Trek Tng facts
While investigating facts about Star Trek Tng and Star Trek Tng Episodes, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Patrick Stewart expected Star Trek: TNG to fail and would not have joined if he'd known it would air for seven seasons.
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Galaxy Quest, a satire of Star Trek and fandom, is so popular with the latter's fans that it was named the 7th best Star Trek film at the 2013 Star Trek Convention. Actors of TOS, TNG, Voyager and DS9 also have expressed admiration for the film.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering star trek tng what happened to dr pulaski. Here are 50 of the best facts about Star Trek Tng Cast and Star Trek Tng Movies I managed to collect.
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In an episode of star trek TNG aired in 1989 Picard states that Fermat's last theorem would still be unsolved 700 years in the future. Picard was wrong. The theorem was solved in 1995.
The visor Geordi La Forge wore to give him vision in Star Trek: TNG made his actor Levar Burton 90% blind while filming.
Gene Roddenberry was asked by a reporter about casting Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: TNG. "Surely by the 24th century, they would have found a cure for male pattern baldness." And Gene Roddenberry responded "No, by the 24th century, no one will care."
Lt. Barclay, one of Star Trek: The Next Generation's most memorable supporting characters, appeared more often on Voyager than on TNG.
Denise Crosby (AKA Tasha Yar, Star Trek TNG) is Bing Crosby's grand daughter. And she appeared in Playboy.
"Growing the Beard" is the opposite of "Jumping the Shark", it is the definitive moment when a TV series begins to become noticeably better in quality. The term stems from when Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker) grew his beard between seasons one and two of Star Trek: TNG.
Data's cat Spot from Star Trek: TNG was played by 5 different cats (Monster, Brandy, Bud, Tyler, Spencer and Zoe) and an unnamed iguana
Most of Brent Spiner's (Data on Star Trek: TNG) fan mail came from women who wrote to his character: "he's a really accessible personality. He's vulnerable and innocent, and there's a feeling that he's somebody who would be kind." Some fans could not accept that Spiner was really human.
Gates McFadden (Beverly Crusher in Star Trek TNG) was the director of Choreography and Puppet Movement for the movie Labyrinth.
Star Trek's Warp Speed "warp factor 1" means travelling at 1x the speed of light. Once in TNG, Riker claims that the Enterprise would need around 20 minutes for a 300 billion kilometer flight at Warp 9. Thus Warp Factor 9 corresponds to a speed of 900 billion kilometers per hour
Trek Tng data charts
For your convenience take a look at Trek Tng figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
On 'Star Trek: TNG', Brent Spiner (Data, the android) received the most fan mail.
None of the Star Trek TNG outfits had pockets. Patrick Stewart's experience on the Shakespearean stage with pocketless Elizabethan costumes gave him a distinct advantage over his fellow TNG acting counterparts. Most had difficulty knowing what to do with his/her hands. - source
Steve Perlman, a scientist at Apple created QuickTime Media Player after watching and being inspired by Data playing music on a computer on Star Trek TNG. - source
'Star Trek: TNG' character Reginald Barclay "is a satirical depiction of Trekkies and their excessive obsession with imaginary characters ... He has an obsessive interest in fantasy, which seems to serve as an escape from personal interaction."
In the 1992 episode "Ethics"-Star Trek TNG Introduced the "Genotronic Replicator" a device that could scan the DNA of a patient, then 3D print a new organ. This technology wouldn't be introduced until 1993, and is only now really practical with today's technology. - source
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The style differences of Star Trek TNG beginning in season 3 can be mostly attributed to the firing of director of photography Edward R. Brown after the first two seasons
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The non-working prop flute used in the Star Trek: TNG episode "The Inner Light" was sold for $48,000 in 2006 by Christie's auction house.
The USS Heart of Gold (NCC-42) commanded by Douglas Adams is in the Star Trek Canon. The ship received an order from Dent Arthur Dent of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation. The order was read during an investigation by Lt. Data in the TNG episode "Conspiracy."
Daniel Davis, who played Niles on "The Nanny" and Professor Moriarty on "Star Trek: TNG" is not British, but was born in Arkansas
In Star Trek TNG there were male background characters wearing miniskirts called "skants"
Star Trek: TNG, DS9, and Voyager are now old enough for Decades, a TV channel airing retro, "classic" series. Other shows: F Troop, I Love Lucy, Route 66, and Beverly Hills 90210.