West Wing facts
While investigating facts about West Wing Cast and West Wing Episodes, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Allison Janney was so convincing as White House press secretary in The West Wing that she has been offered work as a political pundit many times and turned them down, reminding them that she is an actor and not strong on politics.
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When season 3 of the show The West Wing was postponed due to 9/11, Aaron Sorkin spent the 3 week window writing & producing a special episode themed around terrorism. Due to its relevance and writing, it was the most awarded season in of any TV show that year.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what west wing episode does leo die. Here are 41 of the best facts about West Wing Weekly and West Wing Reboot I managed to collect.
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During the Berlin Blockade of 1948, US Air Force Pilot Gail Halvorsen dropped Candy & Chewing Gum with hand made parachutes for the Children of West Berlin. The Children would know it was Halvorsen, as when flying over Berlin, he would wiggle his wings side by side
The first season of The West Wing is comprised of material removed from Aaron Sorkin’s 385 page original draft of The American President.
While filming an episode of the West Wing, Martin Sheen put a cigarette out in the National Cathedral while in character - prompting the National Cathedral to ban filming inside the building.
About the Berlin Candy Bomber. Gail Halvorsen was an US bomber pilot who dropped candy (his personal ration at first) over West Berlin during the airlift period. He "wiggled" his planes' wings to alert the kids on the ground of which of the many planes was his.
Teddy Roosevelt was responsible for having the West Wing built. Thomas Jefferson had the idea about 100 years earlier, but his idea didn"t materialize.
During an episode of Star Trek: Voyager, a list of crew members killed in action is displayed that contains the names of all the major characters from The West Wing. The graphic artists at Star Trek were big fans of the show and loved gags that weren't obvious on first glance.
Some British Members of Parliament staged a "rebellion by stealth" and won a vote after being inspired by a trick from a recent episode of "The West Wing".
President William Howard Taft, doubled the size of the West Wing and built its first Oval Office. He placed the famous Roosevelt desk there where it survived a major fire in 1929
The main portion of the White House is actually just a house; all the offices and boardrooms are in the west wing.
The producers of the X-Files considered introducing the character of President Jed Bartlet from The West Wing as the President of the United States in the X Files, which would have resulted in both shows sharing the same fictional universe.
West Wing data charts
For your convenience take a look at West Wing figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why did west wing end by examining the linked well-known sources.
for over 17 years not all of humanity has lived on planet earth. Since November 2, 2000 the ISS has been continuously inhabited. (h/t Jacob Keaton on The West Wing Weekly podcast)
The oval office is not located at the center of the White House, but is instead at the corner of the West Wing building. - source
Ron Swanson/Nick Offerman was in an early episode of The West Wing, playing a wildlife conservationist - source
John Amos (Roots/West Wing) wrote McDonald's-themed songs to West Side Stories tunes while working at the 1st McDonald's in Canada in 1967. In 1971, he was asked to perform in one of McDonald's most famous ads -- 'Grab a Bucket and Mop' - a song & dance bit.
The 'Oval Office' is in the West Wing, and NOT in the residence of the White House - source
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Aaron Sorkin, posted several times on the forums Television Without Pity. In several instances, he created controversies that were later copied on the show The West Wing. One power user said "His post[s], had it been posted by any other poster, would have probably gotten him banned."
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Josiah Barlet from The West Wing was named after a real signatory of the Declaration of Independence who was also the Governor of New Hampshire
Big Bird was on The West Wing and kept up with Jim Henson's wishes of keeping them actual characters
Martin Sheen as Josiah Bartlet was invited to resume his role as President of the United States from The West Wing in the series finale "The Truth" from the X-Files. The scene, however, was deleted, but can still be seen on the DVD extras.
Martin Sheen, who played President Bartlet on The West Wing, was asked by the Democratic Party to run for Senator in Ohio
In 2005, the TV Series "The West Wing" predicted that gay marriage would be legalized in 10 years.