Warring Factions facts
While investigating facts about Warring Factions Meaning and Warring Factions Synonym, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There is a Russian version of the Lord of the Rings based on the premise that the original LOTR is a "history written by the victors;" in reality Mordor was on the verge of an industrial revolution which was a threat to the war-mongering and imperialistic faction represented by Gandalf/the elves
how to get the call of the warring factions?
A chimpanzee community in Gombe National Park split into two factions and went to war with each other from 1974 to 1978. During the war, male chimps would team up to raid neighbouring territories and patrol the borders. If they found a lone chimp they would brutally kill them.
What is warring factions?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what effect would a compromise have on warring factions. Here are 19 of the best facts about Warring Factions Peep Show and Warring Factions In Libya I managed to collect.
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George Orwell, author of 1984 and Animal Farm among others, was a Spanish Civil War veteran. He served with the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification, an anti-Stalinist communist international brigade fighting for the Loyalist (Republican) faction.
The Pepsi-Cola company of the Philippines won an Ig Nobel Peace Prize "for sponsoring a contest to create a millionaire and then announcing the wrong winning number, which incited and united 800,000 expectant winners, bringing many warring factions together for the first time".
Although North Vietnam was a communist dictatorship led by Ho Chi Min, there were several factions within the government. The North Vietnamese government was also dependent upon support from the Soviet Union and China: the Soviets favored conventional war, while the Chinese advocated for guerrilla warfare.
He was said to have been among the faction at the Versailles Conference that advocated for a less harsh peace for Germany and helped write the Dawes Plan, which alleviated Germany's reparations.
Although the Domino Theory is generally considered from the viewpoint of the United States and other democratic-capitalist governments attempting to stop the spread of communism, it can also be viewed from the perspective of the Soviet Union and China attempting to turn countries communist one at a time. The Eastern Bloc's support of various leftist terrorist groups in western Europe in the 1970s and 1980s - the Red Army Faction in West Germany, the Red Brigades in Italy, and Action Direct in France - is sometimes cited as a case of the communist powers attempting to push the dominos in Europe.
The CIA bribed many of the Japanese Diet (Parliament) and influential figures in Japan, including “elder statesmen” and cabinet officials, from Japan’s first post-war election in 1953 until the 1970s, to support conservative factions over socialists.
Once the king was executed and the royalists were defeated, the Roundheads began to fight among themselves. Cromwell eventually brought the factions together and was proclaimed Lord Protectorate in 1653. The title gave him most of the powers of the monarchy that ironically caused him to go to war.
South Park made an episode of a future without religion. In the episode, instead of war between religions, atheist factions with different theories wage war against each other
The militant pro-Chinese faction in the North Vietnamese government won. They quickly arrested their opponents and began planning the Tet Offensive.
The creators of the companies Adidas and Puma were brothers and had started a family rivalry that separated their hometown into warring factions for 60 years
Warring Factions data charts
For your convenience take a look at Warring Factions figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about warring factions?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1992, Pepsi-Cola Company of the Philippines, sponsored a contest to create a millionaire, and then announcing the wrong winning number, thereby inciting and uniting 800,000 riotously expectant winners, and bringing many warring factions together for the first time in their nation's history.
In 1967 two factions involved in the Nigerian Civil War agreed to a 48-hour ceasefire so they could watch Pelé play an exhibition game in Lagos - source
In 1993, Pepsi won the Ig Nobel Prize for Peace by sponsoring a contest to create a millionaire, and then announcing the wrong winning number, thereby inciting and uniting 800,000 riotously expectant winners, bringing many warring factions together for the first time in their nation's history. - source
There is a constantly updating interactive map of the Syrian Civil War. It takes into account regions of control and truces based on the day to day military actions of all factions involved.
There was a game called Gender Wars. Two factions, male and female, fought against each other and occasionally raided the other side to steal "reproductive cells" to create more warriors for their side. - source
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Both factions of the Second Ivorian Civil War were led by Phd's : Laurent Gbagbo, a Phd in history from Paris Diderot University, and Alassane Ouattara, a Phd in economics from Upenn
During a civil war between factions of Iraqi Kurdish government Kurdish Masoud Barzani appealed for help from Saddam Hussein to defeat his Kurdish rival, PUK. With Saddam's help Barzani drove PUK out of major Iraqi cities. Barzani has since been President of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region since 2005
Warring factions infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Warring Factions numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.