Visual Effects facts
While investigating facts about Visual Effects Society and Visual Effects Lethbridge, I found out little known, but curios details like:
To create an accurate depiction of a black hole in the movie Interstellar, Kip Thorne, a theoretical physicist, wrote pages of theoretical equations to help the VFX team. The resulting visual effects provided Thorne with new insights, resulting in the publication of three scientific papers.
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Jurassic Park's visual effects were so groundbreaking to filmmakers that it inspired Peter Jackson to begin work on Lord of the Rings, George Lucas to start on the Star Wars prequels, and Stanley Kubrick to invest in his pet project, A.I (Artificial Intelligence).
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is visual effects in movies. Here are 50 of the best facts about Visual Effects Software and Visual Effects Artist I managed to collect.
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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith has the most visual effects for any film, ever
Ed Helms' missing tooth in "The Hangover" was not created with prosthetics or visual effects. Helms never had that tooth grow and received a dental implant as a teenager, and it was removed during filming.
CGI rendering software, used to model gravitational lensing around black holes and wormholes, in the film ‘Interstellar’ was so accurate it’s creation produced three scientific papers and are likely the best visualizations of said effects ever created.
Surgeons wear green or blue-coloured scrubs because they're the complementary to red (blood), thus allowing the surgeon to better visualize the patient's inside, and avoiding eye strain, loss of concentration and the 'after effect' illusion.
The 1998 movie Armageddon was shot and edited in only 16 weeks. A massive undertaking causing tremendous stress on everyone, especially the visual effects supervisor who had a nervous breakdown from how overwhelmed he was
Apollo 13, was filmed on board reduced gravity aircraft to show realistic weightlessness, but along with it's combination of CGI and small scale props it lost "Best Visual Effects" to Babe at the Academy Awards.
The original TRON (1982) was not considered for a visual effects Oscar because the Academy felt the filmmakers had cheated by using computers.
The difference between special effects (SFX) and visual effects (VFX) is that special effects are realized on set whereas visual effects are added afterward.
Visual Effects data charts
For your convenience take a look at Visual Effects figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why study visual effects by examining the linked well-known sources.
There's a school that train people with autism to become visual effects artists. Their credits include Captain America, Avengers and Game of Thrones.
The 1982 film "Tron" wasn't nominated for an Academy Award for visual effects because the use of computers was considered "cheating." - source
Mad Max: Fury Road" has about 2700 cuts of its running length, or 22.5 cuts per minute, and has over 2000 visual effect shots. The frame rate was also manipulated, as some shots slowed down for better understanding and some shots sped up as they were too well understood. - source
A team involved in the visual effects on the movie Bohemian Rhapsody were not paid after Halo VFX which oversaw them went bankrupt.
The McCollough effect, a visual phenomenon which, if induced for 15 minutes, can alter your color perception to adapt to colors not actually present for over 3 months. - source
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Spaceballs' visual effects were created by Industrial Light & Magic, the company responsible for VFX in every Star Wars film, founded by George Lucas himself.
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Humans process visual information twice. Once for "what it is" and again for "where it is now" with measurable lag. Our brains use lag correction to minimize the effects of this
Some turntablists today are using images, videos, and effects along with sound. This is referred to as "visual turntablism" and is gaining popularity for live performances.
Bi-color and full color laser harps reject ambient light and are capable of measuring hand height, as well as playing pitch and preset colors, visual effects and other features not available to laser harps before.
When the auditory component of one sound is paired with the visual component of another sound our brains will perceive a third sound in an auditory illusion called the McGurk effect
Visual effects infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Visual Effects numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.