Tonight Tonight facts
While investigating facts about Tonight Tonight Lyrics and Tonight Tonight Smashing Pumpkins, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Despite the widespread success of his song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight," Solomon Linda never received a cent of its royalties and died poor in 1962. He didn't even get a gravestone until 18 years after his death.
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Jay Leno lives off all the money he made from standup. He put all his money from The Tonight Show into savings and charities
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the song tonight tonight about. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tonight Tonight Chords and Tonight Tonight Song I managed to collect.
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In 1971, burglars were able to steal records from the FBI simply by leaving a note on the front door of the Delaware office that said "Please don't lock this door tonight"
During the first gulf war in 1990, NBC delayed the start time to the Tonight Show by 5 minutes, to give their affiliates more time to cover the conflict. Once local stations had those 5 precious minutes, they never gave them back. This is why all late night shows in the US start at 11:35 pm.
Jay Leno has never spent a penny of his “The Tonight Show” income. He has always worked two jobs and spent the lesser of the two incomes. To date, he has saved every penny from his time as a host. He owns all his cars and buildings and bought them with his secondary income.
In 1974, Johnny Carson requested that NBC stop airing Tonight Show reruns on the weekend as he wanted to save those reruns for the extra vacation days he was planning to take. NBC wanted to fill those slots, so they hired Lorne Michaels to develop a show. That show became SNL.
The song “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” from The Lion King, was originally meant to have been sung by Timon and Pumbaa. This idea was scrapped after Elton John himself intervened, saying “I don't want a big, stinky warthog singing my love song!".
Jay Leno has never touched a dime of his 'Tonight Show' money
David Bowie's first TV appearance was in 1964 at the age of 17, but was not for his music; he was interviewed on the BBC's Tonight show as the founder of 'The Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-Haired Men'.
The game Twister was nearly killed in its crib when the Sears catalog rejected it for being too sexy. But just as the makers were about to give up, the game was saved by Johnny Carson, who played Twister with blonde bombshell Eva Gabor on The Tonight Show, and sales soared into the millions.
Will Smiths 'Hancock' was originally a script called Tonight He Comes, about a superhero alcoholic who could not make love because if he climaxed, he would kill a woman with the power of his climax.
Psychologists conducted a study in which experimenters asked total strangers "Would you go to bed with me tonight?" 75% of men said yes. Every single woman said no.
Tonight Tonight data charts
For your convenience take a look at Tonight Tonight figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is nbc narrating shows tonight by examining the linked well-known sources.
Johnny Cash's song "Hurt" was nominated for best male video at the MTV VMAs but lost to Justin Timberlake. Timberlake said in his acceptance speech "This is a travesty! I demand a recount. My grandfather raised me on Johnny Cash, and I think he deserves this more than any of us in here tonight."
Johnny Carson, on the Tonight Show, had an ongoing gag involving the effort to find the line that's least likely to ever be uttered. He settled finally on, "This is the banjo player's Porsche." - source
Sean Smith, one of the Americans killed in the Benghazi attack, was a leading player known as 'Vile Rat' in EVE Online. On the day of his death, Smith typed a message online; "Assuming we don't die tonight. We saw one of our 'police' that guard the compound taking pictures." - source
HBO hired 160 lawyers to work on their Scientology documentary that premiers tonight in order to prepare for legal attacks from the "church"
Johnny Carson declared that Chevy Chase 'couldn't ad-lib a fart after a baked-bean dinner' after being told that Chase could replace him as host of the Tonight Show - source
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Peter Berg & "Breaking Bad" creator Vince Gilligan wrote a script titled "Tonight he Comes" about a superhero who could not make love because his ejaculate would kill a woman. Vince Gilligan left to create "Breaking Bad", and Berg took over the original script, which eventually became "Hancock."
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John Oliver has full creative freedom over Last Week Tonight, including free reign to criticize corporations, thanks to HBO's ad-free subscription model
That, according to Eurodotus, lines from the movie "300" like "Tonight we dine in Hell" and "We fight in the shade" were really spoken in the real battle of Thermopylae
Johnny Carson once joked on The Tonight Show about a nonexistent toilet paper shortage which led to eventual panic buying leaving store shelves empty causing a real shortage that lasted weeks
Joan Rivers, a regular guest host, was banned from The Tonight Show after a falling out with Johnny Carson after Rivers accepted a hosting gig on FOX. In 2014 Fallon invited her back to "Tonight", 49 years to the day after her first appearance. She died 6 months later.
Before Norm MacDonald's first appearance on the Tonight Show his dressing room was crashed by Robin Williams. While in the room he pretended to be a Jewish Tailor, talked to Norm's friend on the phone while pretending to be a Chinese Restaurant employee, dressed Norm, and then left.
Tonight tonight infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Tonight Tonight numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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