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Vacuum Cleaners facts

While investigating facts about Vacuum Cleaners On Sale and Vacuum Cleaners Argos, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Lucy, a chimpanzee who was raised to believe she was human. She learned to sign over 250 words and some of her hobbies included drinking gin, browsing Playgirl magazines, and masturbating using a vacuum cleaner.

how vacuum cleaners work?

James Dyson, partly supported by his wife's salary as an art teacher, spent five years and made about 5,127 prototypes until the launch of the famous vacuum cleaner that would not lose suction as it picked up dirt.

What vacuum cleaners are made in the usa?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what vacuum cleaners do tesco sell. Here are 46 of the best facts about Vacuum Cleaners Tesco and Vacuum Cleaner Walmart I managed to collect.

why do dogs bark at vacuum cleaners?

  1. Jupiter is a "cosmic vacuum cleaner." Its gravitational influence causes comets and asteroids to collide with it. The rate of impacts on Jupiter is about 2000-8000X higher than the rate on Earth. Without Jupiter, the probability of asteroid impacts with the inner planets would be much greater.

  2. The electric vibrator predates the electric iron and the vacuum cleaner by a good decade.

  3. In the 1960s Chrysler developed a car powered by a gas turbine engine. It could rev to 44,500 rpm, sounded like a vacuum cleaner and could run on diesel, petrol, kerosine, jet fuel and as the President of Mexico proved, tequila.

  4. Merlin a cat capable of purring 67.8 db(A) loud - about as loud as a vacuum cleaner

  5. Companies will intentionaly alter the sounds of their products. For example, they will make a car engine sound louder as to make us think it is more powerful or make a vacuum cleaner louder to make us think it is sucking up more dirt and dust.

  6. Vatican City's main imports include Petroleum; Medication; Human Blood; Hard Liquor; Rolled Tobacco; Vacuum Cleaners and Butter.

  7. In 2001 the daughter of a 70yr old Japanese man saved him from choking on a mochi rice cake by sucking it out with a vacuum cleaner.

  8. Captain Beefheart once worked as a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman and sold one to writer Aldous Huxley. Beefheart's sales pitch was, "Well I assure you sir, this thing sucks."

  9. Giant sea bass feeds on the sea floor. It widely opens its mouth and collects prey like a vacuum cleaner.

  10. Sea lamprey is feeding by sucking blood and bodily fluids of other fish. They will attach mouth to the prey like a vacuum cleaner. Sharp teeth and rasping tongue easily damages the prey's skin and induces blood flow.

vacuum cleaners facts
What vacuum cleaners are self propelled?

Why do dogs hate vacuum cleaners?

You can easily fact check why are dogs afraid of vacuum cleaners by examining the linked well-known sources.

Hubert Booth who in 1901 saw a demonstration of a gas powered cleaning machine that blew dust off chairs. Thinking this might work better in reverse he placed a hankerchief over his mouth and tried to suck dust off a chair. After seeing the captured dust he invented the vacuum cleaner.

Some of Andy Warhol paintings included the images of Coca-Cola bottles, hamburgers, 100 Dollar Bills and vacuum cleaners.

A robot vacuum cleaner was invented that is capable of sensing its environment and cleaning the floor without human help to move the device.

Brother Nut, a Chinese artist, used an industrial-sized vacuum cleaner to suck the pollution out of the air around Beijing over 100 days and then mixed it with clay to turn it into a brick.

It's possible to crush a caravan using the vacuum made by a household vacuum cleaner - source

When were vacuum cleaners invented?

The Westboro Baptist Church picketed an appliance store for selling Swedish vacuum cleaners.

How do vacuum cleaners work?

The British Medical Journal published a paper about Injuries of the Penis from Vacuum Cleaners [PDF]

In the late 2000s, a group of French robbers used vacuum cleaners to suck valuables out of deposit boxes. The total value of things they stole was $800k.

The inventor of the CPAP device discovered its benefits when he used the motor on his mother's vacuum cleaner to help keep the airway open

The first vacuum cleaners were drawn by horses and were public: they went door to door and put the hose through an open window to clean for $4.

Harvest of hazelnuts usually takes place from September to October. Mature nuts fall to the ground. They can be collected manually or with a help of specially designed machine called sweeper which works like a vacuum cleaner.

When do vacuum cleaners go on sale?

The Westboro Baptist Church picketed an appliance store as it sold Swedish vacuum cleaners. The church viewed it as being supportive of gay people due to Swedish prosecution of Åke Green, a pastor critical of homosexuality.

Female vibrator was on the market before many other home appliances, such as the electric vacuum cleaner and iron

Ellen DeGeneres dropped out of school and was a vacuum cleaner salesman before getting into acting.

Vibrators were the fifth domestic appliance to be electrified, after the sewing machine, fan, tea kettle, and toaster, and about a decade before the vacuum cleaner and electric iron.

James Dyson made 5127 failed prototypes before making the first successful Dyson vacuum cleaner.

How long do vacuum cleaners last?

vacuum cleaners are made loud on purpose to make you think they are working better. Plus how much effort goes into sound engineering many things in our lives.

From 1954 to 1975, Hoover sold a small spherical vacuum cleaner that acted as a hovercraft; it lacked wheels and floated on its downward-facing exhaust. They worked well on both carpeted and hardwood floors. A modern version was sold in the US and UK from 2006 to 2009.

There's systems in which you have pipes across your house that vacuum instead of portable vacuum cleaners, which you can just plug into.

Before hair dryers were invented people used vacuum cleaners to dry their hair.

B-52s front man Fred Schneider came out as gay to his mother as she was vacuuming her floor. She responded by saying, "Oh I know, Freddie" and resumed cleaning, without even turning off the vacuum cleaner. :)

you can use a vacuum cleaner to play an organ

Sea cucumbers are the vacuum cleaners of the sea, and poops as much as you would imagine, given that title

Sea cucumbers are the vacuum cleaners of the sea, and also poops as much as you would imagine, given that title

Dyson released a Vacuum Cleaner before the DC01, called the Cyclon; Manufactured in Italy by Zanussi, only 500 were distributed and sold in the UK by Kleeneze.

Vacuum cleaners are intentionally loud "to make you know they're working"

The British division of Hoover offered a free flight to America for every vacuum cleaner over £100 sold. The promotion cost the company £50 million in court cases after thousands snapped it up

In the 1960s, Electrolux successfully marketed vacuum cleaners in Britain with the slogan, "Nothing sucks like an Electrolux".

The word "aspire" is related to the French word for vacuum cleaner

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Vacuum Cleaners. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Vacuum Cleaners so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor