Wait Wait facts
While investigating facts about Wait Wait, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Angelina Jolie once tried to hire a hitman to kill her, because she felt that a murder would be easier on her family than her committing suicide. The would-be-hitman talked her out of it by asking her to wait a month.
In 1997, a poacher wounded a tiger and stole part of its kill. The tiger found the poacher's cabin, destroyed his belongings, waited at least half a day for him to return, then killed and ate him.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Wait Wait I managed to collect.
Two trapped miners once asked for an ipod with The Foo Fighters music on it to keep their spirits up. After hearing this, Dave Grohl wrote a note saying "I want you to know that when you come home, there's two tickets to any Foos show, anywhere, and two cold beers waiting for you".
Roundabouts reduce fatalities from accidents by 90%. They also lower wait times and save on gas.
During his 2009 TED talk, Bill Gates opened a jar of mosquitoes saying “Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. I brought some… I’ll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected” & waited for ~a minute before telling the audience that the bugs were malaria-free.
Thanks to 3D printing, NASA can send plans for new tools and equipment to the Space Station over email. Instead of waiting months for gear, Astronauts can print new gear in hours.
When Princess Diana went to Disneyland she made her sons Harry and William wait in line just like everyone else.
“Shoeless” Joe Jackson was illiterate. In restaurants, rather than ask someone to read the menu to him, he would wait until his teammates ordered and then order one of the items that he heard.
Instead of donating money, Toyota helped the NY Food Bank by increasing efficiency, cutting line wait times from 90 to 18 minutes.
A 30-year-old elephant named Ben sought help at a safari lodge after being shot by poachers. The elephant waited patiently near the lodge for the 6 hours it took for a vet to fly in and dress his 3 bullet wounds.
The Wait Calculation that states that an interstellar mission that cannot be completed within 50 years should not be started at all as it will be overtaken by more efficient and faster later missions
American soldiers in the Pacific theater of WW2 always used passwords containing the letter 'L' due to Japanese mispronunciation, a word such as lollapalooza would be used and upon hearing the first two syllables come back as 'rorra' would "open fire without waiting to hear the rest".
Wait Wait data charts
For your convenience take a look at Wait Wait figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about wait wait?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Argos, Odysseus's dog in the works of Homer. After 20 years of waiting for Odysseus to return home, the dog is the only one to recognize him, he wags his tail and Odysseus sheds a tear, and Argos dies after meeting him one last time.
A 12 year old boy who saw his own father murdered by a family friend, avenged the death of his father by killing the alleged murderer in a revenge attack he had planned for 12 years. He cut him into 12 pieces, one each for the years of wait. - source
After complaints about baggage wait times, Houston airport moved the baggage claim farther away. The walk took longer than the wait and the complaints dropped to nearly zero. - source
Julie Andrews initially turned down the role of Mary Poppins because of her pregnancy. Walt Disney however insisted, saying "we'll wait for you".
On Full House Bob Saget, John Stamos & Dave Coulier often got in trouble for "adult humor" in front of their child co-stars and got busted doing whip its off screen with 15 cans of Redi Whip while impatiently waiting for the girls to finish shooting a scene. - source
Fawns (baby deer) are often left alone for hours while their mothers forage for food. Sometimes well meaning people ‘kidnap’ the fawn thinking it’s abandoned when it’s really just waiting for its mom.
John Wayne Gacy's former attorney, Sam Amirante, who heard Gacy's original confession to over 30 murders, later went on to author the Missing Child Recovery Act of 1984 which removed the 72-hour waiting period to begin the search for a missing child.
President LBJ thought Nixon's back-channel communications to S.Vietnam government were treasonous (Nixon secretly told the S.Vietnamese to stop the Vietnam War peace talks with President LBJ, and wait until Nixon gets elected to get a "better deal".)
In 2002, a British woman was so annoyed by Jehovah Witnesses repeatedly knocking on her door, she waited until they were holding a service, then started pounding on the front doors of their church. Then, she tried to get them to change religions. After about a half-hour, she was forced to leave
In 1974, KFC Japan started selling family sized Christmas dinners including chicken, cake and wine. They became so popular that they now require ordering weeks in advance to prevent waiting in line for hours. They account for about a third of the chain’s yearly sales in Japan.
In the D.C. metro area, there is a carpooling practice known as "slugging." Strangers wait on a corner to be picked up by another stranger so that the driver can use the HOV lane. Oh and it's all for free.
Wait wait infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Wait Wait numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Olympic speedskaters finish slower when referees wait longer with starting shot