Views Youtube facts
While investigating facts about Views Youtube Money and Views Youtube Free, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Daler Mehndi was told his music was only popular because his videos featured beautiful women dancing, so he released a music video featuring only himself. This video, "Tunak Tunak Tun", has more than double the views of any of his other videos on youtube (88M as of today).
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Gangnam Style was so viral and gathered views so quickly, YouTube had to change the view count system to prevent a stack overflow as the original 32-bit integer system tops out at ~2.14 billion.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does youtube pay for 1 million views. Here are 50 of the best facts about Views Youtube Real Time and Views Youtube Count I managed to collect.
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A Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, an assistant professor at the University of Ottawa, was dropped from delivering a speech on "what the food industry could do to improve public health" - because he exposed the deceptive marketing used by top brands. So he released it on YouTube and got 300,000 views.
Because of Gangam style, Youtube had to upgrade their view counting system.
Facebook steals billions of views from YouTube by rigging their algorithms, counting views after 3 seconds, and "freebooting," or downloading someone else's copyrighted content and uploading it into Facebook's video player
The number 2147483647 is the biggest possible number in 32-bit computing. In December 2014, "Gangnam Style" exceeded the 32-bit integer limit for view count, necessitating YouTube to upgrade the variable to a 64-bit integer
The video for Gangnam Style has had over 2.3 billion views breaking the YouTube view counter and forcing them to update their site code.
When Gangnam Style surpassed ~2.15 billion views on Youtube, the View Counter went negative, causing Youtube to release a statement saying "We never thought a video would be watched in numbers greater than a 32-bit integer (=2,147,483,647 views), but that was before we met PSY."
YouTube had to update their view count from 32-bit to 64-bit solely because Gangnam Style had too many views.
Out of the 100 most viewed YouTube videos, only 3 are not centered around music: A thigh massage video, a girl putting mentos in a coke bottle and Charlie bit my finger.
PSY's music video 'Gangnam Style' exceeded the 32-bit integer limit (2,147,483,647) for YouTube view count, necessitating YouTube to upgrade the variable to a 64-bit integer limit at 9 quintilian (9,223,372,036,854,775,808).
The only non-music youtube video to reach a billion views is an episode from the Russian cartoon Martha and the Bear.
Views Youtube data charts
For your convenience take a look at Views Youtube figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why do youtube views freeze at 301 by examining the linked well-known sources.
1,500 YouTube views count as an album sale in the US
61.5% of the 1000 most viewed YouTube clips are blocked in Germany - source
Adele never made a music video for her #1 song "Set Fire to the Rain" because she was undergoing vocal surgery at the time the song was released. This is why an unofficial lyrics video of the song has gotten over 300 million views on YouTube; the most watched lyrical video of all time. - source
PSY's Gangnam Style got so many views on YouTube that they had to upgrade the view count integer to 64 bits.
When Marine Sgt. Scott Moore was serving in Afghanistan he asked actress Mila Kunis to the Marine Corps Ball on YouTube. With more than four million views, he caught the attention of Ms. Kunis, who subsequently accepted, and escorted Sgt. Moore to the Marine Corps Ball in Greenville, N.C. - source
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Andy Warhol created digital art on a Commodore Amiga in the mid 80s and then saved it on floppy disks. The art was only discovered 20 years later thanks to the chance viewing of a YouTube clip.
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Gangnam Style got so many views on YouTube that YouTube had to change the way it counted views.
Charlie Bit My Finger is the only non-music video in the most viewed on YouTube
Theres a 24x7 live stream of a train in driver view on youtube, yes 24x7
The top 20 most viewed videos on YouTube, only two are not music videos. "Charlie bit my finger", and a video with various nursery rhymes titled "Wheels on the Bus"
Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee's "Despacito" is the most viewed and liked Youtube video of all time, with 5.44 Billion views and over 29 million likes as of now. It is also the first Youtube video to hit 3 Billion, 4 Billion and 5 Billion views respectively.
Views youtube infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Views Youtube numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

No. of Likes for Every Dislike among Youtube 2018's 50 Most Viewed