White Rhinos facts
While investigating facts about White Rhinos Extinct and White Rhinos Population, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There are only three northern white rhinos left on earth, the only male has 24x7 armed guards, and there is a gofundme to raise half a million bucks to develop rhino IVF to keep the species alive
how white rhinos are left in the world?
They've put armed rangers on guard 24/7 to protect the last male northern white rhino left on Earth
What white rhinos are left in the world?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do white rhinos eat. Here are 44 of the best facts about White Rhinos 2019 and White Rhinos Left I managed to collect.
what white rhinos eat?
After legalizing white rhino hunting, South Africa saw an increase from 100 to 11,000 white rhinos in the country. Legalization of hunting motivated private land owners to reintroduce the species onto their land
The name "white rhino" came from a miscommunication: Englishmen mistook the Dutch word "wijde" (wide) for white. White rhinos and black rhinos are actually the same color, grey.
The southern white rhino has come back from a population of under 50 to nearly about 20k. Meanwhile there are only 3 northern white rhinos on earth. There are roughly 30,000 rhinos on earth and 5 total species.
The difference between the black and white rhino has nothing to do with color. The black rhino has a narrower mouth while the white, or “wide” rhino has a wider mouth better for grass eating. White Rhino came from Wide Rhino as an error in translation from South African Dutch “Wijd Rhino”
Scientists are going to try and bring back the northern white rhino from extinction by combining the eggs from the southern white rhino with the cryopreserved sperm of a northern white rhino to create viable embryos and embryonic stem cells!
Two types of rhinos live in Africa: white and black. White rhino is not white at all. It has brownish skin and it has wider mouth compared to black rhino.
The giant panda and eight other animals including; the white rhino, golden monkey, and Siberian tiger are no longer endangered!
There are only three northern white rhinos left in the wild and they are guarded 24/7 from poachers by armed security
There are only three Northern White rhinos alive in the world today, all of them under armed guard at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Nanyuki, Kenya.
The black rhino has a pointed upper lip, while its white relative has a squared lip. The difference in lip shape is related to the animals' diets.
White Rhinos data charts
For your convenience take a look at White Rhinos figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why white rhinos are called white rhinos?
You can easily fact check why white rhinos becoming extinct by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is only one male Northern White Rhino left and it is under 24 hour guard.
Wildlife that can be seen in Hwange National Park includes elephants, giraffes, hippos, buffalos, zebras, wildebeests, white rhinos, black rhinos, lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, wild dogs, antelopes, and gemsbok.
Different species have different number of horns: Indian and Javan rhinoceros have one horn, while White, Black and Sumatran rhinos have two horns.
The name “white rhino” comes from a mistranslation of the Dutch Weid mond rhino”, meaning “Wide-mouth rhino.” White and black rhinos are actually the same color.
White rhinos are so called not because of their color (which is dark gray) but because of the Afrikaans word “weit,” which means wide and refers to their mouths. “Weit” rhinos’ mouths are wider than black rhinos’. - source
When did white rhinos go extinct?
Some animals throughout history have been hunted for only a small portion of their body, resulting in devastating losses to populations. Some of these animals have included elephants (for their ivory tusks), bears (for their gallbladders), white rhinos (for their horns), and American bison (for their hides).
How white rhinos are left?
The five big game animals are found in Kruger National Park. These include the African lion, African leopard, African elephant, Cape buffalo, and the black and white rhinos.
Mammals that are common to Etosha National Park include the African bush elephant, the southern white rhino, the southwestern black rhino, the African buffalo, the Angolan giraffe, the southwest African lion, the African leopard, the South African cheetah, servals, caracals, African wildcats, black footed cats, black backed jackals, Cape foxes, brown hyenas, spotted hyenas, a variety of mongooses, meerkats, warthogs, zebras, hartebeests, wildebeests, and common elands, among many other species.
There are only three northern white rhinos left on earth, the only male has 24x7 armed guards, and there is a gofundme to raise half a million bucks to develop rhino IVF to keep the species alive
There are only two White Rhinos left in the world, as Sudan, world's last male Northern White Rhino, died today.
There is only one male northern white rhino left in the entire world.