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Watching Porn facts

While investigating facts about Watching Porn, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A Puerto Rican man was arrested for watching porno feat Lupe Fuentes, who a pediatrician identified as being underage because of her appearance. The porn star flew there from Spain to show her passport and prove she was 19. The man was in jail for 2 months before that happened.

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The University of Montreal attempted to conduct a study in 2009 on male pornography consumption but was unable to put together a control group because they were unable to find men who had never watched porn

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the little clocks on watches. Here are 50 of the best facts about Watching Porn I managed to collect.

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  1. The University of Montreal had to cancel a study comparing perceptions of women between men who watch porn and men who have never watched porn, because they "couldn't find any" of the latter.

  2. There are Porn Inspectors in China, whose job is to solely watch porn to verify that it is illegal material

  3. The Italian Supreme Court ruled it's OK to watch porn during your lunch break, after FIAT fired a guy for watching porn at lunch. He claimed it was only a glimpse, and there was no evidence that this was a habit that’s affecting his work, so the court ruled he had done nothing wrong

  4. In a 2009 interview, after Eminem proudly displayed his library of porn DVDs, the interviewer informed him that everyone now watches porn online for free. Eminem insisted that they pause the interview so the interviewer can show him exactly how to watch porn on his laptop.

  5. Watching porn or reading the bible in North Korea is against the law, and is punishable by death.

  6. In 2007, a middle school principle in Bethlehem, PA was arrested for being a meth dealer. He was arrested in his office, where he was found naked and watching gay porn with sex toys nearby.

  7. Pakistan is one of the top gay porn watching countries despite having a very homophobic society.

  8. Quentin Tarantino used to work as an usher at a movie theater, meaning he got to watch movies for free--but it was a porn theater, and porn movies bored him.

  9. In 2012, Jazz FM accidentally aired 5 minutes of pornography. A member of staff had been watching porn at his desk, and had accidentally left the audio of his studio computer linked to a computer on the broadcast console.

  10. Yale Had a Club Dedicated to Watching Porn and Eating Fried Chicken Called "Porn 'N Chicken."

watching porn facts
What led to the development of the modern clocks and watches?

Watching Porn data charts

For your convenience take a look at Watching Porn figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

watching porn fact data chart about Percent of time watching porn, by hour of day, averaged on l
Percent of time watching porn, by hour of day, averaged on last 2 years

watching porn fact data chart about 7% of men watch porn "at least once a day"
7% of men watch porn "at least once a day"

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You can easily fact check why are all clocks watches set to 1010 when advertising by examining the linked well-known sources.

The average age that someone starts watching hardcore pornography is 11. Also, 4 out of 5 16-year-olds regularly access porn.

People who identify as porn addicts don’t actually watch more porn than other people – they just feel worse about it. - source

You'll be executed if you watch porn in North Korea. - source

Professional porn censors in China get paid to watch over 700 pornographic movies each week, start to finish.

An Indonesian politician makes a law to make porn illegal then gets caught watching porn in parliament. - source

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The CEO of Seagate said ""Let's face it, we're not changing the world. We're building a product that helps people buy more crap - and watch porn."

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A study of men watching porn before working out increased performance and changed testosterone hormone levels

A 55-year-old man walking down a Memphis street was struck and killed by a 15-foot runaway trailer that had come loose from the truck hauling it when it hit a bump. The convicted sex offender may have seen the trailer coming had he not been watching porn on his phone at the time.

"Content moderators" work behind the scenes for social media sites to review and remove content. i.e., They watch porn and gore all day.

Yale University has a club dedicated to watching porn and eating chicken. The club is called "Porn N' Chicken".

7 per cent of men watch porn "at least once a day"

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The University of Montreal wanted to do a study on the behaviour of men in their 20's who viewed pornography versus men in their 20's who had never seen porn at all. However, that study never happened because the researchers couldn't find a single male in their 20's who hadn't watched porn.

A study in the Journal of Sex Research showed that porn viewers seem to think more highly of women than those who do not watch porn.

A Baltimore public works supervisor was fired in May for watching at least 39 hrs of porn in an 80 hr work period

There is an organization that goes to schools and tells kids that watching porn is a drug

A Tennessee State Trooper was fired after he watched porn on his patrol car laptop, received a blowjob from a porn star, recorded it, and asked her to post it on her blog so his buddies would believe him.

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Over a fifth of graduating Harvard seniors are still Virgins and more than half of the girls at Harvard have never watched porn.

New study suggests gay African-American teenage boys are getting most of their sex education from watching porn.

Wash Westmoreland, co-director of Oscar winner "Still Alice", started his career directing gay porn, and directed a softcore parody of "The Ring" called "The Hole" where straight guys who watch a cursed video tape get a menacing phone call telling them they will turn gay in seven days.

You can watch porn on YouTube if it's educational

Some pandas in captivity watch panda porn to learn how to have sex

South Koreans have to enter their national ID number to watch porn.

There are a site with porn for the blind where people who are not blind watch and describes whats going on in the videos.

1 in 5 straight men watch gay porn, according to researchers

Humans aren’t the only species that enjoys watching porn

It's someone's job to watch through pixelated Japanese porn videos to make sure they are pixelated enough

During a pro tennis match in FL, the players/ crowd were distracted by what sounded like someone loudly watching porn on their phone. Eventually, officials discovered that the noise wasn't come from a phone, but in fact, was coming from a couple, across the lake, with their windows open.

Watch "Shameless Weed Porn III: c3po versus Bee Lasso" on YouTube

You can watch "A Serbian Film" on Youtube, while Porn is still forbidden

During a tennis match in Florida, the players/ audience were distracted by what sounded like someone loudly watching porn on their phone. Eventually, officials discovered, the noise was not coming from a phone, but in fact, was coming from the couple across the lake, with their windows open.

In China, there are "Porn judges" who get paid to watch porn all day in order to weed out the "questionable" porns. One of the Judge is name Wang Dong

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Watching Porn. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Watching Porn so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor