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Verne Troyer facts

While investigating facts about Verne Troyer Net Worth and Verne Troyer Wife, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Danny Devito is only ~5 inches taller than Peter Dinklage, yet is not considered a dwarf; both men tower over Verne "Mini-Me" Troyer, who stands 2'8" tall

how did verne troyer die?

Verne Troyer, the actor best known for playing Mini-Me in the Austin Powers movies, was born into an Amish family.

What did verne troyer play in harry potter?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was verne troyer in. Here are 18 of the best facts about Verne Troyer Death Reason and Verne Troyer Harry Potter I managed to collect.

what was verne troyer's cause of death?

  1. Vern Troyer is from an Amish family and can drive a horse and carriage

  2. Mini-Me actor Verne Troyer was born into an Amish family. His parents left the faith when he was a few years old because they didn’t agree with some of the beliefs and practices.

  3. Verne Troyer was the stunt double for Bink in Baby's Day Out

  4. Verne Troyer had done all the baby stunts in the movie Baby's Day Out (1:45 minute mark of the video)

  5. Verne Troyer came from an Amish background

  6. Verne Troyer played Sundae in The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald.

  7. This was the last music video that Verne Troyer was in before he died.

  8. Verne Troyer (Mini Me) struggles to take selfies due to his short arms and often just ends up with photos of his eye.

  9. Verne Troyer shot video of a guy getting tazed at an airport

verne troyer facts
What are the best facts about Verne Troyer?

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You can easily fact check why is the vernal equinox on march 20 by examining the linked well-known sources.

Verne Troyer is in a Horror Movie titled, "Gnome Alone"

Verne Troyer (Mini Me) got married in 2004 to Genevieve Gallen (Playboy Model), who filed for annullment less than a month after - source

Verne Troyer once played the role of Ronald Mcdonald's dog Sundae in the "Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald" commercials. - source

Verne Troyer - the actor, best known for playing Mini-Me in the Austin Powers movies - used to be Amish.

Warwick Davis was the voice of Verne Troyer's character Griphook in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - source

When did verne troyer die?

Verne Troyer was the only American actor in the whole of the Harry Potter movie series, playing Griphook in Philosopher's Stone

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Verne Troyer. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Verne Troyer so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor