Incredible and fun facts to explore

Translation Error facts

While investigating facts about Translation Errors and Translation Errors In The Bible, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There are more than 450 different english translations of the bible. They all say things differently and It has been discovered that there are translation errors in all the popular english versions. Many christians may have beliefs based off a mistranslation.

how might this offset transcription or translation errors?

Pandora's Box" was actually "Pandora's Jar". A translation error made 500 years ago has persisted to this day.

What is one possible result of an error in translation?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the most likely effect of an error during translation. Here are 29 of the best facts about Translation Error Try Again and Translation Error Outlook Import I managed to collect.

what happens if there is an error in translation?

  1. Islamic author Ibn Warraq has argued due to a translation error, what awaits Islamic martyrs in heaven may not be 72 "virgins," but 72 "white raisins".

  2. In 1980 a Florida hospital was sued for $71 million, and lost, because they misdiagnosed a patient due to a translation error. The family of the patient kept repeating the word "intoxicado". The hospital believed it ment intoxicated, when in fact it means poisoned.

  3. Ancient Greek historian Herodotus once reported that there existed gold-digging ants. This was most likely a translation error. But there are marmots in the Himalayas of the Deosai plateau where local tribes have been known to collect gold dust from their burrows

  4. The difference between the black and white rhino has nothing to do with color. The black rhino has a narrower mouth while the white, or “wide” rhino has a wider mouth better for grass eating. White Rhino came from Wide Rhino as an error in translation from South African Dutch “Wijd Rhino”

  5. Due to a translation error in the ER of intoxicado to intoxicated, doctors performed the wrong treatment on an individual who was actually poisoned. Ramirez was left quadriplegic and received a settlement of $71 million.

  6. The Japanese Valentine's Day tradition that only women give chocolates to men is the result of a translation error by a chocolate company in their initial campaigns promoting the holiday.

  7. On 9/11, US and Canadian officials believed that a fifth airliner had been hijacked. The pilots of Korean Air Flight 85 had sent out a message with the abbreviation "HJK", a code for hijack, due to a translation error.

  8. In the original Japanese version, Vegeta says that Goku's power is over 8000, but because of a translation error, he says 9000 in the English version.

  9. "Over 9000!" was a translation error. The power level was actually "Over 8000!"

translation error facts
What is translation error?

Why was translating the bible into german a radical idea?

You can easily fact check why was translating the bible into english dangerous by examining the linked well-known sources.

A translation error making the name of a toy wolf "mother's vagina", causing it to become a symbol of anti-government sentiment.

Trojan horse legend was based on translation error, it was SHIP, not horse - source

The story that King James, who commissioned the translation of the King James Bible, demanded one of the apostles be named after him, is, in fact, false - although the apostle James's name would be more accurately translated as Jacob, the error was probably an honest mistake. - source

The first italo-ethiopian war was caused by a translation error in the Treaty of Wuchale The Italian version stated that Ethiopia was obliged to conduct all foreign affairs through Italian authorities, while the Amharic version said they could conduct affairs through Italian authorities

The Britannica Concise Encyclopædia has been translated into Malayalam. While it won an award from the Federation of Indian Publishers in 2004, a Consumer Court banned the sale of the book because it was found to be an erroneous reference with many factual errors - source

Translation error when importing contacts?

During the September 11 airspace shutdown, a Korean Air flight falsely identified itself as a hijacked flight due to a translation error

How do errors occur in transcription and translation?

In the story of Cinderella, it's believed the famed glass slippers originated from a translation error originally meaning 'Grey-Squirrel Fur Slippers'

When you Google translate the German text of the joke that Monty Python suggested was so funny it would kill Nazi soldiers, Google returns "[Fatal Error]" in English.

In modern translations of the Bible, Mark 7:16 is omitted because scholars thought it was a copy error.

The quote "It's over 9000!" was a translation error. It's really supposed to be "It's over 8000!"

If you put Monty Python's Funniest Joke in the World into Google Translate, it returns "[FATAL ERROR]"

Translation error when importing contacts into outlook?

Yeggogology" refers to the esoteric science of exploiting/hacking calculator functions during the 1970-80s. Yeggog translates from Russian to English as "Error"

There is a government run program in Pakistan to help protect women from violence that, through an unfortunate translation error is called 'Violence Against Women'.

The Great Mokusatsu Mistake in which it is believed that a translation error caused the US to drop the first atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan.

The oft-quoted claim that Cinderella's slippers changed from fur to glass due to a translating error is false. Glass slippers were introduced Charles Perrault in his version of the tale, apparently deliberately.

Attempting to translate Monty Python's Killer Joke in Google Translate results in a fatal error

If you enter the key strokes for the word "translate" into Google while using the wrong language input, Google will notice your error and take you to the translate page anyway.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Translation Error. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Translation Error so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor