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White Stripes facts

While investigating facts about White Stripes Songs and White Stripes Seven Nation Army, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When the invading Prussians banned Danish people from flying their flags, they spent years breeding the red-and-white striped "Danish Protest Pig" as the ultimate passive-aggressive display. It is still extant today, though there are only 140 examples and it is officially a rare breed.

how many white stripes are on the american flag?

Jack White of the White Stripes was saving Seven Nation Army's guitar riff in case he got asked to do a James Bond theme

What happened to the white stripes?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering white stripes i don't know what to do with myself. Here are 50 of the best facts about White Stripes Jolene and White Stripes Albums I managed to collect.

you don't know what love is white stripes?

  1. The iconic bassline from The White Stripes 'Seven Nation Army' isn't a bass guitar. It's a normal guitar shifted down an octave by an effects pedal

  2. The famous "Bassline" of Seven Nation Army, by The White Stripes, is played by a guitar. And the band didn't even have a bass player.

  3. Jack And Meg White of the White Stripes did a strange tour in Canada consisting of many obscure venues, (senior home, bowling alley) and "a show that lasted for a single note. (It was an E. The crowd chanted, “One more note!”)"

  4. Zebras actually have a black skin, with white stripes - not the other way around.

  5. Zebras have black and white stripes to battle against the parasites. Apparently, the horse flies are not able to land properly on zebras due to their stripes.

  6. During the Blitz in World War II, some British farmers painted their cows with white stripes in case they wondered onto roads in the dark during blackouts.

  7. Barbers have historically often served as surgeons and dentists and were paid accordingly. The barber pole, featuring red and white spiraling stripes, symbolized different aspects of the craft.

  8. Zebras are black with white stripes. It was previously believed that zebras were white animals with black stripes, since some zebras have white underbellies. Embryological evidence, however, shows that the animal's background color is black and the white stripes and bellies are additions.

  9. While they were originally thought to be white with black stripes because of their white belly, zebras are actually black (where the pigment is activated) with white stripes (where the pigment is inhibited) as shows embryological evidence

  10. The Danish Protest Pig, a reddish pig breed with a white stripe that looks like the Danish flag. When Danes in Prussian North Frisia were banned from raising their flag, they displayed the protest pig instead.

white stripes facts
What flag is red white and blue stripes?

White Stripes data charts

For your convenience take a look at White Stripes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

white stripes fact data chart about Population (x-axis) in Sweden y. 1977. Sorted by age (y-axis
Population (x-axis) in Sweden y. 1977. Sorted by age (y-axis), gender (men left, women right) and marital status; unmarried (white), married (striped), widow/-er (light grey), divo

white stripes fact data chart about Population (x-axis) in Sweden y. 1977. Sorted by age (y-axis
Population (x-axis) in Sweden y. 1977. Sorted by age (y-axis), gender (men left, women right) and marital status; unmarried (white), married (striped), widow/-er (light grey), divo

White stripes break up?

You can easily fact check why white stripes break up by examining the linked well-known sources.

Zebras are black and have white stripes, and not the other way round

Scientists put horses in black-and-white striped costumes to try and find out why zebras are stripy. It seems that the stripes make flies less likely to land on them. - source

The White & Red stripes on the flag of Texas originally stood for Anglo & Cherokee solidarity for independence against the First Mexican Republic - source

Gladiolus produces trumpet-shaped flowers arranged in the form of one-sided spike on top of the flowering stem. Flowers can be white, yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, mauve or green colored (all imaginable colors except blue). They are often covered with stripes and blotches of various colors. Certain varieties of gladioli have wavy, frilled or ruffled petals. Flowers contain both types of reproductive organs (perfect flowers).

The Puerto Rican flag is red, white and blue. There are five horizontal red and white alternating stripes (three red and two white). A blue triangle (isosceles triangle) on the left pointing to the right, with a white, 5-point star in its center.

When did the white stripes break up?

Mona monkey has red-brown or brown-agouti backs, white rump and ventral parts of the body and black tail and legs. Bluish-grey face is covered with dark eyebrows and white stripe on the forehead.

How to play white stripes on guitar?

Body of gopher snake is covered with keeled scales. Basic color of the body can be beige, yellow or brown. Bottom side of the body is usually yellow or cream in color. Dorsal side of the body is covered with 33 to 66 dark blotches. Smaller blotches are scattered on the lateral sides of the body. Dark stripe stretches from eye to the jaw. Tail is covered with black bands. Albino varieties of gopher snakes (animals without pigment that are completely white) occur rarely in the wild.

Akita dog has thick double coat that can be red, white, brindle (tiger-striped), chocolate-brown, grey or black-colored.

The Cardinals" uniform original design had white helmets, and white pants with red stripes and white or red jerseys. Several designs were introduced over the years and in 2010 an alternative black jersey was introduced. Before the black jersey, the Cardinals did not have an alternate jersey and they were the only NFL team without one.

Chamois has thick woolly coat that is reddish brown-colored during the summer and light grey during the winter. It has white face with black stripes below eyes, white rump and black stripe on dorsal side of the body.

Color of the body depends on the species. Most froghoppers are black, white or brown colored. Some species have bright-colored stripes and bands on the wings.

The white stripes when i hear my name?

Color of the fur of Asian golden cat depends on the habitat (it provides camouflage). It can be golden, brown, cinnamon, grey or black in color. Face is covered with black and white stripes. Body of some individuals is covered with spots and stripes.

Color of the body depends on the species, habitat, age and gender. Wrasse can be white, yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, green, grey, brown or black and covered with numerous bars, stripes and markings.

Color of the fur depends on the season. Pallas's cat is covered with silver grey coat during the winter and grey-reddish fur during the summer. Black spots can be seen on the forehead, black stripes on the cheeks and black, concentric bands on the tail. White-tipped hairs provide frosty appearance.

Northern bobwhite has black head, white eye line and throat, reddish-brown body, grey markings on the wings, white stripes on the flanks and grey tail. Females are slightly duller in color.

Clownfish can be easily recognized because of the beautifully colored bodies. Clownfish are covered with white stripes that are combined with orange, red, yellow, blue or black basic color of the body.

How to clean white stripes on adidas pants?

Some varieties of eggplant produce white, lavender, green or red-striped fruit that can be elongated, rounded or pea-shaped.

Boreal toad has grey, green or brown skin covered with warts. Throat and belly are lighter in color. White stripe stretches on dorsal side of the body. Belly and backs are covered with black or rusty-colored markings.

Monte Iberia eleuth is dark brown to nearly black-colored with two prominent copper/orange stripes on the back. It has orange and white stripes on the legs and purple skin on the belly.

Since the color of their skin is black, scientists believe that zebras are black animals covered with white stripes.

Booby is covered with white, brown, black and grey feathers. Head and neck can be uniformly colored or covered with stripes. Dorsal side of the body and wings are dark-colored in most species, while bottom side of the body is often light-colored or pure white.

"white's illusion" and "munker's illusion" are optical illusions in which placing objects of the same shade or color in two opposite contexts of contrasting stripes causes the object to appear to be a different shade or color

Water moccasin can be olive-green, brown or black colored, depending on the habitat. Belly is white colored. Juveniles have light colored body covered with various stripes that are pale in the center and dark on the edges.

The Sons of Liberty adopted their own flag in 1767. It had nine vertical (four white and five red) stripes. It was referred to as the rebellious stripes flag.

Liger is covered with sandy, dark yellow fur with faint stripes and rosettes. Back side of the ears is covered with dark spots, while bottom part of the body is white colored.

Eastern wood-pewee is covered with grey plumage. It has white throat, olive-green breasts and pale grey or yellowish belly. Two white stripes cover dark wings.

Blue tit has greenish-blue dorsal side of the body, blue tail and wings and white head with blue cap. It has black stripe over the eyes and dark blue chin and collar. Bottom parts of the body are yellow colored. Females are slightly duller in color than males.

Body of mullet is covered with large scales. Upper part of the body can be dark blue, grey or olive-green in color. Lateral sides of the body are silver and covered with several rows of horizontal black stripes. Bottom side of the body is silver or white-colored.

Jack and Meg White of the White Stripes presented themselves as siblings, but were actually married and divorced before the band became famous

Zebras are, in fact, black with white stripes rather than white with black stripes. Finally putting an end to a timeless dilemma.

Young tapirs have specific yellow and white stripes and spots on the reddish-brown fur which provide excellent camouflage. After few months (when they lose these marks), they look like miniature version of adult animal.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about White Stripes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is White Stripes so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor