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Vietnam Vet facts

While investigating facts about Vietnam Veterans Of America and Vietnam Vets Pickup, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Dax Cowart, a Vietnam vet who suffered devastating burns after a gas explosion in the 1970s, and who endured 14 months of agonizing treatment that he did not want. He survived, married, went to law school and continued to argue that his doctors should have allowed him to die.

how vietnam veterans were treated?

Vietnam vets have told William Shatner how they'd "keep sane" while in POW camps by re-enacting Star Trek episodes

What percentage of vietnam veterans were in combat?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is not true about the vietnam veterans memorial. Here are 17 of the best facts about Vietnam Veterans Day and Vietnam Veterans I managed to collect.

what percent of vietnam veterans saw combat?

  1. Gary Sinise (Lieutenant Dan) who played a paraplegic vietnam war vet, dedicates his music and life's work to helping US veterans through tours and charitable donations.

  2. Dale Dye, a Vietnam vet, was so "pissed off" at Hollywood's depiction of war that he offered his services as an advisor and now runs "the entertainment industry’s top military consultancy company". He's worked on Platoon, The Pacific and, for some reason, Entourage.

  3. Project RENEW, co-founded in 2001 by a US Army vet in an effort to help clear unexploded bombs in Vietnam, now spends about $24 million a year clearing unexploded ordnance, teaching children about the risks, and assisting victims. The project cleared 17,000 bombs in 2017.

  4. Barry Sadler (the Vietnam vet that sang The Ballad of the Green Berets) wrote a long-running series of books about the Roman legionnaire that speared Christ and who was doomed to live forever as a soldier. As of 2016, there have been 45 books published

  5. On Oct. 4, 2013 a man named John Constantino, a former Vietnam Vet self-immolated on the National Mall seemingly to protest the Federal government during "the shutdown," but later the story was redacted to emphasize that he had been battling mental illness.

  6. Houston cops deliberately murdered 24 year-old Vietnam vet Joe Campos Torres in 1977. The punishment for the officers involved only included a year of probation and a $1 fine, later changed to 9 months in prison.

  7. A Vietnam war vet's lost helmet was found in 1990 by a french expat who proceeded to look for the owner. He found him 23 years later

  8. During the Iranian Revolution Ross Perot, with the help of a Spec Ops Colonel & 7 Vietnam Vets from his IT company organized a rescue mission that freed two of his employees from an Iranian Prison

  9. While some surviving Vietnam vets in the US have received compensation due to Agent Orange poisoning, the three million surviving Vietnamese victims have received no compensation from the US government

  10. Elton John's song "Daniel" is about a Vietnam War vet's struggles to return to normal life.

vietnam vet facts
What is a vietnam era veteran?

Why did vietnam veterans receive a cold homecoming?

You can easily fact check why are vietnam vets so messed up by examining the linked well-known sources.

Walking on a Thin Line by Huey Lewis and the News was written for Vietnam Vets being ignored by the US when they returned home. - source

The scene in 'Saving Private Ryan' when Private Daniel Jackson Shot the German sniper through the scope was Based on real life Vietnam Vet Carlos Hathcock - source

Ex-Marine Larry Gugle, who claimed to be a decorated Vietnam vet, but was found to be a fraud

An EPA Official duped the government out of $900K over 20 years, including $500K in bonuses he did not earn, by pretending to work for the CIA, pretending to be a disabled Vietnam Vet, and managing to get paid for 2 1/2 years of work he did not perform - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Vietnam Vet. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Vietnam Vet so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor