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User Interface facts

While investigating facts about User Interface Design and User Interface Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Mircosoft included Solitaire in their operating systems to "to soothe people intimidated by the operating system" and introduce users to graphic user interfaces and taught them how to use a mouse.

how to create user interface in python?

Modern keyboards have several main components including the musical keyboard (black and white keys that looks like a piano). User interface software (a program within the keyboard controlled by the menu), computerized musical arranger (software to produce chords and rhythm), amplifier and speaker (internal sound system), power supply (usually an AC adapter), MIDI terminals (input and output for hooking up to a computer or other instruments).

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's user interface engineering. Here are 17 of the best facts about User Interface Definition and User Interface Design Principles I managed to collect.

what user interface design?

  1. "dark patterns". A term used to describe a user interface that has been carefully crafted to trick users into doing things.

  2. Microsoft developed a videogame to teach users how to use Office's interface

  3. The "hamburger button" menu icon, which appears as , was originally designed by Norm Cox for the 1981 Xerox "Star", one of the earliest graphical user interfaces

  4. The laser harp is made up of a user interface combined with laser lighting. Many laser beams are projected and the musician blocks them strategically to produce sound that is similar to that of a traditional harp.

  5. About the existence of Marlett, a TrueType font that since 1995, has been used in Microsoft Windows to draw scalable user interface icons.

  6. The Xerox Star, introduced in 1981, was the first computer with a graphical user interface. It cost a whopping $46,000, and due to the high price and limited software was a commercial failure.

  7. In the 1970s, researchers at Xerox PARC invented personal computers with graphical user interfaces, and other modern features. The project was brushed aside by Xerox, and nearly a decade later, one man was invited by Xerox PARC to see the inventions. That man was Steve Jobs.

  8. There's an new computer interface that reads its user's brainwaves, making it possible to control virtual objects, and even physical electronics, with mere thoughts

  9. Xerox created the first computer with the graphical user interface in the early 1970s. However they had no interest in creating a popular computer and saw the general purpose computer, electronic documents, and electronic document transfer as a potential threat to their existing business.

  10. Gaming interfaces exist for paralyzed/quadriplegic users that make use of mouth/tongue/eye movements.

user interface facts
What is graphical user interface?

Why user interface design is important?

You can easily fact check why user interface designer by examining the linked well-known sources.

Steve Jobs micromanaged entire customer experience at Apple, starting form the design of Apple stores, to packaging of products, to external design of products and finally even the user interfaces

About Dark patterns. They are features of interface design crafted to trick users into doing things they might not want to do, but which benefit the business in question. - source

Microsoft's BOB wsa a software companion meant to provide a more user-friendly interface for Windows. For $5/month it included an extremely limited email service and it's seen as one of Microsoft's biggest failures - source

The Xerox Alto was the first computer with a graphical user interface, displaying a animated image of Sesame Street's Cookie Monster in 1973

If you don't like the new Google Maps user interface, you can switch back to the old one - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about User Interface. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is User Interface so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor