Trump Supporter facts
While investigating facts about Trump Supporter, I found out little known, but curios details like:
She campaigned for her brother-in-law Jeb Bush in 2015 in his bid for the presidency, but when he routinely came in last in the polls he dropped out of the race. Laura didn"t support another Republican candidate and didn"t vote for President Trump in the 2016 election.
how is donald trump presidency?
Donald Trump proposed universal health care in 1999, advocated a 20% tax on the super rich, stood up against the Iraq War, and supported gay marriage publicly more than a decade before Hillary Clinton
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 21 of the best facts about Trump Supporter I managed to collect.
what was trump's inauguration speech?
The My Pillow guy had a crack habit so bad that after being awake for 14 days straight on a bender his crack dealer held an intervention. Now the guy’s found Jesus, sells a lot of pillows and is a rabid Trump supporter.
Donald Trump won a Razzie for worst supporting actor
Donald Trump supports medical marijuana and thinks states should decide about full legalization
An inauguration protester attempted to murder a Trump supporter by setting them ablaze.
Trump was awarded worst supporting actor in a 1989 movie, "ghosts can't do it" Here's the clip.
The token black Trump supporter seen behind him in all his rallies is actually a racist conspiracy theorist who believes Cherokee Indians secretly rule the USA.
Back in 2004 Trump went to the Shady National Convention and supported Eminem for President.
Trump is having a rally with live text chat, It would be a shame if people filled it with non trump supporters.
Donald Trump was a supporting actor in Home Alone 2
DONALD TRUMP Supporters Would ATTACK a MUSLIM | Skip to 4:10
Trump Supporter data charts
For your convenience take a look at Trump Supporter figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Truman show why?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
In his 2007 novel 'Think Big and Kick Ass' Donald Trump suggested readers support Hilary Clinton in the 2008 Presidential Election.
A foreign teacher lost his mind and kicked a student out of class for supporting TRUMP - source
(2019-09-30) Trump supporting Falun Gong group (now banned from buying ads on Facebook) behind reports of organ harvesting.
President Obama opposed gay marriage during his campaign, making Donald J. Trump the only President in history to support LGBT rights from the very beginning - source
When did president trump's father die?
In “The America We Deserve” Trump wrote that he supported universal healthcare and a system that would mirror the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
How is trump's presidency?
Sweden has hundreds of grenade attacks every year-- And No, Trump supporters, Muslims and refugees are NOT responsible
Donald Trump has garnered the support of multiple white supremacist groups.
An extremely ill-informed gay man supports Donald Trump and his views, and wishes to spearhead the "Gays for Trump" movement.
Trump supporter infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Trump Supporter numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Automation Exposure and Support for Trump