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Tongue Cheek facts

While investigating facts about Tongue & Cheek and Tongue Cheek Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A NASA scientist conducted a tongue-in-cheek experiment to see what animals drivers are more likely to hit, he placed rubber fakes on the side of the road and found that 6% of drivers intentionally swerve to hit them, tarantulas being hit the most.

how to use tongue in cheek in a sentence?

Dogs have “incomplete cheeks,” which allow them to open their mouths wide but, conversely, means they can’t create suction like humans, resulting in scooping water backwards with their tongues.

What does tongue in cheek mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is tongue in cheek. Here are 23 of the best facts about Tongue Cheek And Lip Ties and Tongue & Cheek Restaurant I managed to collect.

what tongue cheek means?

  1. The Jamestown settlers (first permanent English colony in America) were cannibals and "were clearly interested in cheek meat, muscles of the face, tongue, and brain."

  2. There is a tongue-in-cheek parody of lists made of scientists who 'dissent from Darwinism' called "Project Steve." It only accepts signatures from scientists named "Steve" and has beat out all lists of creation-believing scientists.

  3. Taste buds are also found on the cheeks, lips, and roof of the mouth.

  4. The Hyphen War, a tongue-in-cheek name given to the conflict over what to call Czechoslovakia after the fall of the Communist Government

  5. Tokyo Rose, a Japanese Women who would demoralize American Soldiers during WWII by saying tongue and cheek messages on radio for soldiers to hear.

  6. The 1909 hit song 'I Love, I Love, I Love My Wife—But Oh! You Kid!'s tongue-in-cheek celebration of adultery was considered so bawdy that a Los Angeles man who parroted the title to a woman he saw on the street was sentenced to 90 days in jail.

  7. The Predator" was originally a tongue-in-cheek screenplay for a fifth Rocky movie where he fights an alien.

  8. At the end of Disneyland's "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride", passengers are taken to a tongue in cheek depiction of Hell. There is no explanation as to why this final scene was included in the ride.

  9. The story that George Lucas used his power to make sure the Star Wars Holiday Special would never be seen again is a myth. A legend started with a tongue-in-cheek comment he made at a convention, 'If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every copy of that show and smash it.”

  10. 4chan raised money for a colon cancer charity as a tongue in cheek reference to their rivals being "butt hurt" over Gamergate

tongue cheek facts
What does the phrase tongue in cheek mean?

Why do i keep biting my tongue and cheek?

You can easily fact check why do i bite my tongue and cheek by examining the linked well-known sources.

“the most sinful street in the West” during the Gold Rush was Market Street in Denver. “Market” referred tongue-in-cheek to the debauchery on the street. In turn, Market Street was previously Holladay Street, a reference to the legendary debauchery of Pony Express owner Ben Holladay.

Extreme Ironing, where contestants take ironing boards to remote locations and iron items of clothing. It's widely considered 'tongue-in-cheek'. - source

"Tongue in Cheek" is an idiomatic expression about 300 years old and was originally meant as a sign of contempt, not of sarcasm. - source

In 1966, the American Standards Association (ASA) released K100.1-1966, "Safety Code and Requirements for Dry Martinis," a tongue-in-cheek account of how to make a "standard" dry martini.

There's a mockumentary film about a fictional tongue-in-cheek account of an alternate history in which the Confederates won the American Civil War. - source

What does it mean when someone says tongue in cheek?

Police have their own tongue in cheek phrase to describe the standard operating procedure of lying under oath in investigations: "Testilying"

How to stop biting tongue and cheeks?

There is a tongue-in-cheek economic indicator called Christmas Price Index which tracks the cost of all the gifts in the "Twelve Days of Christmas" carol. Last year the combined cost of all the gifts from the Partridge to the twelve drummers was $34,363.49.

Joss Whedon wrote Alien Resurrection, and intended for the dialogue to be playful and tongue-and-cheek, but the director made the dialogue serious, which left Whedon dissatisfied, so he took his character ideas and made Firefly.

In 2012, the Queen crashed a wedding in Manchester. The groom, knowing she would be in the same building that day, wrote a tongue-in-cheek letter to Buckingham Palace inviting her to drop by. They were at first rejected, until the day itself when the Queen decided to meet them.

Taste buds are not only located on the tongue. They are also in your cheeks, soft palate, and upper esophagus.

There is a gadget available for kissing people remotely. The device mimics a real kiss using pressure sensors and actuators. It’s purely for regular pecks on the cheek or mouth — no tongue simulation is available. Sorry.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Tongue Cheek. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Tongue Cheek so important!

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