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Argentina Chile facts

While investigating facts about Argentina Chile Copa America and Argentina Chile Copa America 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Douglas Tompkins, founder of The North Face Company, purchased and conserved over 2 million acres of land in Chile and Argentina, becoming one of world’s largest private land owners

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Countries included in the Argentine Sea's basin include Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what deserts are located in chile and argentina. Here are 31 of the best facts about Argentina Chile Highlights and Argentina Chile Border I managed to collect.

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  1. Seeds of monkey puzzle are rich in proteins and they represent important source of food for the people of Chile and Argentina.

  2. The Tierra del Fuego is an archipelago divided between Argentina and Chile in the sea.

  3. The Mapuche, indigenous inhabitants of Chile and southern Argentina, resisted the Spaniard conquest during the long "Arauco War" with their resistance lasting more than 350 years. They were the were the only indigenous people who were never conquered by the Spanish.

  4. Countries that produce the most wine include Italy, Spain, France, United States, China, Argentina, Chile, Australia, South Africa, and Germany.

  5. The Inca Road System built in the 16th century stretches over 24000miles was made completely by hands and survives most rainfalls and seismic activity till date and it connects Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador and Peru

  6. In 1860 a French lawyer got himself elected "King of Araucania and Patagonia" by an Indian tribe. His kingdom covered the southern half of Argentina and a small portion of Chile.

  7. The 12 countries located in South America include Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

  8. Divorce was illegal in many countries not too long ago: Malta (2011), Chile (2004), Ireland (1996), Andorra (1995), Paraguay (1991), Argentina (1987), Spain (1981), etc.

  9. Most of the world’s lithium is concentrated in three South American countries: the “Lithium Triangle” of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia.

  10. An Argentine soldier's wife was flown to Antarctica in 1978 to help Argentina claim part of the continent. Chile decided to one up them and claim part of the continent too by bringing married couples to Antarctica to produce babies conceived in Antarctica.

argentina chile facts
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You can easily fact check why argan oil is bad for hair by examining the linked well-known sources.

Douglas Tomkins, co-founder of North Face, bought and conserved over 2 million acres of wilderness in Chile and Argentina, partly converting into 3 major National Parks

While no one "owns" Antarctica, 7 Countries have territorial claims in Antarctica. Argentina, UK, NZ, France, Australia and Chile have 1 territorial claim while Norway has 2. - source

Panda Ant is a wasp with a very painful sting. Also known as “Cow-Killer Ant”. Solitary by nature, they can be found in Chile and Argentina. - source

Antarctica is owned by seven countries under a joint treaty formed together by Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom.

There is a statue of Jesus Christ in the Andes, on the border of Chile and Argentina which is only accessible by road in the summer as snow and winter temperatures as low as -30 degrees C prevent access - source

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About Operation Soberania, a plan that the Argentine dictatorship had to invade Chile in 1978, Argentine troops and Chilean troops aimed themselves at the border for two weeks waiting for the declaration of war from Argentina, for unknown reasons to this day, Argentina did not attack.

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In 1946 Chile & Argentina brought 50 beaver to Tierra del Fuego as a potential source of fur. With no natural predators there are now over 200,000. Indigenous trees do not regenerate nor are adapted to the flooding beaver cause, and over 16,000,000 ha are under threat of destruction.

Chile and Argentina have sent pregnant women and held weddings in Antarctica to claim their national territory on the continent.

A 50 kilometre stretch of the Argentina-Chile border remains undefined

The only places on Earth where you could actually dig a hole straight through to China are in southern Chile and Argentina.

Interesting facts about argentina chile

The Patagonian Desert is the largest desert in the Americas and the 8th largest desert in the world by area, occupying 673,000 square kilometers (260,000 square miles). It is located primarily in Argentina with small parts in Chile.

Digging down through the center of the earth will not lead to China (unless you start in Chile or Argentina). To get to Australia, you need to start in the Atlantic Ocean. Starting from the USA just leads to the Indian Ocean.

PDF) That the United States imports nearly all lithium used in the lithium-ion battery production from Argentina (52%); Chile (44%); China (3%); and other (1%)

A South American dreadnought race involving Argentina, Brazil, and Chile began when the Brazilian government announced its intention to purchase three dreadnoughts—powerful battleships whose capabilities far outstripped older vessels in the world's navies—in 1907.

There was an arms race between Brazil, Argentina, and Chile to build battleships

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Canada and the United States share the longest border (8,893m). This is followed by Kazakhstan-Russia (6.846m) and Argentina-Chile (5,300m)

Chile, under the rule of dictator Pinochet, aided the UK in the Falklands War(1982) against Argentina. At the time, Margaret Thatcher was the UK's Prime Minister. When Pinochet was arrested in London(1998) for his human right violations, Thatcher was one of the few who defended him.

The ountries that have relatively recently legalized divorce are Italy (1970), Portugal (1975), Brazil (1977), Spain (1981), Argentina (1987), Paraguay (1991), Colombia (1991), Ireland (1996), Chile (2004) and Malta (2011).

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Argentina Chile. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Argentina Chile so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor