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Wrongly Arrested facts

While investigating facts about Wrongly Arrested, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A guy made his four-years-old son play San Andreas only to discover that the innocent kid used the Wide Open Sandbox potential to arrest criminals, help firefighters, and drive the wounded to the hospital in an ambulance, refusing to steal any cars or drive recklessly because that would be wrong

In Iceland in the 70s a woman became convinced she'd subconsciously witnessed a murder, this led to six people being wrongly arrested and all confessing despite remembering nothing

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 21 of the best facts about Wrongly Arrested I managed to collect.

  1. Wrongful convict Shareef Cousin was arrested on the basis of an anonymous tip to crimestoppers. It was later discovered that the officer who arrested him was the one who phoned in the tip and collected the 10K reward.

  2. In 2014 a Chula Vista firefighter attending the scene of a road accident was arrested by a California Highway Patrol officer for blocking the road and failing to move his firetruck. The firefighter later sued the CHP for wrongful arrest.

  3. The ATF set up a sting operation during which they hired and then arrested a mentally retarded man, allowed armed felons to leave the store, arrested four of the wrong people, paid such high prices for guns that people sold them to the agents at a profit, and eventually got burglarized.

  4. A Florida Sheriff's Office twice arrested the wrong "Ashley Chiasson", who served 5 weeks in jail, even though there was a 20lb and 5 inch difference in the women and they had a different middle name. Key witnesses and victims were not shown photo lineups to identify the suspect in both cases.

  5. In 2004 Madrid bombings, FBI wrongly arrested an American man based on fingerprint evidence who had never been to Spain in his entire life. They later apolozied for the debacle.

  6. A person who makes a citizen's arrest could risk exposing him or herself to possible lawsuits or criminal charges such as false imprisonment, unlawful restraint, kidnapping, or wrongful arrest.

  7. In 2009 4 Ferguson City Police Beat A Man Bloody And Then Charged Him With The Crime Of Bleeding On Their Uniforms After They Discovered They Had Arrested The Wrong Man.

  8. Cochise began his war against the United States Army when he was wrongly arrested for kidnapping an American rancher's son.

  9. The Spielberg film 'Munich' is mostly factual, but oddly left out the Lillehammer Affair, in which a team of 15 Mossad agents shot and killed the wrong man in front of his pregnant girlfriend, and 6 of the assassins were subsequently arrested by local police

  10. Tom Waits successfully won $7,500 after pursuing a suit for 5 years for wrongful arrest against 3 plain-clothes police, one of whom tried to run for sheriff of LA county.

wrongly arrested facts
What are the best facts about Wrongly Arrested?

What is true about wrongly arrested?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

After voicing his concerns about corruption within the NYPD that led to wrongful arrests and underreporting of crime, Adrian Schoolcraft was instead forcibly kidnapped and taken to a psychiatric ward, where he was handcuffed to a bed. His family was billed $7,185 for his 'treatment'.

In 1584, Spanish philologist, 'El Brocense', was put under house arrest by the Spanish Inquisition due to his argument that the Christmas narrative of Mary and Joseph finding 'no room at the inn' was utterly wrong due to a mistranslated word. - source

Steven Avery who spent 18 years in prison, convicted of a rape he did not commit. The Avery Bill was then drafted to prevent further wrongful convictions. The day the bill was to be signed, Steven Avery was arrested again for murder. - source

An NYPD Cop Peter Valentin has been sued 28 times since 2006 for wrongful arrest, and witness intimidation. He still works full-time for them and was not taken off street duty until recently.

New Software used by California Superior Courts is behind an ongoing wave of wrongful arrests and illegally prolonged detentions by law enforcement in the State - source

After the wrongful treatment of Latinos by East Haven police, the mayor was asked what he'd do for the Latino community in light of the officers' arrests . He said; "I might have tacos when I get home, I'm not quite sure yet."

A man in Miami has been wrongly arrested 62 times within the same neighborhood for trespassing, more than half of which was for trespassing at the store which he worked at.

A woman was arrested while speeding and attempted to use the “no wrong way to eat a Reese’s” defense.

Honolulu paid a lesbian couple $80,000 after a city police officer wrongfully arrested them after seeing them kissing in a grocery store while on vacation

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Wrongly Arrested. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Wrongly Arrested so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor