French Guiana facts
While investigating facts about French Guiana Map and French Guiana Prison, I found out little known, but curios details like:
French Guiana is the largest part of the European Union not in Europe. It has the same area as Austria and is bigger than 14 other member countries including Ireland, Denmark and the Netherlands.
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In 1727 a Portuguese diplomat seduced the French Guiana governor's wife in order to gain access to coffee seeds, which he smuggled into Brazil and started the Brazilian crop. Brazil now leads the world in coffee production.
What is french guiana?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the capital of french guiana. Here are 18 of the best facts about French Guiana Flag and French Guiana Tourism I managed to collect.
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French Guiana, despite being in South America, is Europe’s main spaceport and is actually part of the European Union.
The nine nations that have the Amazon rainforest in their borders are: Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.
The two territories in South America include the Falkland Islands (U.K) and French Guiana (Fr.).
The French Foreign Legion is still a thing. The 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment is an infantry regiment stationed in French Guiana where training is brutal and recruits cannot leave for 5 years.
Teams from French Overseas territories (French Guiana for example) are eligible to participate in the Coupe de France, the national football cup of France. This means that teams from the Caribbean could hypothetically qualify for European competitions and face teams as far as Astana.
France's longest border is with Brazil. French Guiana has a 730 km long border with Brazil. In comparison to France's second longest border is with Belgium and is 659 km long.
Guyana was once 5 different colonies owned by the Dutch, British, Spanish, Portuguese and French, which are now Suriname, Guyana, part of Venezuela, part of Brazil and French Guiana respectively.
French Guiana data charts
For your convenience take a look at French Guiana figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.
![french guiana fact data chart about I made a map of forests in French Guiana](
Why is french guiana not independent?
You can easily fact check why isro launch satellite from french guiana by examining the linked well-known sources.
Half of Venezuela, all of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, and a fair chunk of Brazil is one giant natural island - source
There is a country next to brazil, which is in the EU. French Guiana is the only american country that couldnt free himself from colonization.
In 1961 Brazil had a plan to invade the French Guiana (that was exploring brazilian manganese clandestinely). This could lead to a conflict like the Falklands War beteween Brazil and France. - source
When did french guiana gain independence?
Some Hmong minority refugees from the Vietnam War were resettled by France into the Amazonian bush of French Guiana. Despite initial doubts, they now make 80% of the territory's produce (but are only 1.5% of the pop.) & face fewer health and adaptation issues than urbanized Hmong in the US.