the Coast Guard or even the Marines. It was the Merchant Marine. 1 in 26 sailors on cargo ships and transports died.
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Although Japan was at war with the United States after December 7, 1941 and targeted most merchant ships coming and going to the U.S. with its submarines, it was not at war with the Soviet Union until the very end of the war. Because of that, the Japanese often left Soviet transport ships unmolested.
He continued his travels by ship to the Swahili Coast and the island town of Mombasa and by 1345 he had arrived in Quanzhou, China where he was welcomed into the Muslim quarter by the local Muslim merchants
Inca emperror Túpac Inca Yupanqui allegedly contacted a people who came to the Americas on ships in 1480 "there arrived at Tumbez some merchants who had come by sea from the west, navigating in balsas with sails"
Many of the Spanish Armada's ships were former merchant ships that had been converted to battle ships.
A German U-Boat Managed To Reach New Zealand & Attempted Multiple Unsuccessful Raids On Merchant Ships Before Returning To It's Home Base. It's Presence Was Unkown By The New Zealand Government.