Gay Porn facts
While investigating facts about Gay Porn, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Despite strong intolerance of gays, Pakistan leads in world for gay porn searches
how gay marriage was legalized?
The Bible Belt leads the United States in consumption of gay porn
What states allow gay marriage?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the first state to legalize gay marriage. Here are 35 of the best facts about Gay Porn I managed to collect.
what states is gay marriage legal?
In 2007, a middle school principle in Bethlehem, PA was arrested for being a meth dealer. He was arrested in his office, where he was found naked and watching gay porn with sex toys nearby.
Despite being one of the most homophobic countries in the world, Pakistan ranks at No. 1 for gay porn searches.
In a 1996 study, 34% of non-homophobic males and 80% of homophobic males became aroused with gay porn. The study used 64 straight males.
Pakistan is one of the top gay porn watching countries despite having a very homophobic society.
A 1996 study comparing arousal in homophobic and non-homophobic men found that only the homophobic men were aroused by MM gay porn , i.e., that homophobes are often closeted homosexuals.
In 2004, the founder of Girls Gone Wild has forced at gunpoint to make a gay porn.
A former CBS anchor and Fox weatherman quit his job to become a gay porn star
Canada has more Facebook addicts than any other country, and Pakistan is the world's leading producer of Gay porn
there is a Japanese game show called 'Orgasm Wars' where gay men try to make straight men cum and its apparently NOT porn
The world's most homophobic countries (ie. those with laws making homosexuality illegal) are also among the top searchers of gay porn on Google.
2015 gay marriage why?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Jason Bateman bought the domain after learning it was a gay porn site. (45:10)
New study suggests gay African-American teenage boys are getting most of their sex education from watching porn. - source
Wash Westmoreland, co-director of Oscar winner "Still Alice", started his career directing gay porn, and directed a softcore parody of "The Ring" called "The Hole" where straight guys who watch a cursed video tape get a menacing phone call telling them they will turn gay in seven days. - source
While blink-182 was on the Mark, Tom and Travis Show Tour, films including vintage gay porn were projected behind the band when they were on stage
The Oscar nominated movie the King's Speech was filmed on the same set as the gay Porn film "Snookered". - source
When gay marriage legal?
Out of 39 Gay porn production companies that include male–male sex scenes 30 are in USA, about 80% of gay porn is made in the USA
How many states allow gay marriage?
In 2011, a scientific study showed that homophobic men actually found gay male porn more sexually-arousing than straight porn. Ironic.
In 1980, a bank robber stole $1.85 million and used it to create the most expensive gay porn of all time
Gay porn stars make more money than straight prone stars.....
Famous porn star Peter North initially entered the industry doing gay porn under the name Matt Ramsey
1 in 5 straight men watch gay porn, according to researchers