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32 Bit facts

While investigating facts about 32 Bit, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Gangnam Style was so viral and gathered views so quickly, YouTube had to change the view count system to prevent a stack overflow as the original 32-bit integer system tops out at ~2.14 billion.

In 2038, we will have another Y2K-style software issue with dates, as 32 bit software can't represent time past Tuesday, 19 January 2038. Times beyond that will be stored internally as a negative number, which these systems will interpret as Friday, 13 December 1901

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 40 of the best facts about 32 Bit I managed to collect.

  1. The number 2147483647 is the biggest possible number in 32-bit computing. In December 2014, "Gangnam Style" exceeded the 32-bit integer limit for view count, necessitating YouTube to upgrade the variable to a 64-bit integer

  2. When Gangnam Style surpassed ~2.15 billion views on Youtube, the View Counter went negative, causing Youtube to release a statement saying "We never thought a video would be watched in numbers greater than a 32-bit integer (=2,147,483,647 views), but that was before we met PSY."

  3. YouTube had to update their view count from 32-bit to 64-bit solely because Gangnam Style had too many views.

  4. PSY's music video 'Gangnam Style' exceeded the 32-bit integer limit (2,147,483,647) for YouTube view count, necessitating YouTube to upgrade the variable to a 64-bit integer limit at 9 quintilian (9,223,372,036,854,775,808).

  5. Nintendo 64 software rarely took advantage of 64-bit data precision operations. N64 game-titles generally used faster (and more compact) 32-bit data-operations. 32-bit code executed faster and required less storage space (which was at a premium on the N64's cartridges).

  6. While 32 bit computers can max out at 4GB of RAM, 64 bit computers can theoretically max out at 16.8 million terabytes of RAM.

32 bit facts
What are the best facts about 32 Bit?

What is true about 32 bit?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

There was only one impossible game of FreeCell in the original Windows 3.1 version. It used a signed, 16-bit integer for the RNG seed. Hence, 32,768 games were possible. The impossible game is number 11982.

Need for Speed the video game first debuted on the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer multimedia unit. The 32-Bit device was released at MSRP$700.00 (USD) in 1993 and was conceived by Trip Hawkins, one of the founders of Electronic Arts. The 3DO faced its demise by 1997 with only 2 million units sold. - source

The 2038 bug (Year of 2038), the next Y2K bug that will reset any 32-bit systems dates back to 1901

The Year 2038 problem, where systems that wrap their UNIX time counters and storing it as 32-bit signed integer will reach its maximum capacity (2,147,483,647 seconds after 1 January 1970), the number will wrap around to become -2147483647 and will mean 13 December 1901 on these systems - source

In June this year, stopped working on 32 bit ipads because 2^31 games had been played

There is a 64 bit equivalent to the 32 bit Fast Inverse Square magic number - 0x5FE6EB50C7B537A9

YouTube videos have a max number of views of a 32-bit integer (2,147,483,647 views) and Psy's Gangnam Style is the first video to pass that limit.

On 19 January, 2038, at 03:14:07 UTC, 32 bit systems will run out of memory and reset to zero.

In 1994 NEC released a PC-shaped 32-bit successor to the TurboGrafx-16 called the PC-FX, but it was only available only in Japan.

Interesting facts about 32 bit

32-bit systems will only work for 22 more years, but 64-bit systems will work for 300 billion years.

About the 2038 problem. A Y2K like coding issue where some computers (using 32 bit Unix time) will be unable to count time past 03:14:07 UTC on the 19the of January 2038.

32-bit vs 64-bit (Saturday Morning with a Side of Tech episode one)

2038 is the highest year for 32 bit computers

32 bit programs may stop working 2038 because they will run out of numbers. And that it’s because they’ve been measuring the seconds since January 1st, 1970.

A GSM SIM is actually a tiny little 32 bit computer.

Gangnam Style has so many views it forced Google to change Youtube's storage from 32 bit to 64 bit ints to track them.

The "x86" used on 32-bit apps is from the old 8086 series of processors that were 32-bit.

The reason why 32-bit Windows libraries are in SYSWow64 folder is that WoW64 stands for Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit. Also 64-bit libraries are in System32 folder for backward compatibility

PSY's music video "Gangnam Style" surpassed the 32-bit interger threshold for view count 2.1Bn views. Youtube has to upgrade.

YouTube stored view counter in 32 bit integer. As a result, PSY's Gangnam Style overflowed the counter after reaching 2,147,483,647 views.

By 2018, 32 bit systems won't cope with dates and time and by January 19 2038, these systems will be wiped.

Gangnam Style was watched so many times on YouTube that they had to upgrade the views counter to a 64-bit integer to a 32-bit integer.

32-bit operating systems have a limit of 4GB of RAM, while 64-bit operations systems have a limit of 17,200,000,000 GB of RAM.

Gangnam style video has so much views on youtube it caused 32-bit view counter to overflow, forcing a snap update.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about 32 Bit. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is 32 Bit so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor