Air Conditioner facts
While investigating facts about Air Conditioner Repair and Air Conditioner Portable, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Fan Death" is a widely-held belief in South Korea that leaving an electric fan on overnight will kill a person. Even The Korea Consumer Protection Board issued a warning that "asphyxiation from electric fans and air conditioners" was among S.Korea's five most common summer accidents or injuries
how air conditioner works?
The Last words of the inventor of Air Conditioner on his death bed were "It'll be a Cold Day in Hell!"
What air conditioner size do i need?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what air conditioner brand is best. Here are 25 of the best facts about Air Conditioner Sale and Air Conditioner Price I managed to collect.
what air conditioner to buy?
Because of Texas's 3-strikes law, a man was sentenced to life in prison for refusing to return a refund after an air conditioner repair, ending a criminal career that had cost society $230 dollars.
Air conditioners are rated according to how many tons of ice would have to melt in your house during the day to keep it cool
In 1881, Navy engineers invented the first ever air conditioner with a lot of ice and a series of fans in order to cool President Garfield's bedroom during the summer months after he was confined to his bed after being shot.
In air conditioners, a "ton" refers to the heat needed to melt a ton of ice over one day. So a 1.5 ton AC removes heat that can melt 1.5 tons of ice in a day!
A ton is the cooling capacity of an air conditioning system. One ton is equal to the amount of heat required (288,000 Btu) to melt one ton of ice in a 24-hour period. A one-ton air conditioner is rated at 12,000 Btu per hour (288,000/24). A two-ton unit would be rated at 24,000 Btu per hour.
There are air conditioners outside in Dubai, to help keep the temperature cooler.
In 1881, after President James A. Garfield was shot, Navy engineers rigged up an early version of the modern air conditioner in an effort to relieve the President from the heat into his sickroom
Two dogs crashed their owner’s car into a Virginia Walmart after their owner left them alone with the engine and air conditioner running while she went inside. No charges were filed.
Evidence of the first use of a fan air conditioner dates back to Tang-dynasty era China, where the emperor Xuan-Zong had water powered fans for air conditioning.
When an air conditioner thermostat says 'wait' it means there is around a 5 minute compressor delay to protect the compressor from short cycling and is a normal operation when settings are changed.
Air Conditioner data charts
For your convenience take a look at Air Conditioner figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why air conditioner leaking water?
You can easily fact check why air conditioner not working by examining the linked well-known sources.
Casino's usually pump pure oxygen through their air-conditioners to keep gamblers from feeling tired, one of few tactics to keep people gambling for as long as possible.
More about Frederick McKinley Jones, an African-American who (around 1938) invented portable air conditioners for trucks, etc. among other notable inventions - source
The Schrader valve is used on virtually every motor vehicle in the world, as well as refrigerators, air conditioners, and SCUBA diving apparatuses. Its design was patented in the US in 1893. - source
Air Conditioners don’t actually blow cold air, instead they remove heat from the air.
An air conditioner's "ton" rating measures its equivalent ice-melting capacity. - source
When air conditioner is not cooling?
The SAE found that running an air conditioner in an automobile decreased gas mileage by 5 to 10%.
How air conditioner works animation?
The Jim Varney character 'Ernest P Worrell' was originally used by an ad agency to sell everything from orange juice to air conditioners.
How to make air conditioner at home using 2 Plastic Bottle | Easy life hack
Not to buy ever again an LG air conditioner, it may be a long video but if you are into the market of LG aircon its worth watching.
When the SR-71 flew at Mach 3.2, the temperature inside of the windshield would heat up to 250 °F (120 °C). In order to cool the cockpit, the air conditioner used a heat exchanger to dump heat into the jet fuel prior to combustion.
In Star Wars: The sound of a star destroyer's engines is a recording of a rattling motel air conditioner.