Trek Generation facts
While investigating facts about Star Trek Generations and Star Trek Generations Cast, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Mae Jemison, the first female African-American astronaut, was inspired to apply to NASA by the Star Trek character, Lieutenant Uhura. Jemison later went on to make a cameo appearance in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
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Patrick Stewart signed a 6-year contract for "Star Trek: The Next Generation" because he, his agent, and others with whom Stewart consulted all believed that the new TV show would quickly fail, and he would return to his Shakespearean career after making some money.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what comes after star trek next generation. Here are 50 of the best facts about Star Trek Generations Movie and Star Trek Generations Streaming I managed to collect.
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Mr. Homn, the Lurch-like attendant of Lwaxana Troi in Star Trek: The Next Generation, was played by Carel Struycken - the actor who portayed Lurch in The Addams Family
Some of the male background characters in in 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' can be seen wearing skirts. This was explained as "a logical development, given the total equality of the sexes presumed to exist in the 24th century."
When 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' began, Patrick Stewart dreaded having to learn and recite technobabble dialogue. He got used to doing so, however, and "space-time continuum" became his favorite technical phrase.
Gates McFadden, who played Dr Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation, choreographed the ballroom dance scene in the movie Labyrinth
In Star Trek: The Next Generation, the Ferengi were initially created to succeed the Klingons as the new villainous arch rivals of the Federation. After their debut episode, they were rewritten to subsequently be comic foils due to producers finding their appearance comical and nonthreatening.
Patrick Stewart was initially considered for the role of Data in Star Trek the Next Generation. Roddenberry did not want to cast Stewart as Picard, since he had envisioned an actor who was "masculine, virile, and had a lot of hair".
The worst Star Trek Next Generation episode is widely regarded to be "Shades of Gray". It was a previous clip show created due to a lack of funds left over from other episodes during the second season and the writer, Maurice Hurley, refers to it as a "piece of shit".
Lt. Barclay, one of Star Trek: The Next Generation's most memorable supporting characters, appeared more often on Voyager than on TNG.
The Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation only had one bathroom for over 1,000 people
Mick Fleetwood of Fleetwood Mac played a fish alien on 'Star Trek: The Next Generation', shaved his iconic beard for the part, and had to do 19 takes to say one line, "Food."
Trek Generation data charts
For your convenience take a look at Trek Generation figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why star trek the next generation is the best by examining the linked well-known sources.
Star Trek: The Next Generation's original uniforms were one-piece jumpsuits, designed one size too small to stretch and look smooth on camera. They were painful to wear, and after Picard's chiropractor warned that actors risked permanent injury, the show gave them two-piece uniforms.
In Star Trek: The Next Generation, it was originally planned for Deanna Troi to have four breasts, before Gene Roddenberry's wife told him that this was a poor idea. - source
A Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Blood and Fire", was written but never produced due to its positive depiction of an openly gay couple, and focus on "Regulan bloodworms" intended to be a metaphor for the public's fear of AIDS - source
Paramount offered Wil Wheaton's character on Star Trek: The Next Generation a promotion instead of trying to give him a raise. He refused.
Patrick Stewart, was initially considered for the role of Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Roddenberry did not want to cast Stewart as Picard, since he had envisioned an actor who was "masculine, virile, and had a lot of hair". Roddenberry's first choice was Stephen Macht - source
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When Stephen Hawking guest starred on Star Trek The Next Generation, he was given a tour and when he was shown the Warp Drive he said "I'm working on that."
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There is only one syndicated program to ever receive a Best Series Emmy nomination: Star Trek The Next Generation
Levar Burton (Geordi Laforge from Star Trek: The Next Generation) originally attended a Catholic seminary in order to become a priest but changed his mind after having doubts about the Catholic religion.
In early concepts for Star Trek: The Next Generation Deanna Troi was supposed to have 3 breasts.
Mae Jemison appeared on the TV show Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1993. She was the first real-life astronaut to appear on the show.
Neurologist Jens Deiers figured out what happens in our brains when we die only to learn later a similar theory was expressed in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation