Visual Processing facts
While investigating facts about Visual Processing Disorder and Visual Processing Disorder In Adults, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Color-blindness in humans happens when a person has two visual processing cones instead of the usual three. There is a flipside, that there are people who have a condition known as Tetrachromacy, where someone has four cones, potentially allowing them to see more of the visible spectrum.
how visual processing occurs?
Blindsight, where a cortically blind person can't consciously see but still has visual information subconsciously processed. Such a person may avoid an obstacle in their field of view but not know why they did so.
What is visual processing?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the role of the amygdala in processing visual information. Here are 23 of the best facts about Visual Processing Disorder Test and Visual Processing Disorder Treatment I managed to collect.
what is visual processing disorder?
If you stare at yourself in a mirror 1.5m away, you're looking at yourself 10 nanoseconds in the past (ignoring visual processing time)
Due to the way other parts of the brain processes the info sent to it from our eyes, people who are blind from an injury to the visual cortex are still able to sense emotion in faces or sense obstacles in their way and avoid them despite their visual cortex not recognizing the signals sent.
Honeybees can process visual information so well that they can differentiate between Monet and Picasso paintings.
There's a condition called "Alice in Wonderland syndrome" that makes you see things closer, further, bigger or smaller that is caused by abnormal amounts of electrical activity resulting in abnormal blood flow in the parts of the brain that process visual perception and texture.
Visuals are processed in the brain 60,000x faster than text and that 40% of all nerve fibers connected to the brain are linked to the eye.
We spend roughly 40 minutes of each day blind due to Saccadic Masking. Your brain pauses visual processing whilst your eyes are in use
Humans process visual information twice. Once for "what it is" and again for "where it is now" with measurable lag. Our brains use lag correction to minimize the effects of this
A "stupidity virus" was found in 43% of participants that reduces visual processing, spatial awareness, and attention span. It normally infects algae and researches don't know how it came to infect humans in such abundance.
Eyes of fruit fly consist of 760 individual lenses. 2/3 of fruit fly's brain is responsible for visual processing.
Blind people, who have suffered damage to the visual processing region in their brain, can still detect facial expressions. This is because conscious sight and visual perception work independently.
Visual Processing data charts
For your convenience take a look at Visual Processing figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about visual processing?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The housefly processes visual information 7x faster than humans, allowing them to see human swat attempts in slow motion due to a higher flicker fusion rate.
Based on University of Toronto study, our mood can actually change how our visual cortex processes information. - source
Subconscious biases can influence visual processing so much so that simply viewing a black man's face increases the speed with which some people identify a fuzzy picture as a gun. - source
Children exposed to marijuana in the womb are better at visual motion processing.
Dyslexia is a language disorder, not a visual processing disorder - source
Visual processing begins when?
Due to how our retina and optic nerve process data at each level of our visual system information is lost. Resulting in "estimates of the bandwidth of conscious awareness itself (i.e. what we ‘see’) being in the range of 100 bits/sec or less."
Describe how visual processing occurs?
Schlieren photography is a visual process that photographs the flow of fluids of varying density. It is widely used in aeronautics.
The ability to parse an image out of confusing pictures shows a greater tendency to hallucinate—in essense, a visual system that fills in the blanks more readily. People with previous psychotic symptoms—such as hallucinations or delusions—were better able process images than those without
Information from your left eye isn't processed by your right visual cortex. Instead, information from the left side of your left and right eye is processed by the right cortex.
Blindsight: a condition in which the more complex visual processing center of the brain is damaged, leaving the subject consciously blind but still responsive to some visual stimuli
Previsualization is a process for experimenting with scene visuals in a movie before filming, and can include photography, art, and 3D animation. Some of these modern animations are even comparable to the graphics of 3D video games.