Witch Hunt facts
While investigating facts about Witch Hunter and Witch Hunt Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In the 1980s, when the Navy found out about the slang term "Friend of Dorothy", which gay men used for secretly identifying each other, they launched an enormous witch hunt, as they thought there was actually a woman named Dorothy who ran a massive underground homosexual military personnel
how to get out of the witch hunters outpost?
Accusing someone of being a witch was illegal in Medieval times, since the Church held that witches didn't exist, so it was a heretical claim. The big witch-hunts occurred in the early modern era.
What's witch hunting?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does witch hunt mean. Here are 32 of the best facts about Witch Hunter Robin and Witch Hunt Definition I managed to collect.
what witch hunt means?
After the success of The Blair Witch Project, all of the tourists going to Burkittsville ruined the hunting season for the locals. The tourists scared off all of the wildlife and the hunters were afraid to shoot anything for fear of accidentally hitting a person instead.
In 1994 and 1995 43 adults were charged with 29,726 counts of child abuse. Accused of being part of a group involved in ritualistic child abuse, 18 went to prison for what were later determined to be false testimony based on recovered memories. It's called the Wenatchee Witch Hunt.
In Tanzania (East Africa), witch hunts have increased as albino deaths have jumped. Accused witches are burned alive.
About Heinrich Kramer who, after being obsessed with a woman who rejected him sexually, went on to write Malleus Maleficarum, a book that explained how to find and destroy witches, causing the beginning of the massive witch hunt during the dark ages and the countless murders of innocents
In 1979, following the disappearance of Dallas Eggbert, the popular role-playing game "Dungeons & Dragons" became the subject of a modern witch hunt called the "Satanic Panic"
Daniel Lee, aka Tablo of Epik High, was accused of lying about graduating from Stanford. When the Stanford registrar confirmed that Lee was telling the truth, people instead believed that he had stolen the identity of another Daniel Lee, creating an online witch hunt against him.
The "Lavender Scare" which paralleled the "Red Scare" of the 1950's, the witch hunt and mass firing of homosexuals from government labeled as subversives and communist sympathizers.
During the Salem Witch Hunts, a woman convinced the minister of the town to make a witch cake (rye meal and the urine of the afflicted girls) and feed it to a dog. When the dog ate the cake, they believed it would harm the witch, causing her to howl in pain and reveal her identity.
Convicted former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling used the term “witch hunt” to describe the investigation of fraud by himself and others in their company. He’s out of prison now.
A book titled Malleus Maleficarum was written in the 1400s that was meant to tell how to deal with witches. There were other books written as well to teach people how to hunt and kill witches.
Witch Hunt data charts
For your convenience take a look at Witch Hunt figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did witch hunts end?
You can easily fact check why did the witch hunts begin by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1200 Pope Gregory IX authorized the hunting and killing of witches.
Michael's (Steve Carrell) kiss with Oscar (Oscar Nuñez) in The Office's Gay Witch Hunt episode was and improv. The script only called for a kiss to the cheek, not the lip. The rest of the cast bursted out laughing but because the camera was focused on the two, the scene was usable. - source
Nintendo released a game called Time Twist for their Famicom system in 1991. In an unusual departure from most Nintendo games, it includes levels set during a 15th-century witch hunt, on a slave plantation during the American Civil War, and in a Nazi concentration camp. - source
The Malleus Maleficarum ("Hammer of [the] Witches") details how to persecute and torture witches and was even too controversial and brutal for medieval times. It's text started the witch-hunting craze that lasted for hundreds of years afterward.
Thousands still die from witch hunts today, according to the UN - source
When did witch hunts begin?
Malleus Maleficarum, the writing that marked the climax of witch hunts in medieval Europe, appeared thirty years *after* the first book was printed in Europe, which can be thought of start of the Age of Enlightenment
How were the witch hunts in the united states resolved?
It is a myth that midwives were singled out in witch-hunts because they possessed “special knowledge” about вirth ċontrol and αbоrtіon
Albino people in Tanzania are hunted & mutilated for their body parts to be used by witch doctors
The Salem Witch Hunt was probably caused by the initial bewitchment victims eating bread infected with fungus from which LSD is derived.
After a forced march at the hands of the US military, the Navajo suffered a witch hunt that killed twice as many people as the Salem witch trials.
The government of Saudi Arabia (one of our allies) has an Anti-Witchcraft unit, to hunt out and investigate sorcery and that the government executes "witches."