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Torture Guantanamo facts

While investigating facts about Torture Guantanamo Bay and Torture Guantanamo Guidebook, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Skinny Puppy, a Canadian band sent a bill to the US military requesting $666,000 in royalties for playing their music as torture for Guantanamo Bay's prisoners.

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One Canadian national, Omar Khadr, was 15 when he was taken to Guantanamo Bay. He was convicted because he threw a grenade that killed an American soldier. His father had taken him to Afghanistan to fight as a child soldier. Omar spent 10 years at Guantanamo Bay and plead guilty to murder after much torture. His sentence was eight years, not including the time he had already served. He was returned to Canada in 2012 and released in 2015.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what kind of torture is used in guantanamo bay. Here are 16 of the best facts about Torture Guantanamo Bay Song and Music Torture Guantanamo I managed to collect.

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  1. In 2014 the Canadian industrial band Skinny Puppy sent a claim invoice to the U.S. government for $666,000 after they learned their music was being used for torture at Guantanamo Bay.

  2. There are six detainees for whom the United States plans on seeking the death penalty. These prisoners were believed to have been tortured and held in solitary for up to four years.

  3. Drowning Pool song “Bodies” was used as torture during interrogations at Guantanamo Bay

  4. The song "Bodies" was used as a form of torture in Guantanamo Bay detention camps.

  5. A German resident was imprisoned and tortured at Guantanamo Bay 5 years after the authorities knew of his innocence. The reason they arrest him in the first place: he received food and hospitality from mosques they may have been associated with a suspect Islamic missionary group.

  6. A playlist of music was used at Guantanamo Bay to torture uncooperative detainees, including one instance in 2003 where a prisoner was subject to over 10 days of hearing nothing but the song "Bodies" by Drowning Pool.

  7. The industrial band Skinny Puppy sent a bill to the Pentagon when they learned their music was used for torture in Guantanamo Bay, then released their next album Weapon intended for that purpose.

  8. Sexual interrogation methods were used as a form of torture in Guantanamo Bay. In one case a female interrogator pretended to wipe her menstrual blood on a Muslim prisoner — with the cells water turned off — to prevent him from praying.

  9. Moazzam Begg was held in extrajudicial detention by the US government in the Guantanamo Bay detainment camp, in Cuba, for nearly three years, whilst being completely innocent. Moazzam was accused of being a member of Al-Qaeda and was tortured for answers that he did not have.

torture guantanamo facts
What are the best facts about Torture Guantanamo?

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Back in 2005, Eric Saar a US military translator, detailed torture techniques used at Guantanamo Bay. One included a female interrogator using sex to break her Muslim detainee's including a lap dance and rubbing what appeared to be menstrual blood (actually ink) on the detainee's face.

As part of music torture in Guantanamo Bay, Eminem used to be played to inmates before having to switch to more intense artists/songs. - source

Skinny Puppy demanded $666,000 in royalties from U.S. government for using their music in Guantanamo torture - source

The U.S government sent a 15 year old boy to Guantanamo bay and tortured him for 8 years.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Torture Guantanamo. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Torture Guantanamo so important!

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