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World Rarest facts

While investigating facts about World's Rarest Pregnancy and World's Rarest Animal, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Rh-null, the rarest blood type of the world, has been called the "Golden Blood". This blood type is so rare that only 43 people in the world have it, and there are only 9 active donor.

how much is the rarest steak in the world?

A man that protects the world's rarest colors, some being poisonous, and some very beautiful. One of the colors is a yellow pigment originating from dried cow urine where they were only fed mango leaves.

What is the rarest blood type in the world?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the rarest car in the world. Here are 50 of the best facts about World's Rarest Car and World's Rarest Blood Type I managed to collect.

what is the rarest animal in the world?

  1. On new years eve in 2010, restaurateur Ted Balestreri offered to open a bottle of 1870 Lafite Rothschild, one of the rarest wines in the world, for former CIA director Leon Panetta if he captured Osama Bin Laden. Five months later, Osama Bin Laden was captured and the bottle of wine was opened.

  2. Green eyes are the rarest colored eyes in the world with only 2% of the world’s population having green eyes.

  3. The actual yeti may just be the extremely rare Tibetan blue bear. It is one of the rarest subspecies of bear in the world, it is only known to exist through a small number of fur and bone samples.

  4. The Bornean Bay Cat is one of the rarest wild cats in the world -- Only 12 specimens have been studied between the years of 1874 and 2002, and the species was never caught on film until 2009.

  5. World's rarest insect is 15cm-long "tree lobster" that lives on 1,844 feet high spindle of rock in the middle of Pacific, forms monogamous bonds and was considered extinct until 2001

  6. About the rarest blood on Earth. In 49 years, Rhnull has only been known in 43 or so people around the world.

  7. The rarest credit card in the world, the American Express Centurion card, is invitation only, has a $5k initiation fee, a $2.5k annual fee, no credit limit, and is made of titanium.

  8. Su Filindeu (The Threads of God) is the rarest , most difficult to make pasta in the world , and for 300 years ,only 3 women of a single Sardinian family knows how to make it.

  9. About the Norwegian Lundehund, one of the world's rarest and oldest dog breeds, which has six toes, extremely flexible joints and was bred specifically to fetch puffin eggs.

  10. The blood type "Rh-null" (known as "golden blood") is the rarest type known in the world, as few as 43 people is reported to have it. It was first identified in an Aboriginal woman in 1961.

world rarest facts
What is the rarest thing in the world?

What is true about world rarest?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

RH-null blood - called 'Golden Blood' by scientists, it is the rarest blood type in the world, with less than 50 individuals worldwide having the type.

Green eye color is the rarest color found around the world, and it is estimated that only around 2% of the world's population has green colored eyes. - source

RHnull is the rarest blood type in the world, not AB- as many people believe. Only 43 people worldwide are known to have RHnull blood. - source

Chiara Vigo, the last seamstress of "Sea Silk", one of the rarest and most coveted materials in the world.

The rarest whale in the world, the North Pacific right whale, can be found in the Bering Sea.

When was the oldest person in the world born?

Fields' disease is considered the rarest known disease in the world, with only two cases diagnosed (among two twin girls). It causes progressive muscular degeneration, and that's about all we know. Doctors concluded that "they were probably born with it."

How much is the rarest pokemon card in the world?

Worlds most expensive and rarest cheese is from donkeys

The world's rarest fungus (The Devil's Cigar) grows only in Texas and Japan. It also makes a whistling noise.

The world's rarest creature is the giant tortoise. A giant tortoise named Lonesome George was a national emblem for Ecuador. When it died in 2012 there was a national day of mourning.

There exists an isolated species of Leopard only know to inhabit a tiny range where the boarders of China, Russia, and North Korea meet. With an estimated wild population of 60 individuals, the Amur leopard is the rarest big cat species in the world.

With an overall adult population estimated at 360-440 individuals, the Ethiopian wolf is one of the world's rarest canids, and Africa's most endangered carnivore.

Interesting facts about world rarest

The last 3 of the world's rarest rhinos are unable to breed

The Cross River gorilla, only found in a few forest patches in Nigeria and Cameroon, is the world's rarest great ape and was unknown to science until the early 20th century

The Bornean Bay Cat, one of the rarest cat species in the world. Photographed for the first time in 2002.

The Ethiopian Wolf is the rarest species of canid in the world and the rarest carnivore in Africa

Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase deficiency, which was once considered the rarest disease in the world, now has two more cases over the past year.

How is the rarest disease in the world?

Fewer than 250 mature Cross River gorillas remain, making them the world's rarest great ape and was captured on video for the first time in 2009. The population at the Cameroon-Nigeria border region is separated by about 300 km from the nearest population of western lowland gorillas

There are only approximately 25 Hainan gibbons left in the world making it the rarest primate on the face of the planet.

One of the rarest NES games are the gold cartridges used at the 1990 Nintendo world championships. There are only 26 known to of been made, and one sold at auction for $100,000.

According to EDGE Birds, the Gian Ibis is the rarest bird in the world with only 230 pairs left in Cambodia

Dryococelus australis, commonly known as the Lord Howe Island stick insect or tree lobster, has been considered "the rarest insect in the world".

Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes, one of the rarest pieces of C&H memorabilia, is held by just 8 libraries in the world - 7 in the States (with 4 being in ND) and 1 in Singapore.

The Treskilling Yellow. It is a Swedish postage stamp, one of the rarest stamps in the whole world. Because of how rare it is, it is to be worth more than $3.14 million U.S. dollars.

The Lord Howe's Stick Insect, thought to be the rarest in the world, survived extinction from black rats by bridging 14 miles of ocean to land on Ball's Pyramid; they also have no wings.

There are only seven skeletons of the extinct Quagga in existence, making it the rarest skeleton in the world.

The rarest banknote in the world is the "100 Marks treasury note" from 1914. It was issued by Australia in the imperial German colony "German-new-guinea" and only one note is known to exist.

Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase deficiency is the rarest disease in the world, with only one diagnosed patient

The world's rarest insect lives on a huge island rock formation

There are several Rare Colors in the World,There are Seven Rare colors in the world, origin and what they are used for as well as beliefs behind are the Probability comparison of rarest colors

Top 6 scariest and rarest diseases in the world....Shocking wi be shocked after watching this video...must watch once...

A specimen the world's rarest and most endangered water lily was stolen from Kew Gardens during a festival themed after Victorian "Plant Hunters," who often stole exotic plants.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about World Rarest. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is World Rarest so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor