Trapped Inside facts
While investigating facts about Trapped Inside My Head and Trapped Inside My Mind, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The scene in Fight Club where Tyler is explaining the cost of a recall when "A car built by my company crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside" is based on ACTUAL leaked memos from GM and Ford.
how to help a bird trapped inside?
A swarm of 20,000 bees once followed a car for two days because their queen was trapped inside the car.
What if the cure for cancer is trapped inside quote?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering when the prey is trapped inside the leaves what happens to it. Here are 50 of the best facts about Trapped Inside A Video Game and Trapped Inside Gate At Public Storage I managed to collect.
what if the cure for cancer is trapped inside?
A factory worker saved 34 lives from the 9-story Rana Plaza collapse. Against all warnings, he climbed inside the rubble to pull people to safety. When a doctor was too afraid to go in to amputate the limbs of some that were trapped, the worker took a knife and did it himself to save them.
When an Army depot was built in 1941, a herd of white deer with a recessive gene were trapped inside. This created a whole heard of the rare deer to flourish inside.
14-year-old Marcos Ugarte. When his neighbor’s home went up in flames, he climbed a ladder held by his father, entered the burning home and saved an 8-year-old's life who was trapped inside. He said, “I can’t say I really consider myself a hero. I think anyone would have done what I did.”
A man spent 12 years trapped inside his body watching ‘Barney’ reruns
George Lucas got his head stuck inside the mouth of Bruce the mechanical shark from Jaws. Steven Spielberg thought it would be funny to close its mouth on him as a prank, but Bruce malfunctioned and George was trapped
It's possible to trap a laser's beam inside a stream of water, which will result in the beam being guided by the stream.
In 1914, Frank Lloyd Wright's manservant murdered 7 people, including Wright's mistress, by trapping them inside the dining room of the original Taliesin, setting the house on fire, and taking an ax to victims who tried to escape.
The reason why refrigerators are magnetized. Until the Refrigerator Safety Act in 1956 refrigerators could only open from the outside and many children died from getting trapped inside them.
In the original Pinocchio novel, Pinocchio spends several months as a donkey, performing in a circus until he breaks his leg, gets sold, and is drowned in the ocean for his leather. The puppet inside survives, trapped in the dead donkey form until a school of fish eats away the flesh.
Scientists conducted research to see how children would react when trapped inside a fridge
Why do i feel trapped inside my head?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Armenian S. Karapetyan,a 17-time finswimmer world champion, heard the sound of a crash during a 12mi run and saw a bus sinking into a lake.He dove 33ft deep, rescuing 20 people,one at a time.9 years later, he rushed into a burning hospital to save people trapped inside, suffering severe burns.
During the 2003 Station nightclub fire, a bouncer stopped people from escaping through the stage exit, saying it was "for the band only." A narrow hallway and panic led to the front doorway blocking completely, trapping many inside. 100 people died in total. - source
A large amount of people who died when Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 crashed into water in fact drowned, because they inflated their life jackets while still inside the cabin and so got trapped inside by the rising water - source
An ancient Persian method of execution called Scaphism. The word comes from Greek, meaning "anything scooped (or hollowed) out". It entailed trapping the victim inside two boats, feeding and covering him with milk and honey, and allowing him to fester and be devoured by vermin.
The thick granitic lava that forms rhyolite cools quickly, and pockets of gas remain trapped inside of the lava, eventually forming the vugs, where the materials precipitate as ground water or hydrothermal gases move through.
Things to do when trapped inside?
Bladderwort actively pumps water out of the bladders and creates vacuum inside each trap. Bladder has flexible "doors" equipped with bristles on the surface. When small animals get in touch with bristles, trap automatically opens and "ingests" water with prey (vacuum induces suction of water)
How heat from inside the earth is trapped as a source of energy?
Flowers of Dutchman's pipe are covered with hairs from the inside. Hairs keep insects trapped inside until they become covered with pollen completely (they act like fly-trap).
Formed pitcher serves as a trap for insects. Green pitcher plant produces nectar which attracts different types of insects. Once insects end up trapped inside a tube, downwards-oriented hairs prevent their escape. Digestive enzymes in the pitcher soon transform them into valuable nutrients that plant can absorb.
The Diamond Anvil Cell, a device made by trapping material between two precision-cut diamonds, that can recreate pressures as intense as the insides of planets - up to 7.7Mbar!
The deadliest traffic accident in history happened in 1986. Two military vehicles collides in a 3 km long tunnel, and hundreds of cars became trapped inside. The resulting carbon monoxide buildup of all those idling cars killed over 170 people.
During U2's 1997 PopMart tour, the band would emerge from a hollow mechanical lemon that opened at the start shows. During a concert in Japan, the lemon malfunctioned, leaving the band members trapped inside.