Tv Show facts
While investigating facts about Tv Shows and Tv Show Mom, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Guns and Roses guitarist Slash did not allow the TV show Glee to use any of Guns and Roses' music despite many attempts from producers. He stated “Glee is worse than Grease and Grease is bad enough.”
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The creator of the TV show Archer became bored with the show and wrote a Country music career for Cheryl in season 5. The shows producers went so far as record a full country album. That album surprised music fans with its quality and reached #68 on iTunes.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what tv shows are cancelled. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tv Show Evil and Tv Show You I managed to collect.
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Two metal detectorists who thought they'd found a stash of Roman gold coins they estimated to be worth £250,000 discovered the coins were actually a worthless prop for TV show The Detectorists.
The CIA's operations in Cuba were so heavily compromised that the Cuban government released a 6-part TV series showing clips of US agents engaging in "undercover" espionage.
Americans sought comfort TV after 9/11 and watched so much Food Network that the station had to restructure itself to appeal to a general audience. This led to the creation and subsequent rise of reality cooking shows like Chopped and Iron Chef USA.
Futurama writer Ken Keeler wrote and proved a completely new mathematical theorem just for a single episode, called the Futurama Theorem. It is the first known theorem to be created for the sole purpose of entertainment in a TV show.
For at least 6 years, ad companies have been retroactively adding/changing product placements in old TV shows
That, after surviving a year-long experiment on an isolated island for a British reality TV show, ten contestants learned that the show had been canceled 4 months into production.
The TV show ’The Office’ had to halt production during the 2007 Writer’s Strike because Steve Carell, who supported the writers, refused to cross picket lines. On the first day of the strike he called in to the network sick, citing “enlarged balls” as the reason.
Gordon Ramsay was covered in gasoline and held at gunpoint in Costa Rica while he was investigating illegal shark fin trading for a TV show
One of Russia's most popular '90s TV shows challenged contestants to steal a car. If they could evade police for 35 minutes, they got to keep it. The show was pulled after being linked to a rise in car thefts.
Iron Maiden lead singer, Bruce Dickinson is considered a polymath by Intelligent Life magazine due to excelling in a wide variety of pursuits. He is a commercial pilot, presented shows on radio and TV, written novels, brews his own beer and was once ranked 7th in Great Britain for fencing.
Tv Show data charts
For your convenience take a look at Tv Show figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why tv shows are good by examining the linked well-known sources.
When the TV show "Frasier" was at its most popular, Moose (the dog who played Eddie) received more fan mail than any of the human characters
The TV show Mr Robot has a team of hackers and cyber security experts who make sure that the hacking shown on the show is accurate. Hacking scenes are also performed by members of the technical team in real life, then recorded and rebuilt using Flash animation. - source
When it became apparent that Israel was going to win the 1978 Eurovision Singing Contest, Jordanian TV stopped the live broadcast, showed a picture of daffodils, and later announced that Belgium had won. - source
Japan has a popular TV show called "My First Errand" where little kids are sent to do minor tasks for the family on their own while a camera crew secretly follows them.
That, when Lisa Kudrow was cast in Friends, it was decided to make Phoebe the twin sister of Ursula, her character in Mad About You, so that TV audiences wouldn't get confused about seeing the same actress in back-to-back shows. - source
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The actor who played David Wallace on The Office was actually a full time wealth-management adviser at the time, and considered acting on the TV show a hobby - "this is what I do instead of playing golf"
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Chris Pratt of Parks & Rec did a scene in which Andy shows up at Ann's house totally naked wearing skin-tone briefs. After several takes, Pratt felt that Amy Poehler did not seem convincingly surprised, so he took off the briefs. Poehler's genuine reaction was later aired on TV.
Danny McBride's grandmother invited her friend's over to watch the premiere of her grandson's TV Show "Eastbound and Down." Afterward, none of her friends talked to her anymore.
In 1975 a man died of laughter while watching his favourite TV show. His widow later sent The programme a letter thanking them for making his final moments of life so pleasant.
Bea Arthur from the TV Show "Golden Girls" was a Marine truck driver in WW2 serving in Marine Corps and Navy air stations in Virginia and North Carolina reaching the rank of Staff Sergeant.
The TV series 'Frasier' was very influential on Seattle. Newly wealthy software millionaires asked real-estate agents for apartments with a view of the Space Needle like what Frasier Crane has. The show helped the city's culture to change from manufacturing and grunge to what it is today.
Tv show infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Tv Show numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

The Total Battles and Win Rates of Ash's Pokemon in the Pokemon TV Show